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  1. C

    INS Vikramaditya Aircraft Carrier

    i wish the bridge area was a little more refined :angel: ........although i don't expect anything stealth from an acc......not yet
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    New Chinese Subs.

    China to conquer world arms market with poor quality rip-offs 04.10.2010 US experts believe that China has copied Russian weapons again. This time it goes about submarines. US analysts say that the new Yuan class (type 41 A, B, C) diesel-electric submarines are rips-off of Russian Kilo...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    the warhead of a agni should be removed-this hypocrite stuffed into it and it should be fired west [preferably on the ISI headquarters] with a note on it "come to receive my monthly payment":victory:
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    MMRCA BUZZ: MiG-35 Was Never In The Running?

    true Russia has proved to be a friend in need ... but that does not alone make up for the ground realities . Eg. the F-16 & the Mig-21/27 both originated in the 70s , but with successive upgrades the f-16 is still running strong in most parts of the world , while the Russians are thinking of...
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    MMRCA BUZZ: MiG-35 Was Never In The Running?

    Well this report is a bit old....but no one seems to have posted it yet....apologies if posted earlier Livefist - The Best of Indian Defence: MMRCA BUZZ: MiG-35 Was Never In The Running?
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    F-16 Conformal Air Refuel Tank System

    firstly i apologize for being a spoil-sport...... :hitwall: oops .... look what i found :yahoo: F-16 gets Hose and drogue refueling pod for India’s Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft contest (PIC) By admin at 29 July, 2010, 2:20 am BY: Aviation, Defense and Space News, Jobs...
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    Indian media reveal details of British submarine operations

    the person who started this post is not well informed.... the ToI he refers to had reported of this exercise weeks before it was to start (let alone during the exercise) . They didn't mention the gains on the british side , the aims of the IN was very clearly stated - To allow the IN...
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    EADS Offers Mako Trainer Technology For LCA

    well MAKO's tech. isn't actually a failed one....the program was abandoned simply because there was no room for an extra trainer in Europe[room=market:hitwall:]
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    MMRCA : Contenders to be eliminated this week 7 July, 2010, 2:14 pm IAF (Indian Air Force) is all set to submit its technical evaluation committee’s report by end of this week to Ministry of Defence (MOD), on basics of this report six manufactures which have offered their fighter...
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    Saab offers DRDO underground radar

    India is deploying cutting-edge technology to defeat a simple insurgent weapon that J&K militants and Naxals are using to lethal effect: the Improvised Explosive Device, or IED. Swedish company Saab has offered to partner India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation in fitting Saab’s...
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    US offers top of the shelf weapon systems to India

    so you confess the f-16 s u r offered are of age old technology ?
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    US offers top of the shelf weapon systems to India

    The US today offered India top of the shelf and top of the line defence weapon systems and said three agreements were being negotiated which would allow the country to share key American technologies. “Pentagon is working with India to put three foundational agreements in place with New...
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    HAL confronts Snecma in light helicopter project

    more power will only result in higher maintainance cost and less fuel economy.....:police: also with extra powered engine comes extra weight:hitwall:
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    India's AEW&C Programme Gets Ready For Platform Flight Tests

    yes...this project is meant to supplement the falcons....hope it maintains the same pace once they start testing & implementing the radars and sensors suits once the aircraft lands in India after the certification in Brazil.
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    don't want another jsf do we? we should learn from our mistakes.. at least others mistakes...:hitwall: i believe anything that isn't affordable...is as good as something that does not exists...don't give "In the long run ....." theories :bunny:
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    ya....right . i missed that one :hitwall:
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    that active cancellation thing is bullshit . still doing its rounds in the labs . i don't know the exact mechanism ... it sounds like the suite tracks down the signals from the radar and emits such a signal itself after passing it through a 90 degree phase shift .. thus leading to destructive...
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    US to offer F-35 fighters to India

    quite good news... but the facts are 1> LM is not gov. of USA 2> it is juat another desparate move by LM to bring down costs which has jumped from $50 million to $85million per unit and expected to increase more..moreover the participating countries are giving all the kind of negative signals...
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