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  1. sparklingway

    Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

    The usual personal attacks. Stating "Khandani" is along the usual pathetic lines of trying to state that others are somehow less self-respecting than you (suggesting bazaari I might say, another usual chest thumping bigot's argument). I cannot care less about such pathetic and shameless attacks...
  2. sparklingway

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    So you're suggesting that UN has no say and should have no say in the issues at global level? Don't bring UN-has-no-teeth arguments to justify your statement. I'm not sure if this would have been the response if the UN were to hypothetically rule tomorrow that Kashmir is a part of India...
  3. sparklingway

    Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

    It would not be entirely wrong to state that for some Indian members, and a larger population as well, aid from India is more than just addressing humanitarian issues and more than a peace-political statement but is along condescending tone. You might want to reject this assertion, but sadly...
  4. sparklingway

    Pak, Israel on way to establish diplomatic ties

    It does not state "Zionist entity" or anything along those lines. The line is "This passport is valid for all countries of the World except Israel".
  5. sparklingway

    Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

    Aid from India is humiliation? How? And death over honour and ill perceived "ghairat" is the slogan of all people who sit in their homes knowing that it will be the poor who pay the cost of their apathy and get exploited at their hands. I'm certainly sure you wouldn't have given a damn about...
  6. sparklingway

    Terrorist Intel and claims

    Punjab Police Headquarters SIG does not collect intel and functions as a central CT coordination and investigation agency as it is a federal entity (being part of the FIA). Maybe you were referring to the now defunct Special Investigation Unit (later renamed Special Intelligence Agency)...
  7. sparklingway

    Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

    Hahaha. Did we accept the pledge they made or did we cold shoulder that?
  8. sparklingway

    Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

    As far as I remember, a lot of food did not reach the people and was wasted lying to rot at the border due to transportation problems. The airlifting issue could have been resolved and to our benefit if there had not been ego issues, IMO. I do know that the Il-76s brought a ton load of medicine...
  9. sparklingway

    Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

    We rejected it last time out of nothing but maintaining a bloated ego. Help and aid of any kind is welcome. The people living without food, medicine or shelter do not have to live like that just because we're trying to protect "ghairat". GoP please accept it with regards. Thank you India.
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