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  1. M

    Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

    Rahman, for a moderator you speak incredibly immoderate comments. Where is the evidence for the wild accussations you constantly throw around? And I have not started with you yet Sigtoka, you propaganda meister.
  2. M

    A show of hands

    sigtoka, you're such a c**k.
  3. M

    Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

    Yes Saddam was a benevolent leader. Iraq was the land of milk and honey. Go read how Saddam lead thugs, goons and murderers to suppress 85% of the population, the Shias and Kurds, how he tortured, murdered and later used poison gas on over a million Iraqis over the years, not to mention the...
  4. M

    Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

    Why didn't these news agencies, who have basically full run of the information, blow up other cases then? Why wasn't there more accusations of rape and murder by the Iraqis then, who have nothign to lose if something like this happened many times before? Why do Iraqis prefer Americans searching...
  5. M

    Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

    I don't see how anyone can dispute a civil war if Americans are not there to hold things down anymore. Even with Americans there, Sunnis are blowing car bombs up in markets, mosques and funerals, and Shiites are going around at check points and bus stations checking for Sunni names such as...
  6. M

    Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

    Some? What percentage? 10%? 20%? How come only a very few cases have come to light? Some is a dubious term. A few is much more accurate. And I think, compared to the long and bloody history of man, that is already *comparatively* better. some of you don't understand that the reason US army...
  7. M

    Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

    I'm not saying that all is charm and lightness. that would be propaganda on the level that Chinese here and other forums spew. I'm saying that there are people in the US Army who did wrong who need to be punished severely. Did you not see that the possible penalty for murder is death? However...
  8. M

    Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

    US Army poorly trained. Feckin' laughable. some of you must be on drugs. Take a city. There are 130,000 US soldiers in Iraq. If they were part of a population, ie they are the young fit men together with old men, babies, women etc, the population would be around 650,000 big. the size of a...
  9. M

    Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

    Deserves harsh punishment if found guilty, for sure.
  10. M

    F-16 Block 15MLU/50/52 Fighter

    extremely doubtful the J-10 will be better than F-16, sorry. APG-68v9 is not to be sniffed at. the day J-10 shows outward signs of improvement I would begin to believe some of the hype. That may be anywhere from 5 to 10 years. China I believe is trying to skip PESA and go right to AESA.
  11. M

    F-16 Block 15MLU/50/52 Fighter

    Salim, exactly correct. China is neutered. It developed 30 years too late and allowed US a foot in the door, and India is coming up at the same time. Asia is not the American continent. If it tries to behave even remotely selfishly, it will be barricaded and opposed. Tough luck.
  12. M

    F-16 Block 15MLU/50/52 Fighter

    you are much too harsh on yourself, Araz. There is no genetic differences between Arab Palestinians and native Jews, so whatever the Jews can achieve, so can the Arabs. Just cut out the violent extremism in certain groups and in the media and you're on your way.
  13. M

    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    But that's what your arguments boil down to in the end - (a) because you believe it to be so (b) asking me to watch a movie. It seems you need a course on formal logic. Argument is not an essay where you scattergun as many points as you can and use "additional tool". A movie is not a piece of...
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    F-16 Block 15MLU/50/52 Fighter

    >>the latter will be better than the F-16. extremely doubtful.
  15. M

    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    In a globalized world, money flows to where the highest returns are. Sticking money in your own country when it has no capacity, no need and no returns is foolishness of the highest order. Sigtoka, your points replying to mine are not worth replying to, sorry. There are a lot of points...
  16. M

    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    Thank you for your sincere reply Sid. I do appreciate it. However, there is something wrong with your analysis. You seem to think that Americans are the sole providers of "personal luxurious and material wealth items" to the Arab countries, intending to corrupt them. This is absolutely wrong...
  17. M

    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    You seem to think that America wants to wipe out Arab countries and take their oil. That's far from reality. And you need a reality check. Before Saddam committed his act of insantiy, and even during the OPEC crisis, invasion was only ever the last last resort to preserve the unity of America...
  18. M

    Russia to defend its principal Middle East ally

    the article has already been proved to be a crock of nonsense in another forum. it's rubbish. Ivanov of russia just announced that it is not time for a ceasefire and Israel needs more time, lol. trust the russians at your peril.
  19. M

    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    You're wrong. The Arab countries have nothing against America. America is the least of their problems. Rich Arabs send their children to study in America all the time. Their army is armed and trained by America. They sell a lot of oil in America and park the money in American banks which earn...
  20. M

    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    please dont tell me that you have mixed up the total sum of funds given to Israel since 1949 and compared the full sum to Egypt's aid in one year, 2002, have you. 2.8 vs 2.1 billion, where is the "three times" figure I keep hearing? Where is the humongous difference I keep hearing, especially...
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