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  1. varincam

    Is India-Pakistan entente possible?

    Lets have votes in Balochistan ,and tibet first ,not ot forget Hong kong.
  2. varincam

    China plans to export Advanced UAV, carrying with air-surface missiles

    if the us product is not ready then u have to wait before u could tear it open to copy the stuff.
  3. varincam

    China’s Secret Fleet of Stealth Fighters

    Only america has the divine right to poke their noses in everyones ,u now
  4. varincam

    Numebr 1 in 2010 IBM ACM contests

    The paper of Australia told him, over phone or email,that India students are lazy,and then he told u that.U dont let pass by any chinese whispers on Indians.
  5. varincam

    Numebr 1 in 2010 IBM ACM contests

    When the world acknowledges Indian ability in the field of software devopement ,u are inventing a new benchmark for being a powerhouse in softwares.The gold prize winner will get to become the owner of microsoft,the silver prize winner will become the owner of oracle.Tell me how many such...
  6. varincam

    Numebr 1 in 2010 IBM ACM contests

    yeah Indians students are lazy and the the PC was invented by the chinese.Thats what ur papa in beijing told u.
  7. varincam

    India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

    well thanks for the compliment ,u see I am against no country,it comes naturally to Indians.But some of these chinese living as second class citizens of the free globalised world and putting a facade in front of us as they are the worlds prima axis on which the world rotates ,pisses me off.Just...
  8. varincam

    Numebr 1 in 2010 IBM ACM contests

    This IIIt is not even a 20th rated softare engineering istitute in India.The IITs would never wate their time in something as crappy as the software competition in Harbin.
  9. varincam

    China’s Secret Fleet of Stealth Fighters

    wet dreams of chinese.U have in the 5000 years civilization not given any worth while thing to the world.U can count Mao anfd kungfu if u want.Do u think urs stultified minds could comeup with anything but ersats of free imagination.
  10. varincam

    China’s Secret Fleet of Stealth Fighters

    u should raise the issue wit hpakistani governmet and free balochistan and NWFP.
  11. varincam

    India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

    U must be working with some slumbry Indians wh oare interested in plans.But then u see its better to have our own imagination rather than relying on other peoples magination and then copying it diligently.But maybe people of ur calibre who have been stulttified by ur big papa in Bejing don...
  12. varincam

    India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

    Hello Mr howitzer from Iran,heard ur laboratory made some samples of 20 % enriched uranium.Try to mae it 99% and put it in Pakistan's A@@ rather than giving unsolicited advice to India how to look after its defence.
  13. varincam

    India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

    Its not bcause India can match up to chian missile to missile but because china doe'nt have the air to do so.U see after the collateral damage both sides will see ,The idea of India would remain intact and people will gather whatever is left them in India,But in China people will take this...
  14. varincam

    India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

    They took Buddhism from India and converted in to a fighting regime e(kung fu).They call it innovation.
  15. varincam

    India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

    Some 5 years back some cheap chinese mobiles came to India,without IMEi nos .before the government could ban them the people were pissed off so much with them that they stopped using them.Last year India exported 10 million handsets and produced 60 million .
  16. varincam

    India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

    too bad for chinsese,they r replacing the superior Russian tech for the chinese ersatz,god save the children of papa in beijing.
  17. varincam

    India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

    build some air in ur system and then talk big.Btw did u ask ur papa in beijin before opening ur mouth this big.
  18. varincam

    India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

    if the west thinks of india as a dof to protect itself from china then china is surely a snake or a mongoose.because u dont need dogs to counter lions.And we are ready to this job for the west to save our shared freedom and values from the chinese snake.
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