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  1. D

    Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

    Ok duuuuude who mentioned Sheikh Rashid I cant remember? But dude I wouldn't for that a**hole over my dead body. Even if I was dying of cancer (God forbid) and Sheikh sahib happened to be the only one in the world who had a cure and by voting for him I could get that cure and live again, I STILL...
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    I am Punjabi

  3. D

    Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

    I just wish our country had more choices to offer. I honestly thought in 1999 that we had seen the last of NS, BB and AZ but its amazing how these fools never go away. They're back and amazingly they haven't learned from history either (back to their same old ways). I just wish somehow we...
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    'Taliban could take Karachi hostage at any point'

    Your point about the Afghanis is right. I agree with you on that. I am not interested in defending their presence. I live in Quetta and believe me we have been affected the most by the influx of afghan refugees (crime, weapons, drugs and prostitution)..... But my issue rests with the fact...
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    'Taliban could take Karachi hostage at any point'

    Yea first of all you can't blame them for being criminals. Any slum that is ripe with poverty, illiteracy and unemployment will turn into a breeding ground for crime. Secondly, don't forget that those areas where the 'afghan muhajirs' are staying are also home to some of our own 'pakistani...
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    Experts say Pakistan is on trajectory to failure

    And I dont think our nation will be ready for it anytime soon. Our country is still very feudal and tribalistic. The vast majority of our population still dwells in rural areas. And worst of all we are composed of several ethnic groups. In a divisive society like ours I just dont think that a...
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    US has hidden grip on Pak nukes

    ^^ Found this post on THE NEWS website. Guys please provide your opinions on this matter and if you think this could be possible or not. The thought of American control on our nuclear arsenal is making me sick and nervous...
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    US has hidden grip on Pak nukes

    US retains hidden grip on Pakistan nukes: report Source: THE NEWS monitoring desk submitted 3 hours 38 minutes ago WITH political instability spreading, nervous concern has mounted over the fate of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal should Taliban sympathisers gain power within the military, but...
  9. D

    Drones flying off Balochistan Airbase

    Definitely agree !!
  10. D

    Drones flying off Balochistan Airbase

    They do have alot of explaining to do but I think this present govt has already lost all credibility due to a number of factors and mishaps.. On a good note though isn't the idea of drones flying from within our country a bit better than them invading us each time from outside and then...
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    China in Arabia

    China is also set to become Saudi Arabia's leading trading partner at some point in the future. It was part of the "Look East Initiative" started by King Abdullah when he came to power a few years ago. He wants Saudi Arabia's American-dependant economy to move more towards the Chinese because of...
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    Israel ready to launch a military offensive against Iran

    ^^True... And on top of that any Israeli-Iranian war will destroy the whole region. At some point all arab countries will get involved (because it is inevitable that the Israelis will use bases in the Gulf countries like Saudi, UAE and Kuwait which will lead to retaliation on them by Iran as...
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    Vladimir Putin faces rising anger from within Russian army

    I'm not too sure about that bcuz I've heard he is quite popular within the armed forces. Partly because of his uncanny and extremely patriotic image. He has also spent alot of money during his tenure in modernizing and reviving Russia's armed forces.
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    Drones flying off Balochistan Airbase

    Guys what's this crap about a base in Balochistan called "shamsi airbase" being used to launch drone attacks in the tribal areas? Is that true? Could there be a conspiracy on the part of this government which supports the drone attacks behind the scenes? What do you guys think?:pop:
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    Balochistan's Ancient Ties to Pakistan - 5000 BC to present

    Listen my friend for the last few years you guys on the other side of the border have been very keen to point out that Balochistan is a seperate historical entity. I just dont understand where you get your facts from. Balochistan was always a collection of princely states one of which was ruled...
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    Musharraf era was much better as compared to present rule: Rashid Qureshi

    BINGO my friend ! You have just explained the FUNDAMENTAL problem with our country today. The fact that a mere 30-40% of our citizens vote and those citizens are from the poorest class.... Unless we can change all this and the fact that the majority of our country is still dwelling in rural...
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    Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

    :crazy::crazy: Stop being so ignorant. DO NOT mix the BLA terrorists with the regular awaam of Balochistan. Yes the BLA are a bunch of criminals but the REGULAR PEOPLE OF BALOCHISTAN DO HAVE GENUINE GRIEVANCES WHICH NEED TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Dont forget that the regular...
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    Chamalang The Gold Valley-Pak Army's gift to the Nation

    Yea we have to find a way to get the Sardars out of the way. I'm from Quetta, and some members of my family are married to the Luni tribe. Unfortunately as usual the Sardars have hijacked chamalang and there is very little benefit going to the people. Guys we MUST find a way to make sure that...
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    Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

    Its not about freedom struggle and neither is this about the BLA. I am from Quetta so let me explain to some of you ignorant people about what the REAL ISSUE in balochistan is..... The regular people of balochistan (aam awaam which includes baloch, pathan, hazara etc) just want a little more...
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    The break-up of Pakistan bodes well for India

    I think the only way pakistan can survive and thrive is to break all the provinces (which are currently perfectly divided ethinically) into smaller pieces. In that way ethnic patriotism will become secondary to national patriotism. Maybe the only way for us to create a national identity is to...
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