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  1. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    Asim please stop singing musharrafs bhajans now at least. Why are some people so dum?
  2. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    Allhumdolilah, people hate him so much that he has stand behind BulletProof glass to give his stupid speech. The day for this d** is numbered.
  3. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    Only with the system of khilafah we can re unite our lands..
  4. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    There are many groups who are working to bring Islam as whole way of life back one of them is Hizb uttahrir whos members are persicuted , imprisoned , torchered just for carrying the call of Islam. The Method to Re-Establish the Khilafah Here is a summary of the steps that the Messenger of...
  5. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    Excerpt of remarks by CARLETON (CARLY) S. FIORINA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hewlett-Packard Company Minnesota Meeting, Minneapolis September 26, 2001 LINK There was once a civilization that was the greatest in the world. It was able to create a continental super-state that...
  6. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    You have to lough at your ignorancy brother, wake up to reality..... The show of desire among majority of the Muslims of the world that is kept suppressed by the current Muslim govts. There are many reasons for this, 2 of which are: 1) Western (US, British, France, German etc.) influence. 2)...
  7. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    Progress isn’t merely the acquisition of wealth, power and resources. Nor is it merely the possession of technology. It is also having the prerequisites of civilisation that enables a people to progress. For example a strong and clear ruling system, a just and efficient judicial system...
  8. Salahuddin

    Muslim rulers continue with their foolish economic policies

    As the full effects of the harsh winter hit Kashmir and the areas devastated by the October earthquake, millions of people who survived will be at the mercy of the cold with countless others destined to perish. In response to accusations that the government and army were slow to respond to the...
  9. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    Our elites are completely unawear of islam and they are blindly follwing western thinkers...they are unable to see that how the west did this so called progress becouse if u remove economical progress from the west they are still living in the Dark agessss and this is all becouse of democracy.we...
  10. Salahuddin

    Democracy & Freedom

    It is not for any believing man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, to have any choice for themselves in their affairs. For whoever rebels against Allah and His Messenger has gone astray into manifest error.” [TMQ 33:36] They say Islam was spread by the...
  11. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    US fears 'hell' of a response PLANS previously drafted by the Pentagon predict 52,000 US military casualties and one million civilian dead in the first 90 days of conflict if America attacked Pyongyang. The US leadership is looking at international economic and diplomatic sanctions against...
  12. Salahuddin

    655,000 Iraqis died due to war: study

    An estimated 655,000 Iraqis have died since 2003 who might still be alive but for the US-led invasion, according to a survey by a US university. The research compares mortality rates before and after the invasion from 47 randomly chosen areas in Iraq. The figure is considerably higher than...
  13. Salahuddin

    French in Armenia 'genocide' row

    What about the genocide of muslims of Iraq , Afganistan?
  14. Salahuddin

    French in Armenia 'genocide' row

    The French parliament has adopted a bill making it a crime to deny that Armenians suffered "genocide" at the hands of the Turks, infuriating Turkey. The bill, which provides for a year in jail and a heavy fine, still needs approval from the Senate and president. Turkey called the decision...
  15. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    We can carry on for ages, go to stop here till I come back from Pakistan. I am going Pakistan next week I am very excited cant wait , will be there for a month maybe I can share some pictures when I come back. I am sorry if I have offended someone. Allah hafiz
  16. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    What do you mean by that?
  17. Salahuddin

    Bomb test may scupper Indo-US nuclear deal

    Bomb test may scupper Indo-US nuclear deal By Jo Johnson in New Delhi Published: October 10 2006 18:13 | Last updated: October 10 2006 18:13 North Korea’s nuclear test will reduce the chances of the Indo-US civilian nuclear energy agreement being passed by a lame duck session of...
  18. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    We are in such a state is due to absence of Khilafah in the first place . To rule by Islam is obligation by Allah swt and not a chioce for us to choose. Islam is comming back wiether people like it or not , its only matter of time.
  19. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    Since, living by Islam is a pre requisite for being Muslims; it also means to live by Islam in all spheres of life without any compartmentalization. Qur’an clearly tells human beings not to judge with any other standard in life than the standards of Allah. (Al-Qur’an 5:44-47)...
  20. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    "It is difficult to anticipate the exact effects the "abolition" of Khilafah will have on the minds of Muslims in India. I can safely affirm that it will prove a disaster both to Islam and to civilization. The suppression of the time honoured institution which was, through out the Muslim world...
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