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  1. Dance

    Hysterical India, Mature Pakistan

    The posts in this thread just prove the title of the article.
  2. Dance

    Hysterical India, Mature Pakistan

    India is gripped by war hysteria. Its jingoistic media, bereft of editorial responsibility, has come out all guns blazing against Pakistan. Its politicians, especially from the right-wing and nationalist parties, are baying for blood. They want their troops to “behead” 50 Pakistani soldiers and...
  3. Dance

    Afghanistan bans Indian soap operas

  4. Dance

    Unwelcome guests: Jirga imposes ban on renting houses to Afghan refugees

    If only the Pakistani government acted in this way instead of allowing these people to stay till 2015
  5. Dance


    Typical comment of someone who cant reply with reason so resorts to replying immaturely
  6. Dance


    I guess you guys failed because the amount of fighting/killing going on between the Islamists and the Awami League.
  7. Dance


    Drone attacks and Shia-Sunni conflicts are related to the TTP
  8. Dance


    They might not, but you do have other ethnic groups/religious groups that are in tension with each other. Plus they all live in one land mass. Pakistan and Bangladesh were separated by thousands of miles and Bangladesh was surrounded by an enemy country: India. Doomed for failure.
  9. Dance

    Islamabad ranked "second most unfriendliest city"

    I'm not fighting with her, I'm just explaining that one shouldn't make assumptions that if you don't talk to locals in an area you're talking to "trees and plants"
  10. Dance


    I think everyone can agree that Pakistan and Bangaldesh should never have been together in the first place and it was doomed to be a failure. There's nothing in common between us, its like asking Pakistan and Malaysia to form a country together.
  11. Dance

    Islamabad ranked "second most unfriendliest city"

    What are you talking about? I wasn't the one who said they were the unfriendliest people, a survey did. I went there for some visa issues, so I didnt need to talk to the locals really (except for the embassy officials). Just because one doesnt talk to the locals doesnt mean that you cant find...
  12. Dance

    Islamabad ranked "second most unfriendliest city"

    I went there once and it was pretty boring. Compared to Karachi, it seemed like a village. Can't say anything in regards to the people though since I haven't really interacted with the locals there.
  13. Dance

    Islamabad ranked "second most unfriendliest city"

    New Jersey often gets a bad rap, but a new survey from Condé Nast Traveler shows that its largest city, Newark, is the most unfriendly city in the world. Condé Nast Traveler recently came out with a list of the Friendliest and Unfriendliest Cities In The World, and Newark took the number one...
  14. Dance

    66 days in power but no promised change in sight

    I understand, but the keyword here is seem. Lets see if they actually reduce power outages or its all just talk. Terrorism is probably the biggest threat to Pakistan (can't have a functioning and rising economy when theres bomb blasts everywhere and no one is safe). I still haven't seen any...
  15. Dance

    66 days in power but no promised change in sight

    Not really, just look at all the bomb blasts/attacks that have occurred since PML-N took power. Half of Pakistan is under water and Islamabad is under high threat, yet Nawaz Sharif is no where to be seen or even in the country.
  16. Dance

    Islamabad on high alert

    True. But lets hope that due to the high presence of security forces in Islamabad right now, a possible attack can be completely averted or damages from an attack are minimal. I wonder where the esteemed prime minister is or what he's doing when his capital is under threat.
  17. Dance

    Islamabad on high alert

    I hope something like that doesn't happen. Lets hope that these people are caught/killed before they do any harm and pray for all the security forces/police officers that are putting their life on the line to protect everyone.
  18. Dance

    Islamabad on high alert

    Is the threat over?
  19. Dance

    Islamabad on high alert

    Apparently there are people in Pakistan who think motorways, metros, and free laptops hat are more important than terrorism. Thats why this party was elected. As for the taliban, I do think they can be weakened considerably and eventually be wiped out if the government/security agencies/army...
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