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  1. sparklingway

    Spot-fixing/Match-fixing scandal

    Sab ko dili mubarakan.
  2. sparklingway

    Pakistan's female anti-terrorist squad(s)

    Females have been CT trained in significant numbers for ICT Police and Punjab Police earlier as well. Here's another video that I came across:- So anybody who thinks that they can eve tease these girls should think twice.
  3. sparklingway

    Saudi employer hammers 23 nails into Sri Lankan maid's body

    At least the Lankan embassy is doing its job of taking up the issue. Pakistani, Indian and Bengali diplomats cannot imagine to take up such an issue (or should I say dozens of issues).
  4. sparklingway

    Real Democracy -How to achieve it?

    salman has a valid question as to what makes democracy the best (timebound for today or across time) or even the best of the worst systems of governance. That however is an entirely different issue. These one-stop solutions, orgasms about saviours and hero worship have and continue to ruin this...
  5. sparklingway

    Army colonel in Afghanistan fired for criticizing PowerPoint

    The bitter reality in a op-ed-cum-resignation-letter. Powerpoint presentations have ruined the war for the US (regardless of your support or opposition to the war). Army colonel in Afghanistan fired for criticizing PowerPoint By John Cook By John Cook john Cook – Fri Aug 27, 11:04 am ET...
  6. sparklingway

    Turkmenistan offers Pakistan 1000 MW of electricity

    It was first thought of even in the early 90s and in 2005 considered again. Afghanistan being a problem besides the fact that connecting it to the national grid and importing it through rough territory is costly. Much better to import from Iran, or dare I say, India. We import 40-100MW from Iran...
  7. sparklingway

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    China's Discreet Hold on Pakistan's Northern Borderlands By SELIG S. HARRISON Published: August 26, 2010 While the world focuses on the flood-ravaged Indus River valley, a quiet geopolitical crisis is unfolding in the Himalayan borderlands of northern Pakistan, where Islamabad is handing over...
  8. sparklingway

    Kalabagh Dam - Damn anti-Dam Lobbies

    Open Letter to Prime Minister of Pakistan on Kalabagh Dam - Marvin Memon, Member National Assembly Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan Prime Minister House Islamabad Subject: Kalabagh Dam (KBD) – some technical observations June 24, 2010 Dear In the present budget session...
  9. sparklingway

    Flood Mapping

    Relief Web mapping ReliefWeb Pakistan: Floods - Jul 2010 Maps ---------- Post added at 01:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 AM ---------- Road blockages in Punjab from Govt. of Punjab http://floodrelief.punjab.gov.pk/RoadsRiverStatus.aspx ---------- Post added at 01:37 AM...
  10. sparklingway

    Flood Mapping

    There are a number of aid organization and independent mapping efforts underway to coordinate relief efforts. Please post them here. ---------- Post added at 01:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 AM ---------- Here is a joint SUPARCO-LUMS-PITB mapping effort. Pakistan Flood Maps...
  11. sparklingway

    ANP’s Obaidullah Yousufzai shot dead in Karachi

    Five people killed after this. MQM supporters will as usual go up in arms in protest over my statement, but it is clear that MQM has not overcome it's militant past.
  12. sparklingway

    Pakistan’s Failed National Strategy

    Nothing really new or groundbreaking in this, but since the author is a fellow at the leading think tank, Council on Foreign Relations, his opinion cannot be ignored. Pakistan’s Failed National Strategy Walter Russell Mead The unremitting spate of bad news from Pakistan continues; rains...
  13. sparklingway

    Saudis are ahead of everyone in Helping Pakistan Flooding.

    Good to hear that holy abba jees have chipped in well. Thank you KSA.
  14. sparklingway

    Inbreeding: Impacts on Intelligence, Sanity, Health and Society

    I don't know why whenever cousin marriages and subsequent birth defects are mentioned, people idiotically state "my parents are cousins, I am normal" as if this is scientific evidence and negates thorough research conducted over large samples globally (not stating that there isn't any opposing...
  15. sparklingway

    Status of Shahbaz Air Base

    There was no minister mentioned in the report. The person appearing before the committee was the Secretary Health, a bureaucrat belonging to the CSP.
  16. sparklingway

    Status of Shahbaz Air Base

    I'm not certain but aren't the new Block 52's based on Shahbaz? It was no secret that the US used PAF Shahbaz and USAF personnel will be on ground to help with the induction and maintenance of the planes besides training the ground personnel. Perhaps they meant to say that relief operations are...
  17. sparklingway

    Afghanistan Gives 1 Mn Dollars To Pakistan

    Afghanistan giving 1 million USD in aid after what we did to the people when we imposed the Taliban on them. Really appreciate the gesture. Salute ton Afghan people.
  18. sparklingway

    Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

    Thanks xeric ! This is five days old now. Swat is totally cut off as of today. Major problems in Muzaffargarh since another patch of main roads has been washed away. Mapping them is a great initiative.
  19. sparklingway

    Coca Cola Pakistan's worker exploitation and harassment

    No newspaper will report what Coca-Cola is doing to its workers due to fear of loss of advertisement revenue. Welcome to the blind Pakistan that does not see worker exploitation. Where the "progressives" are complacent of the exploitation, harassment and legal and economic torture of the...
  20. sparklingway

    Ground Zero mosque wins approval !!

    A cultural center being constructed causing so much debate and having more than 400 posts on defence.pk This is pure insanity.
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