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  1. General General

    New Report Claims Pakistan Hid Osama bin Laden for Years

    Carlotta Gall used to be a reporter in Afghanistan, she's had been there for over 8 years. Now that the war is coming to an end, her reports had mostly died down, therefore, she is making do by writing a deliberately controversial book out of desperation. She has claimed to sourced her...
  2. General General

    Broadband Speeds around the world (top 20)

    My broadband speed is 2.2 Mb/sec for ~£16/ month. This is the highest speed we can get in my neighbourhood currently (I live in the country-side, can't stand the chaos of cities).
  3. General General

    Pakistan Navy induct the training ship PNS Rahnaward

    So casually mentioned...
  4. General General

    DRDO to shoot down missile at 150 km altitude

    Pakistani missiles already are capable of going up to 350 km in altitude, that's why India is looking towards developing an anti-missile system that can reach near that altitude.
  5. General General

    PAF and the JXX Fifth Gen Fighter

    The PAF is concentrating on inducting only single engine fighter aircrafts in it's 2009-2019 modernization program. These planes are F 16 blk 50+, JF 17 and the FC 20. Therefore, we cannot expect to see yet another induction by the PAF till atleast 2020. No airforce goes through this much...
  6. General General

    Pak Navy successfully tests surface-to-air-missile > Allah u Aklbar

    Allah O Akbar is used here as a war cry. Like "Geronimo" or "Banzai" is used in other countries. It's just a sign of exclamation. I wonder if any official report has been given of the type and stats of the missile.
  7. General General

    US Marines lay down their lives for Iraq and Afghantistan almost daily

    If you think the U.S. fights for anyone except for itself, you are sadly mistaken. If America feels so much pity for the poor Iranians who were killed by Saddam Hussain, why are they contemplating attacking it now? What, no more sympathy? You don't punish a murderer by invading a country and...
  8. General General

    Stockholm car blast kills one

    There's a saying that goes: "When you go to war, you bring a little of it back home." If it was, say, Mexico that was being attacked by NATO, instead of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, you would see counter-attacks by Mexicans. If these people really were carrying out terrorists attacks in the...
  9. General General

    Pakistan-Turkey to undertake joint defence productions

    The Otokar Cobra would be benificial to the Pakistan Army. I don't know much about this vehicle so I am summing up it's abilities by it's picture (Correct me, by all means, if I am mistaken). It's high ground clearence makes it very robust on off-road rocky terrain that is found in western half...
  10. General General

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    It's the power out-put of an engine that counts, not the number. The JSF is powered by a single engine and performs better than 2 engine A-5 Fantan. (This comparison is given keeping your logic as the point of view)
  11. General General


    M1 Abrams and F-16 blk 52 are conventional weapons. The U.S. might be offering expensive and sophisticated counter-insurgency weapons for which Pakistan does not really have much interest. Counter-insurgency is a temporary job for the Pakistan military. So, it might be saving funds to built up...
  12. General General

    Pakistan's growing nuclear programme

    Pakistan does not have much land to fall back to, therefore their military policies are to react to threats with force and speed. If a war breaks out between India and Pakistan, each country will try to gain as much land as possible in the initial assault. This will be used to negotiate with the...
  13. General General

    India Pakistan Economic Unification

    I said yes. Before the British divided and conqured the sub-continent (sorry about that), South Asia was one of the richest and most prosperous place on Earth. If someone says that Western powers would like peace and prosperity throughout the world, I would call that person naive and delusional...
  14. General General

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    Yes, its can be named FC-20 Waheed Murad. But jokes apart, jet fighters have been mostly named after a predator, like Tomcat (F-14), Eagle (F-15), Falcon (F-16), Hornet (F-18), Raptor (F-22), Tiger (F-5), Nighthawk (F-117) etc. Or it has been named after a force of nature like Thunder...
  15. General General

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    I got it from here: The Dragon's New Claws: The J-10B Emerging - Grande Strategy Like I said, I'm not sure how accurate this is. @hasnain0099 For your information, I used the term radiate. Meaning, it does not apparenty look that good on the outside, but it might be one hell of a machine on...
  16. General General

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    Don't know how much weight this holds: I like the new J-10B a whole lot better than the J-10A. The A model didn't radiate class or sophistication at all. I mean the intake had bits of metal holding on to the fuselage.
  17. General General

    50 reasons Pakistan needs Musharraf

    The way I see it, anyone is better than the current government. I would personally favour Imran Khan to play a vital role in Pakistan as a President or Prime Minister, if not, then Musharraf. Running a country needs a spine and strong character, both of which are missing in the current rulers...
  18. General General

    Canada wants to use Pak bases for Afghan pullout

    I think Pakistan should allow them. There is no reason to create a bitterness between the countries. Good international relations start with small gestures, and lead up to major co-operations. Canada might not be a strategic ally of Pakistan, but it is a humanitarian one. Examples are the recent...
  19. General General

    More on YFC-1e

    I was not aware of the YFC-1e being a confirmed project, let alone cancelled. Maybe I missed something. However, I beg to differ about the stealthy and stealth aircrafts not making it big in most airforces. For example, the F-35 is being sold to Australia, Denmark, Canada, Italy, Netherlands...
  20. General General

    More on YFC-1e

    First let me clearify some concepts: STEALTH: Hard to find. (It is extremely difficult to find the aircraft at all) STEALTHY: Harder to find than usual. (It is dificult to find the aircraft, but eventually it is possible to locate it) NO STEALTH: Found it! YFC-1e will be a stealthy aircraft...
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