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  1. Fact_ur_mine

    Pakistan's growing nuclear programme

    The article is new and if you could read it without any frustration, maybe you could read there are 2 new points mentioned.
  2. Fact_ur_mine

    Pakistan's growing nuclear programme

    By Syed Shoaib Hasan BBC News, Karachi Pakistan's first nuclear reactor was established with help from the United States in 1965 during the regime of military dictator Gen Ayub Khan. Gen Khan's protege and then foreign minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, was the driving force behind the...
  3. Fact_ur_mine

    MIRV technology within Pakistani grasp now.

    Its obvious that you cant read english.. Because from start of thread talks are going about ICBM not MIRV :lol::lol:
  4. Fact_ur_mine

    MIRV technology within Pakistani grasp now.

    Good :tup::tup::tup: keep up this attitude and pakistan wont need enemy to destroy her. Pakistan would destroy pakistan itself. Keep moving on same path and see the current internal situation multiplied by 10 times. Am happy by approach you guys walk:tup::tup:
  5. Fact_ur_mine

    Would you rather be rich plus ugly OR beautiful plus poor?

    Rich plus Ugly, because beauty is always in eye of beholder.
  6. Fact_ur_mine

    MIRV technology within Pakistani grasp now.

    Common dont act ignorant, Japan is already protected by US and they have US missiles to work for them. What a lame logic you gave to defend pakistan for ICBM. No wonder why world thinks pakistan as Un responsible state. Keep on doing these things and get more alienated from world. What...
  7. Fact_ur_mine

    MIRV technology within Pakistani grasp now.

    Its good to know you guys quote Ghandhi:azn:
  8. Fact_ur_mine

    MIRV technology within Pakistani grasp now.

    India hasnt covered VAST area of china..Still whole of china isn't under reach.. Try to understand india's defense needs, they need to be atleast proportional to growing economy. Its quite weird, how you came to fantastic conclusion that 2nd fastest growing economy doesnt need ICBM:lol::lol:
  9. Fact_ur_mine

    MIRV technology within Pakistani grasp now.

    India and israel are already within reach..I dont think pakistan needs ICBM. It would portray even worse image.
  10. Fact_ur_mine

    Pakistan and North Korea live on the edge

    According to respected U.S. intelligence analyst Bruce Riedel, Pakistan has the world’s fastest growing nuclear arsenal as well as the most terrorists per square mile. The latest tranche of classified cables published by WikiLeaks includes the revelation that since 2007, the United States has...
  11. Fact_ur_mine

    India refuses visa to Musharraf

    DRDO was right, jana mam uses this word when she gets pi$$ed off. Guess what, in reply back people are expected to say similar kind of word for pakistanis..heheh Mods are lookin at just 1 side.
  12. Fact_ur_mine

    India refuses visa to Musharraf

    Mam, how you came to result it is weakest. In common view "India is scared of Musharff" is weakest point ever By the way, I want to know does Musharff feels humiliated or still holds earlier attitude of "sab chalta hai"..
  13. Fact_ur_mine

    India refuses visa to Musharraf

    Reality or not People on PDF are allowed to digest the way they like... And pakistani politicians get ,mileage when they speak about india and even more mileage when go and speak in india. I think you already knew that... I remember some words said to musharaff " Pehlae to mai appko mubark badh...
  14. Fact_ur_mine

    India refuses visa to Musharraf

    You could have kindly asked this question at first place, instead of this "I wonder how much India is scared of Musharraf's ability to speak to media."
  15. Fact_ur_mine

    40 Sensitive Pakistan Government Websites got Hacked by Indian Hackers

    OMG, if true it was a big cyber attack.There has been instances in past between india and pakistan when 1 website was hacked and in response again 1 website from other nation attacked. But 40 all together is big number.
  16. Fact_ur_mine

    Shahrukh Khan surrenders to Shiv Sena threats

    Move him to pakistan, thats best option in interest of india:lol:
  17. Fact_ur_mine

    Pakistan must not give India MFN status

    You didnt understood his approach..He is banned now only for this,,,he didnt even made 1 single post and got BANNED. He played smart for like month and with all thanks.. All Member read or said "Jai Hind" thousand time:yahoo::yahoo:
  18. Fact_ur_mine

    Bomb Kills Iranian Nuclear Scientist

    Did i blamed anywhere about 15 those scientist?? and from where did INDIA came in here?? Your obsession amazed me.
  19. Fact_ur_mine

    Bomb Kills Iranian Nuclear Scientist

    US is accused, but its accusation until proved.Could be hand of inside men too, who want to overthrow the rule. Thats bad, scientists were working for best interest of their country, true patriots and suffered death from unknown enemy.
  20. Fact_ur_mine

    I Am Getting Married!!!

    Good luck and best of wishes. Have a great life ahead:tup::tup::tup: I hope you find time for PDF after cooking, dusting and cleaning :lol::lol:
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