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  1. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    well, sir I'm also an electronics, instrumentation and control engineer, and radar engineering is my favourite pastime apart from nuclear reactor engineering I am not actively working on any project as of now, though I have experience at BEL, Lemme have my dinner, and I shall reply you in...
  2. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    sir,my source is the book named "introduction to radar systems" by merill m scholnik
  3. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan AESA Radar Hope

    well my friend,you need to understand the fact that NO country transfers their key technology to any other country...those who are in this business understand how difficult is this term TOT....lol... in any case,china will tend to keep the tech of compact AESA which can be fitted in a nose of...
  4. amardeep mishra

    DRDO developed Arudhra AESA radar inducted in IAF

    the development work on upgraded SWR(sword fish radar) is complete,with increased count of t/r modules it can very well detect rargets at seemingly impossible ranges of 1500km,and in my opinion,pakistan does NOT have this capabiltity
  5. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    erieye is indeed quite a good platform for PAF,though it is seriously inferior to india's indigenous AESA AEW&C system because of the following,and please dont consider me as some pak basher,i am simply a control engineer puting forward my analysis 1)it has a about 192 t/r modules whereas DRDO's...
  6. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    sir,with due respect,this is NOT how you gauge the performance of a radar system,the major criterias are as follows (thats how a radar engineer gauge the radar performance)- 1)the numerical figure of PAP(power apperature product) of the radar system in dbWm^2(this is actually the product of peak...
  7. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan Air Force receives the first SAAB 2000 ERIEYE AWE&C aircraft

    sir,your assumption that erieye is the only AESA awacs in the world is erraneous,and ridiculous
  8. amardeep mishra

    DRDO developed Arudhra AESA radar inducted in IAF

    rajesndra is a PESA with about 4000 modules,it is the FCR for the akash SAM system it was the first ground based phased array radar developed by DRDO what?are you serious?X-BAND surveillance radar?sir,with due respect,you dont use X-BAND for surveillance purposes because of the simple fact that...
  9. amardeep mishra

    Radar power of DRDO

    i quite recently attended a seminar organized by the ECE dept of my college here at NIT trichy where DR VK ATRE was the chief guest,he gave a very impressive lecture on signal processing systems in radar systems,i have a video of his lecture,i can share it with you guys if you want(those of you...
  10. amardeep mishra

    Khushab Nuclear reactor

    sir,but this is a PLUTONIUM reactors NOT intended for production of elecricity i mean,what significance does this have for common pakistanis?dont you think PAEC should rather look into and invest in r&d of PWRs?which can benefit millions of pakistani people,and it will also help generate whole...
  11. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    sir,quite frankly,do you happen to read literature dealing with reactor engineering,because as a control engineer i do, secondly,the only problem which india MIGHT face in exporting the pressurized water reactors and PHWRs is that of "exporting fuel assemblies",since india is low on...
  12. amardeep mishra

    Sevmash: Russia will give India an aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" in Dec12

    sir,first off,russians didnt sell VARYAG to china,it was ukraine who did that,and secondly,chinese bought the carrier on the pretext of making it a floating mueseum like kievs etc,but later as it turned out to be,how treacherous chinese are,they are going in for full fledged carrier,though i...
  13. amardeep mishra

    Joint BD-India Power Plants in BD

    A nuclear reactor is way more costlier than a thermal power plant, simply because of itz construction requirements... I happen to know what it takes to commission a fully functional plant... I think, BD, should take india's help in power sector, it will surely improve the relations... I...
  14. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    Sir, this shows you don't know about the latest 700 MWe class of indigenous phwr reactors under construction in india, in the latest report, the NPCIL found it to be more safe than the russian VVER-1000 we are importing from russia.. So, I would rather you delve into serious literature dealing...
  15. amardeep mishra

    Joint BD-India Power Plants in BD

    Sir, india's BHEL is a master in boiler and gas turbines, they can produce gas turbines upto 250 mw power, TATA can produce even bigger turbines But when it comes to, super critical boilers for power plant applications, nothing comes close to BHEL, they have mastered the tech over time and are...
  16. amardeep mishra

    After fast breeder, IGCAR to develop boilers for power plants

    my college NIT trichy is situated in the vicinity of BHEL's biggest facility where they manufacture huge boilers and turbines for power plant applications, and all the time you can see huge trucks going in and out of bhel...
  17. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    Sir, if you see indian history, it too was under sanctions from 1974-2005, so there is no question of foreign assistance during this period, this was the sole reason which forced indian scientists and engineer to harness thorium based FBR, AND in fact india has emerged as a leader in fast...
  18. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    Dear sir, with due respect, either you are ignorant or deliberately smearing...either case, it is my responsibility to bring out truth to you 1) indian defense budget for year 2011-12 was about 2% GDP...here people will never allow 9% of spending...it is simply outta question 2) secondly about...
  19. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    Sir, I'm from UP, and studying at NIT trichy... And secondly I am here in trichy because I happened to score AIR of 5229 in AIEEE and 6019 in JEE...:-p.. I hope that answers your question as to why I'm here in tamilnadu...anyways, I joined this page because I wanted technical discussions about...
  20. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    Sir, with due respect, pakistan has little to no, technical know how of constructing commercial PWRs for production of electricity... Khusab is basically a plutonium experimental reactor intended for producing weapon grade fissile material... I wonder, why pakistan doesn't spend in r & d of...
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