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  1. Shusha

    Azerbaijan Military Photos & Multimedia

    You're a clown and a fake. I see everyday Persians going on the internet claiming they are Azeris and than talking bad about Azeri identity. What a jokers you Persians are. You can only wish to be Azeri. And yet you have the dare to say they dont speak Azeri in Rasht? Wow, it proofs you have...
  2. Shusha

    Azerbaijan Military Photos & Multimedia

    Greenskins Commandos
  3. Shusha

    Azerbaijan Military Photos & Multimedia

    Greenskins Infiltration Forces are elite commando units of Azerbaijan, trained by Turkish SAT commandos. They specialize in deep enemy line infiltration and close combat.
  4. Shusha

    Interpol has revealed mastermind behind university massacre

    An investigation by Interpol has revealed that the mastermind behind the Baku Academy shootings was an Armenian, Mardun Gumashyan. The terrorist attack occurred on april 30, 2009. 12 people were murdered and 10 were wounded, most of the victims were students. Here is a good investigation video...
  5. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    I didnt call anyone an infidel. The given percentage is disturbing but not decisive. The Muslims would still make the majority. And I write "perhaps" because Im not Pakistani and I do not have the right to represent them nor to speak on their behalf. If it was up to me, a compromise could be...
  6. Shusha

    Russian geopolitics

    This is an interesting video made by Azerbaijani students in Baku on the geopolitics of Russia. Its about 10 minutes and in English, I thought it would be worth sharing with you guys. I also wonder how are Pakistani-Russian relations? And how does this effect Russian-India relations?
  7. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    I followed your advice and this is what is says: "Kashmiri Pandit population in Jammu and Kashmir dropped from 15% in 1941 to 1% as of 2001". With all due respect 15% is still not a majority. However perhaps a compromise can be made for the return of those people. Let just remain open for...
  8. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    Stop associating action movies with real life warfare kid. You know nothing about warfare, probably never even seen a life weapon. You have a lack of geopolitical knowledge and all you do is have some macho talk behind your desktop. Why do you think everybody is trying to solve the conflict...
  9. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    Exacly my point bro. You can see what kinda ignorant people we are dealing here with. The Russian bases in Armenia are meant to hold only Azerbaijan back, thats the only purpose of it. Here is what Vladimir Putin had to say about Armenia:
  10. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    If you had bothered to actually research the resolutions by the UN and OIC you would know Armenia is the labeled as the "aggressor state". Go do some research then come back kid. The independence of Nagorno Karabakh is only a justification for war. Armenia is not even independent, let alone NK...
  11. Shusha

    Azerbaijan Military Photos & Multimedia

    A brand new HD video, showing Azerbaijani firepower. Be sure to watch it at maximum quality.
  12. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    This report comes from an Armenian propaganda website. And "big trouble for Azerbaijan" is exacly what they are hoping to manufacture. Look at propaganda picture they added. Is this supposed to proof that Azerbaijanis are terrorists? Armenian propaganda machine has been trying to depict...
  13. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    You are twisting words. Azerbaijan is not the center but a route. This route implies Georgia-Azerbaijan-Iran-Iraq-Afghanistan. The weapon sources are located in Russia, that would be the center. What deadly weapons are you talking about? Pakistan only buys Azerbaijani small arms. According to...
  14. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    First you say that India should bribe Azerbaijan, then you threaten the country and if all this fails you "dont care" what the world thinks. This kinda mentality is what ignited the conflict in the first place. This is your word against the position of the international community. Research the...
  15. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    Yeah and this comes from an Armenian user. But he forgot to mention that while Armenia occupies 20% of Azerbaijani lands, Iran sided with Armenia during the conflict and still has special relations with this aggressor. The aggressor status of Armenia is recognized by the UN and OIC in many...
  16. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    I couldnt agree more, on both points. Not all Muslims are Arabs, nor does the OIC represents Arab-only perspective. Its obvious that India is a Hindu country, while Pakistan is a Islamic country. So what right does India have to keep Muslim-Kashmir under its control?
  17. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    Im not pretending to be an expert on this conflict, but what about a step by step solution? Pakistan and India have been locked down in this conflict for decades. So I think both sides have the time. There you go again, resorting to threats. At least I have some basic knowledge regarding...
  18. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    Until the 18th centuries, India was ruled by Muslims (ancestors of modern Pakistanis). Modern India has its origins in the collapse of the British Empire. When the British departed, they left behind a complex web of clans. Most of the regions that were Muslim-majority became Islamic entities...
  19. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    Is resorting to threats a common gesture in India? You give Indians a bad name. Besides you wouldnt be the first once to attempt to undermine Azerbaijani independence. Let me explain to you why your threat is merely empty words. India is limited to the subcontinent containing - Pakistan, India...
  20. Shusha

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    If you dont know what Azerbaijan, let me enlighten you. We were the first democratic country in the Islamic world in 1918. Azerbaijan had women's right even before western countries like the UK and US. Our generals, such as Mehmandarov and Shikhinski, defeated the Russian Empire on every battle...
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