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  1. GoogleIndia

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    i don't know what the Pakistani media publish myth about Indian kashmir in pak,we indian really don't care it. may be their is some conflict in kashmir due to pakistan but we will solve it soon. For those Pak member who who always blame indian govt. for kashmir matter " look at...
  2. GoogleIndia

    Indian Military Picture Thread

    so what do u call it....indian army f-insas project is going on..and 1st phase will completed by 2012. entire indian army will upgraded by 2010.
  3. GoogleIndia

    Pakistan and Indian defence spendings

    oyeeeeeeee.....stop insulting him..
  4. GoogleIndia

    Indian PM Manmohan Singh's website hacked

    before laughing please check it is official website or not.....but ur punjab govt. website is original site which hacked by indian hacker...
  5. GoogleIndia

    Indian PM Manmohan Singh's website hacked

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: their is no any official website of PM Manmohan Singh..pakistani member r laughing like that they hacked india official website "india.gov.in"... at least check it before laughing...
  6. GoogleIndia

    WORLD WAR 3- Role of Asia

  7. GoogleIndia

    Does the PN need an aircraft carrier?

    there is no matter that PN need AC or not...it's all about money...if they have money than they can buy at least 3 AC to competite india. but bad luck they can't afford $12 billion for an AC.....
  8. GoogleIndia

    China, Pak ink pact to build two highways in ***

    why their is too much ************ instead of words....
  9. GoogleIndia

    A Proud Indian Paratrooper Gives his Life for Congo

    it's worse moment in defense.pk for Indian member, who take participate in every useless thread but not taking participate in this thread.
  10. GoogleIndia

    Sino-Pak Friendship 2010 Joint Military Exercise

    oh...when this type of equipment will given to all soldiers, is any project is running in this way...
  11. GoogleIndia

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    it's clear in survey that only 44% people want Kashmir as separate entity....so their is no chance for it...
  12. GoogleIndia

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    hey what's problem with u guy...once u said india should follow plebiscite and when i said that we can follow plebiscite,than u r irritating.
  13. GoogleIndia

    Sino-Pak Friendship 2010 Joint Military Exercise

    it's looking that only one Pakistani solider has latest equipment.
  14. GoogleIndia

    in Indian Delhi, 2 out of 3 women experience harassment

    yaar i unable to understand that why pakistani r taking too much interest in indian issue. how it related to other countries. if we start the thread who has only connected to indian issue than MOD immediately delete it....
  15. GoogleIndia

    Indigenous aircraft carrier IAC-3 and IAC-4

    navy already clear that we need atleast 6 aircraft carrier...
  16. GoogleIndia

    Indigenous aircraft carrier IAC-3 and IAC-4

    but look one carrier need 2 sub + 4 destroyer and frigates. it's mean one carrier can it self enough to destroy any small country....
  17. GoogleIndia

    India's secret project in Himalayas?????

    if it can proved than how it will be the top secret project....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  18. GoogleIndia

    Misconceptions about women in Islam

    only by writing you can't change the real situation of real Muslim woman,if u want real revolution we need to apply it in real world....
  19. GoogleIndia

    Naxalites may take to urban terrorism, says US think tank

    another anti -india campaign...keep it up.....
  20. GoogleIndia

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    i hope once pak occupied kashmir will be part of india...
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