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  1. M

    Russia develops military forces, strategic alliances to counter US

    NATO is, indeed, a voluntary organisation. However, former eastern-bloc nations like Poland/Czech Republic/Hungary/Romania and places like Kosovo and Georgia regard NATO membership as a passport to properity and economic development. The US exploits this situation by using them as a military...
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    Russia develops military forces, strategic alliances to counter US

    Putin has engineered a very successful public opinion in favour of Russian expansionism and a hostile anti-US stance . . . he's supported by most Russians. Hostility against US foreign policy and The War On Terror exists in Pakistan, but, Islamabad has a discredited and bankrupt political...
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    Russia develops military forces, strategic alliances to counter US

    America has been intervening in the affairs of Europe on a regular and perpetual basis since WWII . . . starting with the Berlin Airlift, the Eisenhower Doctrine, the Marshall Plan and the presence of NATO in Europe. America played an instrumental role in the break-up of Yugoslavia by supplying...
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    Russia develops military forces, strategic alliances to counter US

    Quick list of American interference in foreign countries . . . this can be either political+military+covert or a combination of all. I'll leave you to decide if America is an "accidental Empire" . . . sorry [coincidental] China 1945-51 France...
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    Russia develops military forces, strategic alliances to counter US

    At least, you accept that America is an Empire! However, most people will disagree that nations [accidentally] acquire empires!? Scandanavian countries look after their populations, have the highest living standards in the world and successful economies, however, they don't have military...
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    Russia develops military forces, strategic alliances to counter US

    I take your point. However, the world is becoming [increasingly] inter-dependent and globalized. Nations such as China and India require access to energy in order to fuel their growth. It is, also, true that most of that energy lies beyond their borders . . . having a credible and independent...
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    Revealed: the Iraq the Pentagon wants to hide

    People are, generally, aware that Washington is spending billions of dollars to stand still . . . sunni and shia Iraqis have lived communally amongst each other for over a thousand years, but, after only a few years of American occupation, have found themselves living in religiously cleansed...
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    The Beginning of WW-III

    US foreign policy has bitten-off more than it can chew in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, even with lunatics like Cheney as Vice President, Washington is aware that they can't do anything to help Georgia in Russia's backyard. Russia may be suspended from the G8 and have its application to join...
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    Russia develops military forces, strategic alliances to counter US

    The resurgence of Russia onto the world stage has important lessons for a country like Pakistan. Russia under Boris Yeltsin was in danger of of collapse . . . despite its resources . . . it was poorly lead, riddled with corruption, its energy assets had been stolen and put into the hands of a...
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    Saving Pakistan

    Dr Rizvi and Khaled Aziz both make the same mistake in their analysis . . . they isolate what is happening in Afghanistan [and its affects on Pakistan] from the global US-sponsored War On Terror. The second mistake they make is to treat the deterioration in security as a militia problem . . ...
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    Saving Pakistan

    Dr Rizvi and Khaled Aziz both make the same mistake in their analysis . . . they isolate what is happening in Afghanistan [and its affects on Pakistan] from the global US-sponsored War On Terror. The second mistake they make is to treat the deterioration in security as a militia problem . . ...
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    Mullen Wants to Break Pakistan

    There is a reason why you should never trust imperialists . . .
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    Wake up Pakistan!

    Pakistan is a nation that has one Achilles Heel . . . a bankrupt political system. This is the reason that Pakistan has lacked ambition on the international arena . . . preferring to play an American 'lackey' that is prepared to throw in its own national interests in exchange for a few...
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    There is a story behind this unfortunate incident . . . but, whether we'll get to hear about it is another matter.
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    Hey, Handsome, Wanna party?

    This is the result of exporting Pakistani economic policies to the IMF+World Bank and linking the Rupee to the debased Dollar. Once you've done this, there is no scope left within your policy apparatus to manage price hikes and fiscal deficits . . . the decision are made outside of the coutry...
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    Saving Pakistan

    Any significant country in the world has its extremists . . . Europe has its anti-federalists, Russia its ultra-nationalists, China its expansionists and India its paranoid fringe. The United States, ofcourse, has its neoconservative 'headbangers' that have created havoc on the eastern flank of...
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    US Poised to Attack Extremists in FATA

    The essential test of credibility for the "Pakistan First" policy is the willingness of Islamabad to enforce it as much against Washington as it should be against militancy within its borders . . . yes !?? :agree: Great. Now can we accept that allowing US military excursions into and bombing...
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    Obama, McCain Plans on Afghan Surge Need Pakistan

    Make no mistake . . . the Crusade is coming to Pakistan . . . Meanwhile, the civilian coalition government has wasted no time in alienating the Pakistani people, betraying the mandate it was given a few months ago and all the while pretending - [not too convincingly] - that surrendering to...
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    US “War on Terror” Destabilizing Afghanistan, Pakistan

    Unfortunately, Washington wishes to obscure 'the elephant in the room' . . . it is the presence of US and NATO troops and their proxy Hamid Karzai that are the source of the attacks and instability in Afghanistan. The Afghans have a proud history of resisting and repelling occupations . . . and...
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    Taliban Breach NATO Base in Deadly Clash

    The typical Yanky Achilles Heel . . . can't fight and can't defend themselves . . . call in the airstrikes that land in the wrong place and alienate a people and culture they thought were not worth educating themselves about. Arrogant. Imperialist. Hegemonic.
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