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  1. Sayyaf

    Pakistan Military Multimedia

    Pakistan air force song "Asmaan"
  2. Sayyaf

    Pakistani missiles vs indian missiles

    I'm not sure if this video is old or new! Can someone verify for me?
  3. Sayyaf

    6 Christian African boxers convert to Islam in Pakistan

    lol, ha ha ha! Good one :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  4. Sayyaf

    6 Christian African boxers convert to Islam in Pakistan

    Unlike Hinduism, in Islam there is no such thing as Racism or Caste system! This is the main reason why these 6 black African boxers converted to Islam, because they saw the brotherhood and hospitality Pakistani Muslims gave them no matter what the color of their skin was or their religion!
  5. Sayyaf

    Armies of Aisa

  6. Sayyaf

    6 Christian African boxers convert to Islam in Pakistan

    Six visiting Central African boxers to embrace Islam Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz KARACHI: While Islamophobia is increasing in the West, six Christian members of visiting Central African Republic boxing team decided to convert to Islam after being highly-impressed by the Pakistani, Muslim culture...
  7. Sayyaf

    Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

    hmmm, i was wrong, i apologize, Taliban don't have a presence in 70% of Afghanistan! they have presence in 80% of Afghanistan! Eight years after 9/11, Taliban roils 80 percent of Afghanistan « RAWA News Your wrong, Taliban are not only made up of Pashtuns, their made up of Uzbeks, Tajiks...
  8. Sayyaf

    Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

    Lol, no get your facts right! you said "BTW, Sayyaf, the taliban aren't the same people whom we worked with in the mujahideen. You, like too many Pakistanis, forget that the mujahideen comprised far more than simply pashtus. There were uzbeks, tajiks, hazara, and turkomen-none of which are...
  9. Sayyaf

    Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

    Wow, i must hand it to you, your really good at speaking nonsense! You said "You must understand that only the afghan people may place the government of their desire in power. Not America. Not the U.N. Not the other forty plus nations there in Afghanistan whom Pakistan opposes." So why not...
  10. Sayyaf

    Interview of the Taliban

    Taliban envoy interviewed before 2001 invasion!
  11. Sayyaf

    Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

    Like i said before, remove indian presence in Afghanistan, secure your side of the border, and place a government that will not a pro india, the new gov should be neutral in Pakistan/india matters! first do your part, then we'll do our part!
  12. Sayyaf

    Amir Khan

    British Pakistani boxer Amir Khan
  13. Sayyaf

    Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

    like i said, even IF we are protecting Taliban leadership, its for our national interest! Its not our fault your army failed to kill Osama and other top wanted Al-Qaida and Taliban during battle of Torah Bora! If you want our support, stop all those TTP supply lines on Afghan side, guard the...
  14. Sayyaf

    Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

    We "protect" afghan Taliban? lol, where is your proof (other than your politicians)? unless you personally seen us protecting Afghan Taliban don't bother to say any nonsense! And even IF we are protecting Afghan Taliban then its for our NATIONAL interest! We won't compromise our national...
  15. Sayyaf

    Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

    The difference between Afghan Taliban and TTP is that Afghan locals support Afghan Taliban (which is why Afghan Taliban control more than 70% of Afghanistan) and Pakistanis hate TTP!
  16. Sayyaf

    Pakistani Fashion

    Wow, this is a complete shame! And we Pakistanis call Pakistan a "ISLAMIC Republic"?????
  17. Sayyaf

    Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

    But the point is that TTP didn't listen to Mullah Omar! And if you haven't read other articles related to this topic, the Afghan Taliban have repeatedly said that attacks on TTP doesn't have any effect on Jihad in Afghanistan! So if Pakistan does attack those sanctuaries (Which have been...
  18. Sayyaf

    Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

    Ahmed Quraishi? lol, where did he come from? did you read the name of the Author of the article?
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