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  1. hamtaro

    Tehreek-e-Insaaf to block NATO supplies on 23rd April, 2011

    Can't see how this would be more expensive, no special security needed, no aircraft and trains are the cheapest way of transportation.
  2. hamtaro

    Tehreek-e-Insaaf to block NATO supplies on 23rd April, 2011

    We get our supplies via train through Russia. Theres a new railway under contruction so the trains can roll directly from berlin to mazar-i-sharif.
  3. hamtaro

    5 greatest aces in history.

    If the numbers are true, wich can be doubted, then Rudel killed off a whole russian division by his own.
  4. hamtaro

    Rankings: Top 25 global cities of 2011

    I think india is a rather uncentralized state much like germany, in france, uk or russia for example all big companies got their hq in the capitals. none of the big german companies has its hq in berlin, lol. i personally miss melbourne in that list :(
  5. hamtaro

    World's tallest building to be erected in Saudi Arabia

    The Gulf states will be lost. Instead of wasting money they should educate their peoples because as of now they are living from western money in exchange for oil. They have no industry and no elite.
  6. hamtaro

    Aselsan Compete with Israeli and American firms

    The Fennek is so sexy. Hopefully the new GEFAS will be ordered aswell: That one bad- base vehicle!
  7. hamtaro

    Sarkozy will not ban Sikh turbans in France

    because its okay to wear a headscarf if they do not cover their face
  8. hamtaro

    Aselsan Compete with Israeli and American firms

    Great thread, nice read. :D
  9. hamtaro

    Thailand getting two German submarines

    The deal is for 6 submarines. 4 will enter service while 2 will deliver spare parts. The ships are in a good condition and can easily dive another 10-15 years.
  10. hamtaro


    Yes vietnamese are well known ladykillers :D
  11. hamtaro

    France starts ban on full-face veil

    What? I can't see how Islamic states preserved Greco-Roman culture.
  12. hamtaro

    China has 960,000 millionaires and counting

    Because its being said everywhere. Sorry I didn't want to hurt any of you peoples feeling. I'd find it funny.
  13. hamtaro

    France starts ban on full-face veil

    Good, i dont want Bhurkas in europe. People feel offended by these chothing and many are scared.
  14. hamtaro

    China has 960,000 millionaires and counting

    didnt know this word was offensive
  15. hamtaro

    Black holes could be home for aliens: Scientist

    even if there are some "stable" aereas within a black hole they are tiny, everything wich enters the hole will be ripped appart, there cant be anything like a planet, not even atom can exist within a black hole
  16. hamtaro

    Black holes could be home for aliens: Scientist

    no a pulsar is just a fast rotating neutron star, theres no such thing as a white hole
  17. hamtaro

    Rheinmetall and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann hand over first serially produced Boxer vehicle

    Boxer APC to deploy to Afghanistan in August 2011March 28 2011 at 3:46 PM The first Boxer armored personnel carriers (Gepanzertes Transport-Kraftfahrzeug GTK) have arrived at Donaueschingen Germany in February 2011 to equip the 292 Jägerbattalion (light infantry battalion), in preparation for...
  18. hamtaro

    China has 960,000 millionaires and counting

    Yes, too much wealth in the hands of so few(compared to the 1.5bn chinamen).
  19. hamtaro

    China has 960,000 millionaires and counting

    Having many millionaires is actually a bad thing.
  20. hamtaro

    BRICS countries, A powerful group of the world : China Daily

    No offense but many indians really have a slave mentality to western peoples. When i am in india every second dude tells me that they are aryan aswell. They have a strong desire to become a western state and therefore they are being played like cards by the west.
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