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    Ultra-cheap car: a false dawn?

    Blah blah blah, all i see and hear is a whole lot of heartburn, both from western and eastern rivals and the tree hugging elitist's within us. I can bet my last rupee that Mr. Praful Bidwai owns a car. Why doesn't he start with giving it up first ? It actually gives me a whole lot of pleasure to...
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    Pakistan's "Mother Teresa" Harrased in US

    mujahideen, i do not understand your logic. You say that Americans have a travel advisory against countries that speak out against it, and view its citizens coming to America with suspicion, well boss, what the hell else are they supposed to do ? Immigrants and visitors do not have the RIGHT...
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    Baitullah warns govt

    Sigh.....why do i bother.
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    Baitullah warns govt

    Jana, i have no idea what all you just rambled. And NO, i do not consider you having any more or even equal knowledge of these events than the ex Interior minister of Pakistan.
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    Baitullah warns govt

    On the contrary, no less than the Pakistani Interior minister himself has something else to say. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/27/world/asia/27sherpao.html?_r=2&pagewanted=1&ref=world&oref=slogin
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    US eyeing Kashmir for military base

    As for how to check the uncalled for Chinese bravado, start with officially recognizing the sovereignty of Tibet and Taiwan as legitimate nations under occupation and threat respectively. After an initial bout of high decible Chinese howling, you will see a great appreciation in their desire to...
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    US eyeing Kashmir for military base

    KENT, 'survellience equipment' is a double edged sword. If it can 'spy' on China, then it can 'spy' on India too. It always starts with 'one' installation, then becomes two, then three and so on, untill you end up like our dear neighbour. Don't let your tongue go haywire, Are you aware about...
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    US eyeing Kashmir for military base

    Any form of foreign installation on Indian soil is absolutely out of the question China or no China. KENT get your head out of your nether regions. We know Manmmohan+Sonia combine are willing to sell India to the highest bidder, doesn't mean the Indian voter will let them get away with it that...
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    Self-determination for Kashmiris: Pakistan to sign Civil Rights Covenant despite Indi

    "Pakistan is of the view that right of self-determination, as enshrined in the chapter of the UN and as embodied in the covenant, applies to all people under foreign occupation and alien domination, sources said." Thus the ICCPR is not valid in regards to Kashmir. Jammu&Kashmir is an integral...
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    ISRO launches Israeli Spy Satellite

    ISRO launches Israeli satellite - India PRwire
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    Hindutva: Analyzing the Ideology

    And you are supposed to be a moderator of this board ? appalling standards.
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    Hindutva: Analyzing the Ideology

    Stealth is right as far as the apologist nature forced upon Hindus for a millenia is concerned. You don't have to look further than your TV screens even now. Most of our media and elite would rather have us behave like dhimmis than show an iota of spine. People around my area have a comic but...
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    What will Pakistan look like in 2020 ?

    My apologies if this thread is in the wrong section, didn't know where to post this. So my question is, what do Pakistanis think Pakistan will look like by the year 2020 ? [honestly] 1. Economically [export based, manufacturing based, services based, agriculture based] 2. Politically [Highly...
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    Going ballistic won’t do the trick

    Very interesting article about how nuclear warfare planning is actually done. From: "Stuart Slade" <shiva06804@yahoo.com> Date: Tue Aug 20, 2002 07:41:34 AM US/Pacific Subject: Nuclear Warfare 102 The Nuclear Game (Two) - Targeting Weapons One of the interesting aspects of a nuclear war is...
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    Going ballistic won’t do the trick

    Cities can be rebuilt, they have been countless times since time immemorial. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are flourishing cities again. The world will not vanish because a couple of cities get obliterated. Call centers can be relocated. Sure luxuries will not be available for a period of time, but as...
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    Hypothetical Indo-China conflict, will Pakistan interfere ?

    So this question will lead to a flame war... how are you today ? I guess thats the only question that will NOT lead to a flame war.
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    Going ballistic won’t do the trick

    The effects of nuclear weapons are grossly exaggerated by people, for various purposes, ranging from ego boosting to fear mongering. 'http://www.oism.org/nwss/s73p912.htm' And yes, in my opinion even a nuclear war is winnable. Question is, how do you define a win and loss, what is the...
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    Hypothetical Indo-China conflict, will Pakistan interfere ?

    Although i already know the opinion of most internet warriors, i want to understand as to why do they have it ? So lets assume that an armed conflict erupts between China and India over something completely unrelated to Pakistan, for example over Arunachal Pradesh. In that case, would...
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    Why I won't live among Hindus

    The blame game, again and again. Therein lies the problem of Indian Muslims. Instead of asking 'who', they should be asking 'why'. They are not unique in facing discrimination. There is inter caste discrimination in Hindus themselves. There is regional discrimination in India too. But why is it...
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