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  1. Salahuddin

    Neither guilty, nor ashamed

    Abid Ullah Jan During the Watergate years, a famous American writer, Joseph Alsop, liked to say, "Politicians are like toilet fixtures. It is enough that they serve their intended purpose. They need not be beautiful." Voters reelected Richard Nixon in 1972 though he wasn't beautiful. But when...
  2. Salahuddin

    Musharraf: Pakistan will eventually recognize Israel

    Accepting Israel, will create a turmoil in the country. We see ourselves as the guardian of Islamic faith. Since the Israelis are the occupants of our first Qibla, and the land of Palestine, it will not be in country’s interest. - Accepting Israel, will mean increased...
  3. Salahuddin

    List of accusations of GIs in Iraq stuns experts

    By Associated Press 09/24/06 "AP' -- -- The accounts are brutal: An Iraqi man dragged from his home, executed and made to look as if he were an insurgent. Three prisoners killed by their Army captors. A team of revenge-seeking Marines going home to home, shooting down unarmed Iraqi men...
  4. Salahuddin

    Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan

    There is no legal evidence to prove that Libya, Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Malaysia, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia received any "nuclear weapons material, know-how, contraband Pakistani bomb designs or equipment" from the Government of Pakistan, its military or its nuclear...
  5. Salahuddin

    Turkish military commander warns against Islamization of society

    Musharraf is not a constitutional, legal and legitimate President of Pakistan. He is a self-appointed President of his ruling army junta of outlaws. He is a demagogic military dictator, ruthless tyrant, war criminal and human rights abuser. He did not seize power in an October 1999 military...
  6. Salahuddin

    Costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could reach $549 billi

    By Drew Brown McClatchy Newspapers (MCT) WASHINGTON - The total cost of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and enhanced security at military bases since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks could reach $549 billion this year, a new report to Congress concludes. The...
  7. Salahuddin

    Bush's Church Urges Pull-out of US Troops from Iraq

    by Peter Spiegel US President George W. Bush's own church has called for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and is urging direct action to end the war. Writes Mark Schoeff Jr: United Methodist Church leaders helped launch a week of protest and civil disobedience against the war in Iraq...
  8. Salahuddin

    If America's So Great, Where's Our Health Care?

    Lack of health insurance kills six times as many Americans each year as 9/11 did. By Sarah Ruth van Gelder 09/23/06 "YES! Magazine" -- -- For Joel Segal, it was the day he was kicked out of George Washington Hospital, still on an IV after knee surgery, without insurance, and with $100,000 in...
  9. Salahuddin

    Turkish military commander warns against Islamization of society

    by Mavi Zambak General İlker Başbug defends military’s traditional role to guard state secularity and refers to the threat of increased power among religious communities. Ankara (AsiaNews) – Turkish military commander, General İlker Başbug, speaks out...
  10. Salahuddin

    Stabbing the soul of Pakistan

    by Abid Ullah Jan Some of us might feel relieved in October and may claim to have ousted the dictatorship, but in fact the sham referendum and the proposed constitutional re-writing under the label of “amendments” seek only to impose a new refurbished model of dictatorship with...
  11. Salahuddin

    Who says it's not a war on Islam?

    by Abid Ullah Jan - Weekly Nida-e-Khilafat It is painful to watch old news-reels of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini making speeches and crowds cheering. Mussolini's posturing seems so transparent that one wonders how adults could have taken him seriously. With Hitler, what comes across is...
  12. Salahuddin

    World Bank Profits From Poor Countries - Report

    SINGAPORE, Sep 19 (IPS) - The World Bank receives more from developing countries than what it disburses to them says a new report released Tuesday as finance ministers endorsed a controversial new Bank plan to tackle corruption in developing countries. The Social Watch Report 2006, released...
  13. Salahuddin

    U.S. Warned on War Spending and Deficits

    WASHINGTON, Sep 26 (IPS) - One of the world's most exclusive business clubs warned the United States Tuesday that its open-ended national security and war expenditures, along with tax cuts that led to large budget deficits, could affect the country's status as a powerful economic force. The...
  14. Salahuddin

    Top CIA Expert Slams Bush Anti-Terror Actions

    by Jim Lobe WASHINGTON - The Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) recently retired top expert on radical Islamists has strongly denounced the conduct of U.S. President George W. Bush's "global war on terrorism" and the continued U.S. military presence in Iraq, which he said is "contributing...
  15. Salahuddin

    Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan

    Musharraf and his bedfellows have not only betrayed Pakistan, but also friendly Afghanistan, bartering Pakistan’s own security for an unstable and unfriendly regime in Kabul. Today, Musharraf’s mercenaries, in obedience to his white master in Washington, are not only alienating...
  16. Salahuddin

    US threatened to bomb Pakistan 'back to stone age' after 9/11: Musharraf

    Musharaf is a ***** *** mofo sell out, anyone who agrees with him also thinks in an inerior manner. If he was afraid pakistan would be attacked, then Allah-ho-akbar!!!! bring it on!!!!!!!...let's fight 'em all. We should be fighting them, they should be afraid of us.
  17. Salahuddin

    Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan

    In Book, Musharraf Expands on North Korean Nuclear Link By DAVID E. SANGER WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 — President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan wrote in a memoir published Monday that he now believes that the equipment sent to North Korea several years ago by Pakistan’s nuclear chief...
  18. Salahuddin

    Karzai Tells Pakistan to Shut Extremist Schools, Arrest Operators

    WASHINGTON - Afghanistan's president urged Pakistan on Monday to shut down extremist schools and arrest the people who run them. Hamid Karzai, who has strong U.S. support, has engaged in some sniping with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf on countering terrorism. "There will...
  19. Salahuddin

    ‘President Musharraf disclosed national secrets’: Chaudhry Nisar accuses

    ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Muslim League (N) Parliamentary leader Chaudhry Nisar Ali said Tuesday that to sell his book, President Pervez Musharraf disclosed important national secrets. Addressing news conference here, he said that it is now up to the opposition parties to decide whether they will...
  20. Salahuddin

    Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan

    What else can be expected from the TRAITER who has sold pakistan for his personal gains..... Time to get rid of this filth.
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