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  1. Storm Lord

    France to provide combat copters

    I doubt whether purchasing Tigers would be the best step for the military. For them to have a significant impact, Pakistan will have to purchase 10 or 15 and each Tiger is more expensive then a F16. Setting its excellent capabilities aside, spending so much money during difficult economic times...
  2. Storm Lord

    March of the Taliban By Kamran Shafi

    Your rewording of my exposition in an intentionally clumsy and inaccurate way does not negate the validity of what I’ve explained, or the fact that my clarification is the prevalent view held by expert opinion-holders. I’ve never said that the Sunni Awakening was a ‘sudden’ phenomenon, in...
  3. Storm Lord

    March of the Taliban By Kamran Shafi

    We were talking of Al-Qaeda’s downfall in Iraq which happened due to Sunni insurgent groups eventually rejecting them. You seem to have for some reason started arguing about whose contribution was more important in bringing stability in Iraq. While perhaps forgetting that Al-Sadr was never...
  4. Storm Lord

    March of the Taliban By Kamran Shafi

    Sir I believe you are being a bit unfair to me. There is nothing naive about me saying that the Pakistan Army is in a much more potent condition than the Iraqi Army was after the US was through with it. But I feel it is naive to insist that the Pakistan Army will never fight this menace the way...
  5. Storm Lord

    March of the Taliban By Kamran Shafi

    You are mistaken, as you seem to have forgotten that Al Sadr is Shia Cleric and his influence is unlikely to have much effect on the Sunis. It was mainly the Sunnis who constituted the bulk and concentration of the violent insurgency and they were pacified through the Awakening which basically...
  6. Storm Lord

    March of the Taliban By Kamran Shafi

    I disagree. It is more likely that an Iraq type scenario will develop. The local population will realize the miscreants pose a threat to their interests similar to how the Iraqis realized how disadvantageous their alliance with Al-Qaeda was. Currently a large section of people are...
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