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  1. Dance

    Whether we should celeberate independence day or not?

    Yes because its a reminder that we're still fighting independence from terrorism, feudalism, corruption, and other ills. Also people sacrificed so much for this land, lets not dishonor them by forgetting their sacrifices.
  2. Dance

    Happy Independence Day Pakistan | 14 August 2013.

    Exactly! When the majority want a change, the change will happen. I guess right now Pakistanis are content with the horrible conditions of Pakistan, because no one is doing anything to stop them. But when they decide to wake up and stand up against terrorism, feudalism, gender...
  3. Dance

    Happy Independence Day Pakistan | 14 August 2013.

    The democratic system will evolve, just give it some time. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day and Pakistan has been in military rule for most of its history. This election had the highest voter turnout in any election with most of them being the youth. So people do want a change in Pakistan...
  4. Dance

    Happy Independence Day Pakistan | 14 August 2013.

    I understand your frustrations and anger, I feel the same emotions. However, change doesn't come until people actively do something. My biggest problem with Pakistanis is that they are too indifferent to the problems that occur. We can't expect things to miraculously change without the...
  5. Dance

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    Can anyone explain why Zardari and his government would put a ban on executions in a time where attacks on Pakistan were a all time high? And many groups were attacking the state? If these people were hanged when they were supposed to, then we might not have seen as many attacks that we're...
  6. Dance

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    Imran Khan condemned the attack: https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI
  7. Dance

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    I became disillusioned when they destroyed Jinnahs residency in Ziarat. Thats when I saw that there was actually proof that Jinnah's Pakistan is dead. We're now in the era of TTP/LEJ Pakistan
  8. Dance

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    No one is listening because no one in Pakistan (except for a few) have stood up against extremism. Pakistan should just change its name to indifferentistan.
  9. Dance

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    Of course, its just a matter of time before Pakistan starts resembling afghanistan. Unless the state wakes up and starts eliminating these groups seriously. You have people speaking openly on TV and through sermons advocating the killing of people just because their beliefs are different. And...
  10. Dance

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    At least the Rwandan Patriotic Front decided that enough was enough and decided to get rid of the genocidal regime in Rwanda, which ended the civil war and genocide there. In Pakistan unless your own community or someone you know is attacked or killed, no one cares and will go about their...
  11. Dance

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    Same. At the rate at which we're going, the only people left in Pakistan will be TTP, LEJ, and other extremist groups and we'll read 50 years later how Pakistan is in the same category as Rwanda or Bosnia because majority of the population was wiped out by these groups.
  12. Dance

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    Many of the Muslim League leaders and proponents of Pakistan were Agha Khani. Just when I think that Pakistan can't fall any lower, it does.
  13. Dance

    Punjabi Taliban warn of reprisal if PML-N govt hangs militants

    Of course PML-N will listen to their demands. Extremists and the taliban already control Pakistan. They already wished the Pakistani people a happy independence day: Consecutive blasts in Karachi Jamaat Khana leaves 2 dead – The Express Tribune
  14. Dance

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    Yeah their place of worship is called a Jamat Khana
  15. Dance

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    2 killed and 40 injured when a grenade was thrown at (2?) jamat khana's in Karachi. All of the injured/dead were women and children. Consecutive cracker blasts in Karachi Jamaat Khana leaves 2 dead KARACHI: At least two people were killed and 40 injured when two cracker explosions took place...
  16. Dance

    Happy Independence Day Pakistan | 14 August 2013.

    Happy Independence day. I'll only celebrate independence day with full honor when Jinnah's ideal and vision are fully implemented in Pakistan (which hasnt happened yet)
  17. Dance

    Hysterical India, Mature Pakistan

    No it is not. Neither is it is in any of those other countries, just in the UK
  18. Dance

    Peshawar considers building metro

    Well not just loadshedding protests, but any type of protests that occur in Pakistan tend to get violent. I remember last year how people destroyed infrastructure in many cities during that protest about that film.
  19. Dance

    Peshawar considers building metro

    All of Pakistan needs that. I went to Pakistan and I saw people throwing stuff on the road instead of putting it in trash bins, littering, spitting out paan on the buildings, damaging bridges and buildings with graffiti, going psycho and destroying their own country during protests.
  20. Dance

    Peshawar considers building metro

    It would be ideal if all major cities get a metro. However, until security and infrastructure improves in Peshawar I don't see this happening soon.
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