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  1. F

    what happen with pakistan missile program

    but i never thing ballistic missile test can be make secrete
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    what happen with pakistan missile program

    it true but i say more then 2year not one month
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    what happen with pakistan missile program

    in more then 2 year we never do any new test or introduce missile in the world what reason behind this? i mean no baber, no raad , no ballistic missile , no AGM, AAM what we are not working on any new project? other side Iran is makeing himself better in missile technology in this month they...
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    News Flash: JFT carries out a successful WS-13 Flight test.

    what ws-13 have tvc option?
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    i think it never yet ready then how it will display. yes we can wish to see thunder with ws-13 in airshow lets see what happen
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    i am waiting live performance of thunder excitedly. and what in the about video there is formation like sheerdil team what these are thunders in this video in formation which are flying just like sheerdil team?
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    IDEAS 2010

    ideas is the defense exhibition which is happening after every two years last time its happen at 2008, and next was happen in 2010 but august has started no news about it. anybody know about it then share me.
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    China & Pak: Russia’s Not Stopping the Flow of JF-17 Engines

    its good news and good slap on the month of indian. and 2nd think work on ws-13 will never stop because we will ready to counter this situation. i think Russia cameback because he know about ws-13 project so now he want sale more and more rd93 before comeing of ws-13 mass production
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    EuroFighter Typhoon won Indian MRCA Contract...

    please if you indian take decision soon. we want to see your funny deal. and then we also take step to counter.:sniper::sniper: if euro fighter is final then what will happen with faranch (refeal):rofl::rofl: they cencel deal of jf-17 and submarains for geting this deal
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    16 Refuelers in Paf modernization plan ?

    wwaaahoooooooooooooooooo its a good news :taz::taz: i think we just fly refuelers on spece and give rest to fighter :mps::mps::mps: yar chota se pakistan hai koi taaras kaho iss per 8 to 10 will full ful our need
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

    no janiii i never think 18 are not little quantity. yes i also listen that news but i think his mean pakistan will complete in the end of this year 14 + 4 = 18 just four" lets see what happen 18 or 4 but i think maximum 8 to 10 thunder will be ready at the end of this year not 18 its a...
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

    by the end of this year. what that is not 2 late?
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    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    pakistan is wasteing his money on f-16 if he buy on the condition not use again india. we are crazy who buy with this condition and second thing is american will hole on f-16 and air base also its so fool. why we give access to airbase. i thing f-16 will useless for pakistan. we should go...
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

    jf-17 block 2? what type of differnce in it, engine change or design chance, redar chance what?
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

    hi salam to all friend tell me when more jf-17 will ready because after january no more thunder manufacture what will rese0n behind this. something chance or upgrade
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