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  1. I

    Retooling Pakistani Military

    Tell this to the house of sauds or the ****** rich emirs of those emirates, money alone cannot bring in education, it needs vision and the will to decide whether to invest in advanced science and technology univs when the money can be channeled for populist schemes and above all how much...
  2. I

    Pakistan Missile Technology

    I think you are a bit naive when stating regarding destroying an aircraft career, do you know what is its operational radius, do you think that they will be in your littoral waters for you to fire missiles at them, what about their rest of the battle group each specialising in attack, air...
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    Advani admits he sabotaged Agra summit

    Hi agno I think most of the postings in this thread show that most of us stand in the same plane albeit a littile dented one, however our ideas are nearly same. I would like to ask you one thing, now that itsbeen nearly 50 years since both AK and Ik were seperated from each other, dont...
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    F-16s to India

    Can you substantiate your claim that MKI cannot hold a minute against any f16, with BVR, or is it a mere one line flame bait
  5. I

    Kashmir is disputed territory, not part of India: Pakistan tells UN

    Is this what you can come up with, I ve been watching you rabble rouse for the past two days. Use force? who stopped you from using it and by the way what on earth are you typing and why the heck am I replying to your rant
  6. I

    Kashmir is disputed territory, not part of India: Pakistan tells UN

    Well said Samudra, couldn't have said better myself. I again post what I said in another thread deleted by Agno(sorry for going offtopic in that thread) What can Pakistan do to liberate Kashmir and will the cost spent be worth it. How can Pakistan liberate Indian Kashmir when it is...
  7. I

    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    We are talking about people about a particular region and ethnicity and I am one among them. Id bet on peer reviewed journals for scientific studies, engineering and mathematics or even econoetrics but not on anthropology and a so called english or hindi or some wastrel expert from south...
  8. I

    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    I am sorry I live in here and I stand by with what I say . In fact what we say is not much different regarding Tmilnadu, only that our point of frame of reference differs. I am talking about current scenario, where money, career and fun is in the air for rather than tamil chauvnism or...
  9. I

    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    No one questioed whether it could be done, but the cost of taking up such a massive project such as this to humour Pakistan. There is no such thing called fre lunch, it is in Chinas interest to have the conflict simmering between the two nations and you cannot really expect them to do you such a...
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    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    That my friend is why this forum attracts people from all over the world including many Indians.. Cheers
  11. I

    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    Yes thats the whole point, those who are willing to migrate to your side of the border can migrate. Do you really beileve that Kashmir can be independent when India gives it away. I am sure Pakistan is no messiah to just allot it independence after shedding so many lives for it. Happy? Yup...
  12. I

    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    True my friend. I don't know about China but what I do know is that hailing from a same unit of nation before our respective independence, we can do live in peace and harmony. Why should you or I have animosity due to a third person. Let us look forward rather than looking back. our history...
  13. I

    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    Theoriticall yes, but one does need to understand the complexities of building a massive hydroelectic project in allmost unhospitable terrain. My friend there is no such thing as free lunch.To expect China to gift you simpley is rather naive. It is in Chinas interest or any vested power to have...
  14. I

    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    I am sorry I dont hate you nor do I have a reason to do. Neither have I hurted you personally nor you have done it to me. It is time for us to be pragmatic. Why are we fighting for a piece of land and a group of people .. let us see the larger good and lets us live in peace. cheers
  15. I

    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    Stop millitancy sponsored across the border and India will pull back from Kashmir and will let it live like any state like the rest of us. So the onus is on Pakistan to pull out jihadis and stop supporting them. This is not a movie where one day the evil empire decided to kill and rape its...
  16. I

    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    All you can do is whine and cry rather than see the issue pragmatically. This will not take pakistan anywhere. period I am sorry aren't Red Indians who were the original inhabitants of American continent supposed to be called Native Americans because Red Indians sounds racist. Which...
  17. I

    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    And what makes you think that you are the vanguard of that land.. As far I see it , its ia part of land in India that has the name kashmir where I have equal rights over it ... Its not whether we have guts or not, we have the guts to have it and not allow it to to be taken by you...Frankly...
  18. I

    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    //Lets have a plebiscite there and let Kashmiris decide// Has not happened after so may years and will never happen.. Pakistan must learn to live with Azad Kashmir and India with its own.. What makes you think there would be aplebiscite.. It did not happen in when Pakistan had coventional...
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    Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

    I am sorry but I think as an Indian I have equal rights over kashmir as a kashmiri has over my state .. Kashmir was not occupied but has been with us for ages.. I repeat what I stated in another thread as a reply to you. Indian Kashmir is an integral part of India . We don't care what your...
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    Kashmir Day Today

    Again I say what can you do about it? answer me.. Even if we assume for a moment that your claims are true then it is the internal affair of India as is Azad Kashmir or Balochistan an internal affair of Pakistan... The rationale is that Pakistan wants a piece of INDIAN territory and that is the...
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