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  1. J

    US House backs India nuclear deal

    I agree – its way too soon in the game – it has yet to be passed by senate.
  2. J

    Pakistani hangings 'are brutal'

    My apologies for posting int he wrong section. I didnt know there were so many rules and regulations as to how/what can and can not be posted by whom with or without one's own opinion.
  3. J

    Pakistani hangings 'are brutal'

    Related story 'Huge injustice' in murder case The highest court of Pakistan has ordered an inquiry into the case of a man who spent three years in jail for a murder that never happened. A Supreme Court official confirmed on Wednesday that Malik Taj Mohammed had been the victim of a "huge...
  4. J

    Pakistani hangings 'are brutal'

    The director of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) says the number of recent executions carried out in Punjab province is "brutal". IA Rehman told the BBC News website that 37 people had been hanged this year in Punjab alone. He said that compared to 52 people country-wide for...
  5. J

    US House backs India nuclear deal

    The US House of Representatives has approved an agreement to share civilian nuclear technology with India. The legislation must now be approved by the US Senate before being signed into law by President George W Bush. The deal offers US nuclear technology to energy-hungry India in exchange...
  6. J

    Generals urge Musharraf rethink

    Pakistan's beleaguered president General Pervez Musharraf has suffered another blow, this time on the domestic front. He was already being criticised for his foreign policy - by the Americans for not doing enough to stop Taleban infiltration into Afghanistan across Pakistan's border, and by...
  7. J

    indian Leather banned in US

    A.r I would have to fully agree - and I personally think EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD, as the old generation is dying out, ppl are starting to realize that there's a whole new world out there and are more open to new things!! I'm sure a lot of hindus in India enjoy their share of good...
  8. J

    indias misleading united voice

    I would have to agree :)
  9. J

    indian woman eats coins,screws,locks,magnets...

    I"m assuming you've never watched ripley's believe it or not? http://www.ripleys.com/
  10. J

    Pakistan, India to hold talks in Dhaka

    BRAVO - i'll bet there'll be either no reply to your post or there's be tons of flame baiting that will start. I agree with what you've said - if pakistanis are so concerned with kashmiri citizens - all they need to do is what is mentioned by you... but, apprently - that doesnt seem to be...
  11. J

    indias misleading united voice

    Raptor, What's pathetic is your obsession with India...:lol: Its quite amusing reading your posts ranting on about how bad India is and everything related to it…I’m glad the mods are being biased in your case and keeping you around for ‘entertainment’ purposes...
  12. J


    lollllllllllllllllllllllll....that is soo funny john - I'll pass it around if you dont mind ;)
  13. J

    Quake victims struck by landslide

    Twelve people, seven of them children, have been killed in a landslide in Pakistani-administered Kashmir, the authorities say. They say heavy rains caused the landslide in the Chela Bandi district of the capital, Muzaffarabad. Thousands of people are still living in tents after an...
  14. J

    india Nuke deal in trouble

    while the rest of us are surprised why YOUR behaviour is tolerated here. Stop flame baiting!!!!:@
  15. J

    india Nuke deal in trouble

    How, why and who exactly is degrading whom??
  16. J

    india Nuke deal in trouble

    loll...Raptor, where in the heck do you pull your news out from? please give me your souce, if nothing else, I'll at least get a chuckle out of it :lol:
  17. J

    Saudi gives huge aid to Lebanon, Palestine says Israel attacks threaten regional war

    wooww...that's very nice of Saudis to help out - I'm sorry for my ignorance but which is the richest country in middle east, is it Kuwait? and also, where's Muskat? I have a friend whose dad works in Muskat.
  18. J

    Partition Reality

    hey while we're at it, what have the other ethnicities done wrong? why can't gujaratis have their own homeland, why can't south indians, why can't biharis, why can't maharastrians? but I willagree - Moslems should start a campaign for a separate homeland..wait, they already have one -...
  19. J

    please VOTE, it is urgent

    Why were those '9000 prisoners' were captured in the first place...hmm..that's a tough one!!!:what1: Yes, Israel has done many prisoner swaps on previous occasions, but do we really wanna encourage this sort of behaviour? 'I've kidnapped your soldiers, will beat'em around a bit but will let...
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