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    indian Leather banned in US

    Yes it is. But Hindus do a lot of stuff which isnt necessarily by the dot, plus one has to make a living. Lastly, there are minute differences in beliefs, state by state, eg eating beef is pretty common in the south and up northeast amongst hindus. Northern/ Middle state Hindus tend to be more...
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    Pakistan's Democracy Blues

    Ok, look let me be more clear: It was your contention that present day Paks problems are because of its people and you gave proportional representation in the British Army as an example. My point was that your example was based on an incorrect premise, since The Brit Army favoured those who...
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    Pakistan's Democracy Blues

    And what will replace it? Democracy is the only system that allows everyone to have their say and makes them feel that their voice counts.
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    From Israel With Love

    Sid, Not wazralah but nazralah, the head of hezb.
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    Pakistan's Democracy Blues

    Boss, when you are in a hole, its best to stop digging. No offence intended, but seriously. First read what professional historians have to say on the subject. The entire line of British troops signify martial history is bunkum, to be honest. The troops who took up cudgels against Brits in 1857...
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    Indian Air Force Aerobatics team

    Thank you sir. That was indeed gracious of you.
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    Animanted Video of Pakistani JF-17 vs Indian SU-30

    Nice video, but rather too optimistic.:biggrin:
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    IAF Garud Commando Force

    I think its still going on..more variants of the INSAS have now been shown, including an Uzi-nsas!!:blink:
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    IAF Garud Commando Force

    Probably to be "IAF" and not "Army". It looks cool sir!;)
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    US sanctions 2 indian firms

    :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: There, now the thread has served its purpose!
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    Partition of india and the Hindu Right

    :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
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    Partition Reality

    This is a ridiculous line of arguementation- please look at AH Amins own articles on the subject to see who had a more substantial contribution to warfare in South Asia, in terms of numbers. The British Army & its inductees have nothing to do with a mindset. The Sikhs returning from WW1 and 2...
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    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    Also full of self laudatory hyperbole.
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    IAF may not get to fly LCA before 2010

    Yes. Because the Indian Air Force depends on the Indian economy, and the Indian economy can take it. Original costs apart, the max this bird will go to is the ~30 Mln USD figure, and thats still substantially lower than a Mirage 2000-5 or the like. Not yet. Local orders are going to be running...
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    Terrorism - In All Its Forms

    Should have been more explicit- what the Army calls "hardcore militants". Not munna sheikh who throws a grenade for 3500 Rs/-. However at one period of time ( 1999-2003), foreign terrorists were indeed predominating- per ratios of those eliminated. Apparently, after that infiltration has got...
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    Pakistan, India to hold talks in Dhaka

    And what is the difference between Kuwait, Saudi, Aust & Pak?:angel:
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    Pakistan, India to hold talks in Dhaka

    If that was the case, why is your Govt making such a hue and cry over the dam issue? Come on...
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    Pakistan, India to hold talks in Dhaka

    But it sures makes the one who said it feel better (and thats all there is to it)! ;)
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    indian DISASTER in the making..

    We plan to build them all along the IB and LOC. Sharing the love.:woot: :bunny:
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    Pakistan's plans for 5th generation

    You know the amount of money that would take? And have an impact on unit costs?
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