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  1. maximus

    The other side of India

    Why so selfish? Don't you care about the millions of poor living in your country? Don't you care about the injustice inflicted upon them? Why don't they have equal rights like you do? Why do have privileges that they don't?
  2. maximus

    The other side of India

    Like as if you haven't spared any moment in maligning Islam. Anyhow, there are no bad practices in Islam. Islam teaches equality and doesn't discriminate based on race and caste. Of course, there are backward practices within Islamic societies, but they aren't in any way related to Islam, but...
  3. maximus

    The other side of India

    Obviously, since we already have plenty of other threads that show the prosperous side of India we need to support the plight of the poor and needy. That's why I posted this thread in the first place. Please post the hidden pics. Do you care about the poor and discriminated in India? Post the...
  4. maximus

    The other side of India

    By all means! Anyone can post pics, articles etc.
  5. maximus

    The other side of India

    Another very informative piece of information about Hindu religion. The practice of Sati. Honour killings, Dahej or Hunda - Dowry and Bride-Price are all too common in Hindu religion and culture. Hindu Social Practices - Dowry, Sati and Child Marriage <- Written by a Hindu professor. I'm not...
  6. maximus

    The other side of India

    A very informative and neutral site about the caste system in Hinduism. The Caste System in Hinduism The caste system supported by Hindu religion How can we reason with people that don't respect their very own and minorities? How can we reason with people that are fed with religious...
  7. maximus

    The other side of India

    Why are you so paranoid and angry? Stop defending inequality. In India people are judged on the basis of caste, religion, ethnicity and even skin colour. Why are Indians so obsessed with having a white skin? Do Indians have an inferiority complex?
  8. maximus

    The other side of India

    Bro, why should I delete those pics? This is exactly part of Hindu religion. I didn't make it up either. I'm just sharing the vast wealth of knowledge about Hindu culture and religion. Why are we offended when it's all part of their being?
  9. maximus

    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    This is coming from a illiterate [mod edit] that doesn't even know how to properly spell Pakistan.
  10. maximus

    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    China will wipe the floor with Hstan. Period. Good move by Chinese navy.
  11. maximus

    Indian Army says no to Brahmos missile (ah DRDO)

    India is one massive failure. Glad to know that we are ahead of India in the missile project. Let's keep it that way by MIRVing our BMs.
  12. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    True, you can call me a Hinduphobe. I've no problems with that. That's what I'm and I'm not going to hide it either. In fact, I'm very proud of it. Hopefully, we will deal with those Pakistani Hindu's that ally with India. Just like the Indians that are expelling and beating up Pakistanis. I...
  13. maximus

    The other side of India

    Don't worry bro. That's exactly why I've clearly stated the purpose of this thread in the beginning. Any racist or flame remarks will not be tolerated. This thread is meant to expose the inequality in India. I'm just pleading for the needy. Many Indians on this forum always preach that all is...
  14. maximus

    The other side of India

    No probs buddy! Hindu Gods indufged in you know what...
  15. maximus

    The other side of India

    The slum life of Calcutta
  16. maximus

    The other side of India

    This thread will be dedicated to get familiar with the other not so pleasant and mostly hidden side of India. Please share your precious pics and articles relating to India in this thread. Let's not flame and remain civil. The purpose is to expose the other hidden and nasty side of India. Apart...
  17. maximus

    Unable to build aircraft, Delhi splurges on planes it can ill afford

    Yeah, just keep on selling those nasty Indian sweaters for a few rupees just like you did during the Chinese air show. LOLZ Besides, you cannot manufacture your own fighter jet. Your indigenous projects are all failures. Just admit it. That's what this topic is about. So stay on topic and stop...
  18. maximus

    Unable to build aircraft, Delhi splurges on planes it can ill afford

    Funny isn't it? When the media rants about Pakistan these Indians are very quick to join the bandwagon. When it comes down to their own failures and negativities the sources are inaccurate and biased as usual. What a bunch of silly hypocrites. Well, no wonder that the Indians have such a...
  19. maximus

    Unable to build aircraft, Delhi splurges on planes it can ill afford

    Indeed a huge failure. LOLZ The article very accurately highlights India's indigenous failures that we already knew about. Goes to show that not everything can be achieved just by numbers and money.
  20. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    Surely you're turning a blind eye to zhero who started this thread with the intention to single out Pakistan. You should read his posts.
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