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  1. v9s

    Pakistani girls fear US blackmailing

    The whole "news" article reeks of bullshit and everyone's eating it up. Th US embassy officials would never engage in such unprofessional behavior. Spiked juices....seriously? :rolleyes:
  2. v9s

    The City that never sleeps (NYC)

    That's the Chrysler Building!!! I love its architecture.
  3. v9s

    Real life Wipeout!

    This is awesome:
  4. v9s

    We won't eat halal meat, say British MPs

    It shouldn't matter to non-muslims, that's all i'm saying. People who argue against halal meat are just blowing the whole issue out of proportion. As for me, it's my belief that you don't have to sacrifice the animal while reciting bismillah, you just have to mention God's name upon the meat...
  5. v9s

    Declassified Papers Shed Light on US Role in Liaquat’s Murder

    I think this applies here: lol
  6. v9s

    Karachi PTI Jalsa - Live debate and streaming!

    Ok...Cable back on! In my area at least... I would attend but i have an exam tomm :(
  7. v9s

    Karachi PTI Jalsa - Live debate and streaming!

    Cable TV has been cut in Karachi...tis the reason why all live news streaming is overloaded!
  8. v9s

    India's Micromax becomes 12th largest handset manufacturer in the world

    Sorry, micromax is still just a rebadging company. It has only recently begun to set up R&D centers (for their own indigenous designs). Though i agree that Qmobile may be rebadged micromax phones :D Source: Forbes India Magazine - Maxx Mobile: The Shanzhai Warrior Source: C.L.F Technology...
  9. v9s

    India's Micromax becomes 12th largest handset manufacturer in the world

    I don't know about that. Micromax probably gets its phones from a chinese ODM, just like Qmobile. Micromax Bling: Qmobile q55:
  10. v9s

    India's Micromax becomes 12th largest handset manufacturer in the world

    Micromax is selling rebadged CHINESE phones, just like Qmobile (a "Pakistani" company) which does the same. Don't believe me? Read the above description in the quote and then read about the Qmobile Q55 below :P QMobile
  11. v9s

    Former DG ISI My comments have been twisted

    This came up in my newsfeed today: Former Pakistan Army Chief Reveals Intelligence Bureau Harbored Bin Laden in Abbottabad In spite of denials by the Pakistani military, evidence is emerging that elements within the Pakistani military harbored Osama bin Laden with the knowledge of former army...
  12. v9s

    Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

    LOL...watch till the end
  13. v9s

    Bhagavad Gita faces 'extremist' branding, ban in Russia

    Ahh..so basically the Smritis are the Hindu equivalent of the hadith books, i.e. not authentic and full of conjecture.
  14. v9s

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    :rolleyes: The news article is from 2010.
  15. v9s

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    Iran rebuffs skepticism with a detailed description of attack, which experts call "certainly possible" "You are going to tell me what I want to know, it's just a matter of how much you want it to hurt." — Jack Bauer, 24 It sounds like a scene out of a spy movie -- highly trained national...
  16. v9s

    Pakistan hacks drone technology

    Bullshit...Pakobserver isn't a reliable source.
  17. v9s

    What really happens inside a madrassa

    The problem with people from the subcontinent (you're kidding yourself if you think the problem is limited to Pakistan alone), is that we trust people who look overtly religious (with beards, etc), blindly. While i have never studied in a madarssa, i have been taught to read the Quran by paid...
  18. v9s

    Pakistani Fulbright Scholar Helping Police Fight Terrorism

    Fascinating stuff! We need more forensic scientists/analysts and better police procedures to protect the crime locations so that evidence doesn't get contaminated. We need more Pakistani "dexters" like Zeeshan Usmani.
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