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  1. H

    Re-Equipment Ceremony of No. 26 Squadron of Pakistan Air Force

    Awesome man Pekhawar kho pekhawar dey kana.
  2. H

    Re-Equipment Ceremony of No. 26 Squadron of Pakistan Air Force

    can some1 please tell me where the 26 sqd is stationed.????????????????/ i m hoping peshawar..
  3. H

    Afghan refugees celebrating Indian victory opened fire killing a nurse

    Well i have been to Afghanistan and interact with afghanis on daily basis so i can tell u that as far as Pak india is concerned, afghanistan is divided on ethnic basis. The large southern part of afghanistan with pakhtoon majority have deep family ties with pakhtoons on the side of the border...
  4. H

    Afghan refugees celebrating Indian victory opened fire killing a nurse

    My friend thats absolutely corrrect that Ghaffar khan movement was against partition but so was Jamat e islami. But do u know ANP (Ghaffar khans party) is in government nowadays here in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa (Former NWFP) and they are as patriotic to Pakistan as any other party. I can say this...
  5. H

    Afghan refugees celebrating Indian victory opened fire killing a nurse

    I think the article is misleading and a big lie at most. i live in peshawar and i can tell u that there was lots of firing for sure but on the contrary the firing was done every time an indian wicket would fall. i happen to live a township called Hayatabad where most of the afghan families live...
  6. H

    Will india build its own defence equipments?

    i think india is late as compared to other countries in terms of manufacturing its own defense equipment but they are catching on fast. i think they got late cause they were emphasizing on there economy which is the right approach. it seems they are going on with a vision and goal unlike us...
  7. H

    Bangladesh: Past Must Be Resolved To Ensure Future – Analysis

    Well although the article seems full of crap but as an educated pakistani i do believe and agree with Mr Imran Khan that Pakistan should apologize to the Bangladeshi ppl for any atrocities committed. I think its important for us as nation to look into our past mistakes and device ways to...
  8. H

    India hangs up on hotline to Pentagon

    well i give full credit to indians on that. this reflects that the indians have a clear vision in terms of dealing with the americans. they are retaining there own identity rather then becoming an american stooge, so full marks to india for that when countries like australia interested in...
  9. H

    Pakistan 5th Generation Fighter Possibilities

    What the hell man. u shouldn't have posted it here. I hope MODs will either delete it or move it to an appropriate forum.
  10. H

    Stop maligning the military

    Brother i agree that they are appointed by the political government but they are not outsiders. they are the ppl who are professional and groomed in the most premium defense institutions and i m sure each one of them has taken an oath to defend the ppl and motherland but unfortunately they are...
  11. H

    Pakistan has been offered the Chinese 4th generation J-11 (SU27)

    well brother i have my doubts now regarding jf 17. if it is that much compatible to f16 block 52 then y our airforce is eager to put there hands on as many f 16 as possible. v can surely save up the money and improve the newer batches of jf 17 to be 100% comparable to an F16 block 52/60. the...
  12. H

    Stop maligning the military

    nice read. Frankly i have lost total trust in our military leadership. Especially after killing of innocent tribesman in fata followed by Gen Kiyani's rare ourburst, raised the hopes that finally some solid steps will be taken to restrain the americans but it seems that those were only words...
  13. H

    Is this an accurate video?

    no references at all. Frankly speaking our generals are perhaps as much corrupt as our politicians. This video is no more then a propaganda. Where are our armed forces when the drones are ponding on our people everyday (Most probably keeping an eye on defense kick backs and plots) . We all know...
  14. H

    India enjoys veto power over Pakistan’s progress’

    I think the author of the article is living in some type of utopia. We ve been living with Indians long enough to understand that coexistance with indians without having the potential to punch back is only a dream (Eg. 1971). Nawaz Sharif during his first tenure offered a no war pact to then PM...
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