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  1. S

    NATO opens northern supply route to Afghanistan via Russia/Central Asia

    Yes. They are fighting there so that no more 911 again.
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    NATO opens northern supply route to Afghanistan via Russia/Central Asia

    If USA and NATO think of COST then they would not be fighting in afghanistan first place.
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    NATO opens northern supply route to Afghanistan via Russia/Central Asia

    I hope it is on the topic. Al Faida – how Pakistan milks the US and NATO NATO’s supply route through Pakistan is a gravy train for the military establishment…and the Taliban Western troops fighting in Afghanistan depend on the Karachi-Khyber-Kabul supply route for 70 to 80 percent...
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    Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

    Looks like saudi are brain dead. I think it is disaster for them in long term.
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    Mosque to go up near New York's ground zero

    Why there is so much hypocrisy in pakistan. They have have their own fear. Lets not point finger at USA for religious freedom. They are some light years away from so called peace loving nations to minority treatment.
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    airport looks great...
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    Even in worst war condition can pakistan and india use their nuclear weapon ?

    You forgot. You got bigger nukes also.
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    Nato convoy attacked in Pakistan

    Looks like no discussion happens without kashmir. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
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    Are covert ops the only answer to terrorism??

    Please stop chest beating now. CIA and big brother USA was backing at that time in afghan. Without them ISI is billi in even apna galli. Now it is giving drone attack target of its citizen to USA. that is the power of ISI.
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    Your top 10 Forum Members

    They are Hall Of Frame members of Pakistan.
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    Your top 10 Forum Members

    My list.. 1. Omar1984 2.Batman 3.RiazHaq 4.SMC 5.PakSher 6.Taimikhan 7.Windjammer 8.Jinxed_girl 9.Gowler 10.Pakistani Nationalist
  12. S

    Bomb blast outside Pak Navy office in Karachi kills one

    Last I checked Faisal Shahzad is a pakistani. and his parents are from pakistan military. Ajmal kasab is pakistani.
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    The World’s Top Spy Agencies

    Spelling does not matter. He conveyed his opinion and you understood it. :chilli:
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    Asia Cup 2010 Sri Lanka

    India winning Asia cup. Guys.. mark my words
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    Are covert ops the only answer to terrorism??

    India should make it policy that 1 diwali in India should be 100 Eid in pakistan. Some people understand only their language and frequency.
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    The World’s Top Spy Agencies

    Funding and man power should be increased 10 times to Area 1 department.
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    What is your profession?

    I am SW developer working in Microsoft
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    Saudi Arabia has Nuclear capable Ballistic Misslies: Ex CIA Official. .

    Without nuclear weapons why would saudi buy misslie. It is like buying gun without bullet. Does not make sense.
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    Nato convoy attacked in Pakistan

    Similar attacks happening everyday in pakistan. The important thing is they were able to strike closer 10km from Islamabad.
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    Nato convoy attacked in Pakistan

    At least six people have been killed and seven injured after a Nato convoy was attacked just outside Pakistan's capital, Islamabad. About 15 fighters fired machine guns and threw grenades before torching the trucks carrying military vehicles for Nato forces in Afghanistan early on Wednesday...
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