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  1. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    It is a city with 1.8 cr people..... We didnt know that they were coming..........They fired at stations and ran away........
  2. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    Shaheed NSG Commando Major Sandeep Unni Krishnan........ His orkut profile orkut - :cry::cry::cry::cry: :sniper: :guns: <-----A terrorist
  3. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    U are really the most undignified Chinese i have ever known.... I respected Chinese people tell i know u........ Now guess the gun, the commondo is outside the TAJ hotel...
  4. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    One more Rediff iShare: 2nd Terrorist speaks from Nariman house
  5. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    Here is the video of the terrorist speaking...... And obviously the tone of speaking is not Hindi, but punjabi or pathani i guess....... Rediff iShare: Terrorist calling himself Sahadullah speaks to India tv
  6. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    According to CNN-IBN ISI chief have been requested to come to India......To hand him the evidence of the involvement of ISI......
  7. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    Yes the situation is indeed interestingly developing.... Lot of things will change in the time that's coming.............. Indian attitude towards these cowardly attacks will also change as can be seen by the anger among the public.......... All i want is that evidence is hard...
  8. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    RAW only go to those countries who want to disrupt our peace like the ongoing Mumbai encounter......... If u believe u r one of them, who have elemnts who want to disturb peacein India, then RAW is surely in ur country, otherwise not........
  9. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    Blah Blah!! That secret is only covered by Super media of pakistan........ Totally unbiased towards India......
  10. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    GIve reports by international media........... Not by pakistani amateurs.......
  11. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    Are u denying that balochis are suppressed of their basic rights and development in pakistan?????
  12. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    And that secret in whole world is only revealed BY UNBIASED AND ULTRA PROFFESIONAL MATURe AND EXPERIENCED STABLE MINDED JOURNALISTS OF Pakistan..........
  13. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    Sorry!!!!! Being an INDIAN means being different.......and that difference has to stay like it has stayed for 61 years.......:coffee:
  14. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    It is not the biggest pain for pakistan, its their pride, every kid want to be in it..... But if everything continues, it will for SURE become pain for pakistanis......
  15. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    I did not say or mean that......... But i asked about biased media, and the reply i got was of misreportings.... u know it has no connection............... There is a diference between a MISTAKE and a MISCHIEF.....
  16. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    :woot: u mean to say we feel inferior to pakistanis?????
  17. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    Y should not???? People have lost their relatives and loved ones..... Should not they be concerned????
  18. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    I think you need to read the difference between MIS-REPORTING and BIASING..... In India even a 10th standard kid knows the difference........
  19. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    Some people are really happy.... There are nearly 90 violations of ceasefire by pakistani troops this year only....................
  20. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    Your General Mehmood, head of ISI transferred $10,000 in the account of mohammad atta, the chief 911 suspect............ Y would the chief of respected intelligence agency like ISI would do that? I have heard on this forum that ISI has no links with terrorists.....Really?
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