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  1. I

    Pakistan survival without Kashmir???

    Are you a Kashmiri or are Pakistanis the sole gaurdians of freedom and liberation across the world. Don't show your holieer than thou attitude towards us. How are Pakistnis related to Kashmiris, why should you spend a major part of resource effort for them, are you blood brothers.As far as India...
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    Pakistan survival without Kashmir???

    The arguments, disputes, confrontation between India and Pakistan will be centred around Kashmir and Kashmir alone.Period. Yes, India will definitely use it in negotiation, but it is pertinent for you to understand that it will happen in negotiation table alone. Whatever confrontation...
  3. I

    Indian Army "Faked" Battle of Laungewalla

    Correct, but how about waiting there without reinforcements, How about strategically retreating when knowing thoughly that your recce has come across thousands of soldiers and an entire armour division and in the process regrouping and hitting back or asking for more reinforcements. There are...
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    Indian Army "Faked" Battle of Laungewalla

    That is the whole point, they were there waiting instead of backing off when faced with enormous armour and infantry formations. Yes, sadly many people here don't recognise the enormous contribution of IAF. As far as I know , any Indian who is interested in millitary affiars does appriciate...
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    Can Pakistan and Bangladesh form a union like EU

    I strongly support Salam Nedian's Idea, It think it will solve India's problem of migration of cheap labour from Bangladesh. Pakistan better be ready to accept these so called experts en masse. On serious note though, I think the entire discussion points out to the shortcoming of Islamic...
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    Pakistan survival without Kashmir???

    How about seeing it this way, yes maybe according to you India might be building dams with evil design of starving Pakistan, but the way I see it, we are more saner then you think. India does not gain anything by starving Pakistan of water but however we can use it as one of the measures of...
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    Indian Army "Faked" Battle of Laungewalla

    Care to provide backup to your claims. The troops were stationed at Longewala and as far as history recounts they did not abandon base nor did they backoff. As far as I know them staying put at Longewala will few men with the possibility of meeting huge armour division was by it pretty much...
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    Indian Exercise Brazen Chariots 2008 (PART 2)

    Yes it is a mere demo. It is the culmination of another exercise that has been taking place for three to four days . This was kind of closing where by the demo was performed for VIP
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    Pakistan survival without Kashmir???

    How about think tanks , nws papers and expert comments , It is easy to perform a feasbility analysis by the media using experts. The Idea you are proposing will require years to complete. The finalistation of draft plans and negotiations alone will take more than 3 years. It can be done...
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    Retooling Pakistani Military

    Succinct , clear, objective, broad minded analysis sir, hats off to you. However I think Pakistan has a potential to be a developed nation. The very notion that democracy still survives albeit an unstable one despite several internal and external problems point to the potential your nation...
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    Pakistan survival without Kashmir???

    Thanx be our guest
  12. I

    Pakistan survival without Kashmir???

    I have not done the cost benifit analysis, but from seeing the terrain any one can understand why such a project would stand as an enginnering marvel. If it were feasable in the first place, whay hasn't your government or any independent source or thinktanks have any feasability analysis. Such a...
  13. I

    Pakistan survival without Kashmir???

    If only all we wish could come true. If it were as easy as you claim to be then why was it not planned or why was it not done already, believe me , such a project is enormusly expensive and Pakistans economy simply cannot bear it. Have you analysed the cost benifit analysis of such a project, ie...
  14. I

    Pakistan survival without Kashmir???

    Yes people will disregard your remarks because its nothing but Ostriches. Why is that tou think nuclear war is the be all and the end all of wars.It is not as simple as you make it to be, if it were so easy then why did not the Americans or Soviets not use them. Eat this no matter what rhetoric...
  15. I

    Pakistan survival without Kashmir???

    Its been more then fifty years since we both countries seperated and yet there have been no major contentions regarding water flow except for few row's over dams and the heights of the dams which were refered to world bank, as far as I know were we to be so callous and evil we could have done...
  16. I

    Retooling Pakistani Military

    The comparison rose because you claimed that money is the sole reason why Israel is well educated and is ahead in research and development. Solution? The answeris simple invest a good part of resource in building institutions, institutions that last and will be niche and will be top in their...
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    Retooling Pakistani Military

    Again and again you are coming round in cycles, if money is the case what prevents Saudi, UAE,Quatar etc becoming centres of learning with top of the line universities.Money is not the main issue here albeit being an important one money is not the be all and end all for education, in that case...
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    Pakistan Missile Technology

    Exactly keys, one always assumes based on what Americans say and the fact of the matter is that they always tend to blow out of proportion their threats and scenarios thay face. They plan for worst case scenario and fight rather then waiting for best case scenario. We usually tend to assume that...
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    Pakistan Missile Technology

    Believe me in case you threaten Israel of nuking them, when in a scenario where they have not threatened your interests directly, I am sure that israel will go preemptive before you can finish blowing your rhetoric, what stops Americans in launching preemptive attack on you when as you say you...
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