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  1. S

    More Apache deals likely with US

    A-10 are easily servicable and easy in maintainance and so its sercive length can be increased beyond 2050. We should buy a weapon platform which is more effective in actual battlefield than its competition. Apache will not surivie in an heavy anti-air environment.
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    More Apache deals likely with US

    I don't like army and air force buying apache helis. We should A-10 Warthog which i cheaper and more effective in actual battlefield.
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    ON BOARD: PM Narendra Modi observes MiG-29K at INS Vikramaditya

    We need more missile boats and nuclear attack submarines and SSBNs for our security. Aircraft carrier should be our last priority. We should also make out submarine fleet all nuclear and put with conventional ones.
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    Army scores major win over IAF, gets Apache gunships

    The best close support(and anti armor) aircraft is A-10 warthog. It costs less than Apache. Cost less than Apache in operations and maintenance. Carries more ordinance than Apache. Can delver more accurate firepower on target than Apache. Has better survivability than Apache. Apache can only...
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    India Military Must Fill Gaps To Become Top Pacific Power: The Four P’s

    India should have a policy of armed neutrality, we should be ready to defend ourselves against any kind of enemy. We should keep our sea lines of communication. We should be friends and not allies with all countries. We should not get into entangling alliances cause, alliances will push into...
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    ‘Where do Budget cuts figure in Defence modernisation?’

    The the defense budget for fiscal year 2012-2013 was Rs. 1,93,407 crore and the defense budget for fiscal year 2013-2014 is Rs.2,03,672 crore. So there is an increase of 5.3%. The decline in purchasing power of rupee is more than 5.3% during the last fiscal. So indeed the this fiscal's defense...
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    ‘Where do Budget cuts figure in Defence modernisation?’

    The purchasing power of rupee has gone down by more than 5% in the last fiscal year and the increase in defense budget is only 5% so the defense budget interms of purchasing power of rupee has gone down.
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    ‘Where do Budget cuts figure in Defence modernisation?’

    If you adjust the budget to inflation, the defense budget has actually contracted rather than increased although it appears increased in monetary terms. The current inflation is around 7%(not sure about this number but definetely more than 5%) and the increase in budget is 5%. So there is 2%...
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    First naval satellite may be launched this year

    First naval satellite may be launched this year Published March 1, 2013 | By admin SOURCE: DHNS India’s first military satellite may be launched later this year with the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) securing the service of a foreign rocket to launch the 2.5 tonne satellite...
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    India to Foreign Firms: Pay More Taxes

    They better move out of India and manufacture goods in southeastasian countries than pay higher prices and go out of competition. The govt of India does not have a revenue problem it has a spending problem.
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    ‘Where do Budget cuts figure in Defence modernisation?’

    It is like asking how you deliver food to the poor people, they go out and work and they get it. The purpose of existence of govt is not provide basic needs, the purpose of existence of govt is to provide national defense, conduct the foreign policy as representative of people of India, enforce...
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    ‘Where do Budget cuts figure in Defence modernisation?’

    I accept MMS is a world wide respected economist, but a lot of world experts on the economy (including MMS)(most of them Keynesians) failed to see the 2008 recession coming.They also weren't able to explain why there was a recession after the fact. The Austrians predicted it many years ago. So...
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    ‘Where do Budget cuts figure in Defence modernisation?’

    The govt is liability on the people of India. It is neccessary libaility like if we live in a rented home, we got to pay for it. The govt is like a service provider for which you pay money for every month(in this case a year). The total revenue of the govt is nothing but the amount paid by the...
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    ‘Where do Budget cuts figure in Defence modernisation?’

    We should not cut the defense budget, we should instead get the govt out of the subsidy business of petroleum products(diesel, LPG) and other goods and services as well. We should auction off all PSUs except defense related PSUs. Get the govt out of banking business. Govt role should be limited...
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    l India and the ASAT Weapon

    We should not only develop ASAT technology but also test it for our national defense.
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    India's Crony Socialism

    My friend do you know why the soviet union collapsed, it collapsed because the politburo was unable to decide the price of bread. Why they were unable to decide the price of bread, cause it doesn't matter what price they decide they didn't had enough food. When people started to die of hunger...
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    Henry Kissinger a former foe who now roots for India

    We should never trust anyone blindly. We should always watch our back. The price of our liberty is eternal vigilance.
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    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    The govt should not run the nuclear power plants, and the liability must be with the private companies if anything goes wrong.
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    India's Crony Socialism

    If the capitalists and corporations(C&C) make big money through honest business, than it should not be a problem. For example bill gates and his company produced the windows operating system and he didn't put a gun on anybody's head and forced them to buy his products. But people voluntarily...
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    India's Crony Socialism

    This thread was for discussing our economic and public policies not for fighting, please express your views in a cordial way. The point of discussion is whether we should have central planning or we should have laissez-faire free markets. Whether the govt reduces the poverty or whether the govt...
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