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  1. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    Well, let the superpower do it. LOL They are there for that reason as they claim to be, right? Gosh, the Americans are very eager to rebuild a war torn nation. That too for free! For the sake of spreading freedom and democracy! Hip, hip, hooray! After all, they managed to break it into pieces in...
  2. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    LOL You only got hollow words and nothing to back them up. You're quite clearly a frustrated and angry being and I can sense it. You're living in a fantasy world. Wake up and smell the coffee dude. Just fix your crumbling economy before acting like G.I. Joe. The world is changing and other...
  3. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    Well, they didn't achieve their objectives, the war was highly unpopular and they had to abandon it. If that isn't losing what else can you call it? The world is now all too familiar with US warmongering. Times have changed and if they screw with a nuclear Pakistan we should embrace ourselves...
  4. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    Cut the nonsense hilly billy and spare us your so-called ethical lecture. You're the last person on this planet to preach morality to others. Do I need to remind you of your wonderful service in Iraq? Slaughtered, tortured and raped half of the population. Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo Bay ring any...
  5. maximus

    Should pakistan sell weapons to HAMAS-FATAH

    Which Muslim countries? The ones that are f i l t h y rich and haven't been able to produce a tiny needle? You mean the ones that are unable to help their needy Palestinian Arab brethren or even themselves for that matter? Despite all difficulties and sanctions Pakistan today is a strong nuke...
  6. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    We need to teach uncle Sam some big lessons. This is our backyard and we should really punish the Americans for any wrongdoing. We need to be in the driving seat and calling the shots. If war is the result, so be it. Pakistan needs to keep all options open. Nothing goes beyond Pakistan's...
  7. maximus

    Pakistani coal can solve electricity crisis: Report

    Pakistan has a huge coal reserve. The estimations are just an indication because there are many more undiscovered locations scattered all across the country. On top of that, Balochistan is blessed with abundant gas and oil reserves. Pakistan isn't a poor country. Corrupt elements from top to...
  8. maximus

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    PAF has its hand full with the production and induction of JF-17s. Not to mention the delivery and induction of FC-20. A fighter like J-11B might be a possibility in the future. PAF would do wise if it went for the J-XX instead of the J-11B.
  9. maximus

    Brazil to provide 100 missiles to Pakistan

    Well, to put it mildly, they are stunned! Brazil's Sale Of Missiles To Pakistan Surprises India The Indian Air Force has taken note of Pakistan’s latest acquisition of 100 anti-radiation missiles (ARM) from Brazil. The missile is an air-to-surface weapon used for destroying air defence...
  10. maximus

    Pakistan, US rebuilding strained military ties: WSJ

    I fully agree. People have short memories and are short-sighted. The US has always been a snake in disguise. On the one hand, it fuels an arms race by arming different opposing nations. It offers a certain country with the most advanced weaponry. It supplies advanced nuclear know-how to a...
  11. maximus

    Pakistani Christians Attacked by Jihadi's

    I wholeheartedly agree with that. It does however irritate me when some people only portray one side of the picture and apply double standards.
  12. maximus

    Pakistani Christians Attacked by Jihadi's

    Very much so. If this incident really happened it's deplorable. Such violence can never be condoned. The perpetrators ought to be punished accordingly. We are all Pakistanis. Our beloved Quaid envisaged a Pakistan in which minorities have as much rights as the majority. Equality is also an...
  13. maximus

    Pakistani Christians Attacked by Jihadi's

    Wonder whether you posted any news regarding the recent heinous Hindu atrocities against the Christians with the same vigour... Nuns being raped, churches being burnt down etc. by Hindu fundamentalists. Or were we turning a blind eye and trying to cover up? Quite ironic for being a truth seeker...
  14. maximus

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    What you going on about? Preach that to your people in the US. Your economy is in the doldrums. This move is out of desperation and we all know that the US cannot afford such an expensive backup route for too long. Besides, it's called backup for a reason. Also, stop being philosophical. The...
  15. maximus

    USA is selling ANTI-MISSILE SYSTEM to INDIA ???

    I guess reading is an art... Read properly. The 10 billion dollars are for anti-missile weapon systems alone and not a whole defence budget. The total US defence budget is the highest in the world. Stop comparing Indian defence budget to US defence budget. You won't reach that figure in a...
  16. maximus

    Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

    Let me rectify that. Only shame on the oil-rich Arab nations.
  17. maximus

    USA is selling ANTI-MISSILE SYSTEM to INDIA ???

    Spot on brother. You summed it up in a nutshell. The U.S. government spends $10 billion dollars each year on anti-missile weapon systems that are chronically over budget, behind schedule, and failing technologically. That's the bitter reality.
  18. maximus

    USA is selling ANTI-MISSILE SYSTEM to INDIA ???

    There are conflicting reports. I wouldn't take this news too seriously.
  19. maximus

    India monkey god idol for Obama

    Yeah, macaca ring any bells to you?
  20. maximus

    Airpower Imbalance - Nuclear Pakistan's Achilles' Heel

    Denying the truth? I guess just in the same way IAF beat the USAFs "inferior" F-15s with their "mighty" MiG-21 Bisons... LOL What a joke...
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