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  1. Drebin

    US-Pakistan agreed to explore financing for Diamir Bhasha Dam

    @IceCold Totally agree. Particularly this part,
  2. Drebin

    US-Pakistan agreed to explore financing for Diamir Bhasha Dam

    @Luftwaffe, that $10-20 million may actually be blessing in disguise as it'll mean attaining self sufficiency instead of relying on foreign aid for our each and every need. Besides, its not the money that U.S via USAID program is offering. Its actually the influence which promulgates positive...
  3. Drebin

    Pakistan Army's T-129 ATAK Helicopter Deal | Updates & Discussions.

    So is RD-93 on Thunder. Though its Russian and not US or EU but, point is Russia could block it too due to India. Yet it doesn't because China is involved, Pakistan is turning a new leaf with Russia with reported arrival to Putin back in September -which was postponed due to changing political...
  4. Drebin

    Pakistan Army's T-129 ATAK Helicopter Deal | Updates & Discussions.

    @Luftwaffe I agree with your understanding of the matter in reference to AH-1Z vs T-129 vs WZ-19. The obvious and the most sensible as well as economic among the bunch being super cobra but, don't you think the prospect of ToT which T-129 brings with itself is simply too good to refuse? Saying...
  5. Drebin

    Pakistan navy deploys Chinese C-602 cruise missile

    @Bilal. Thanks mate. The last part as per role of each missile puts things into perspective :-)
  6. Drebin

    Pakistan navy deploys Chinese C-602 cruise missile

    Thanks @Bilal. for prompt reply. And so in this regard, may I ask about the complexity involved in development of Nuclear tipped Ship/Submarine launched cruise missile vs conventional cruise missile. I'm curious because as per our Armed Forces revised doctrine, we are aiming for second strike...
  7. Drebin

    Pakistan navy deploys Chinese C-602 cruise missile

    Hi, This is off topic and I'm too lazy to google it (SORRY). So I'll ask if any Indian or Pak friend could ans whether Brahmos is Nuclear tipped cruise missile or, is it conventional? Also, what's its payload? Thanks.
  8. Drebin

    Swedish Defence Minister wants More Gripens to Counter Russia

    Absolutely right. Although, I was thinking of it as an isolated case -which was foolish of me- but, the Defense Minister really made it seem that way, didn't she? As far as Russia is concerned, it had really huge stakes in Crimea the foundations of which was laid centuries ago during the Xar's...
  9. Drebin

    Swedish Defence Minister wants More Gripens to Counter Russia

    I swear that was my first impression as well. But, even if we consider such scenario then question arises. . .Can addition of 10 more Grippens halt or put a dent in Russian Air dominance/superiority?
  10. Drebin

    Pakistan top military leader to visit Sri Lanka

    Hopefully, this will lend towards closer defense cooperation between both the countries. And, hopefully, pave the groundwork for signing of a defense deal or joint venture.
  11. Drebin

    Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan to expand trade ties

    The only guarantors of lasting peace is to have good trade relations, partnerships. Thus, bringing the national interest of each country in unison through which they can only move forward. Or even forge strategic level partnerships. . . Therefore, its a welcome news and one that we should pray...
  12. Drebin

    The 8th International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) 2014

    I'd like to participate as well. Any info in this regard will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Drebin

    5 Iranian soldiers kidnapped by militants, taken to Balochistan.

    @Abii, brother, it takes two to tango. You let your emotions take control and bash Pakistan on public fora. Yet, you conveniently forget the fact that those terrorists not just violated your border once but twice while conducting acts of terror INSIDE Iran. And if that wasn't enough, they took...
  14. Drebin

    Pakistan‚ Turkey agree for preferential trade agreement

    Congratulations to fellow Pakistanis and brothers and sisters in Turkey :-). But no news of any cooperation in defence ssctor or on ATAK Helo or Mushak etc?
  15. Drebin

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    True sir but, this is its basic definition and evolution preached, perpetuated and propagated by the the rich and powerful under the umbrella of sole superpower of 21st century. The old definition -by, for and from the people- remains outdated and bookish now. Thus, we'd do ourselves, our...
  16. Drebin

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    Totally agreed sir but, that's something that a mature and a very deep rooted democracy can accomplish. Unlike Pakistan where system is in shambles and every word becomes conspiracy and person a MOSAD, CIA, RAW agent. Although, keeping in view the best interests of the nation, it'd be the best...
  17. Drebin

    Air Force Question Thread

    @Taygibay, Hello dear sir, how are you doing? I'm sorry for leaving the discussion incomplete as I had Diploma exams. Anyway, you made some very interesting and knowledgeable points which not only ans the quarries but, also serve as the eye opener and, increases the thirst for attaining more...
  18. Drebin

    Govt considering reforms in CJCSC to make it more effective

    Although, the new army chief already took charge of the most powerful office of the country at 1100 hours this morning. So it doesn't really matters as no powers were either relegated or consolidated with the office of JCSC, as it still remains more a ceremonial office. The idea that revamping...
  19. Drebin

    Air Force Question Thread

    @Taygibay, Thanks for the answers but, can you be more specific or elaborate in a bit mord detail rather then say, lighter version of F -16. It unfortunately doesn't explains much :(. Actually, both my questions are based on the logic of technology and capital. You see F-16s had always given...
  20. Drebin

    Anonymous donor : ‘Friendly’ country offers $1b for Iran-Pakistan pipeline (Business)

    Very interesting. Here's hoping for a good news to come out of it. We really need it to meet our energy demand in short as well as long term. Further more, it ought to set a great precedent for future Pak-Iran relationships.
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