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  1. Dance

    Bengali immigrants in Karachi polarised over violence in Bangladesh

    Theres a lot of non-Bengali people in Pakistan who believe what he does too. As long he isn't conspiring against the state or anything, I dont see the harm
  2. Dance

    Bengali immigrants in Karachi polarised over violence in Bangladesh

    A lot of them don't however: Bengalis afraid of losing their identity and rights – The Express Tribune But yeah Bengali's don't cause issues, I also think we should bring back the stranded Biharis from Bangladesh too.
  3. Dance

    Bengali immigrants in Karachi polarised over violence in Bangladesh

    Thats true. I've seen illegal immigrants from so many different places living in Karachi.
  4. Dance

    Bengali immigrants in Karachi polarised over violence in Bangladesh

    The government of Pakistan for some dumb reason has not issued identity cards to these people even though they are technically Pakistanis. I would consider them Pakistani citizens because many of them were born in modern or pre-1971 Pakistan and they chose Pakistan in 1971. But yes...
  5. Dance

    Bengali immigrants in Karachi polarised over violence in Bangladesh

    A lot of them were are since 1969, which means that they are Pakistani since they chose Pakistan over Bangladesh
  6. Dance

    Bengali immigrants in Karachi polarised over violence in Bangladesh

    KARACHI: As tensions persist in Bangladesh over the sentencing of those involved in ‘crimes against humanity’ during the 1971 Bangladesh War, the Bengali-speaking community in Karachi remains hugely divided over the events in their country of origin. The protests in Bangladesh sparked on...
  7. Dance

    Arbash’s way to gold: Pakistani clinches World Muay Thai Championship

    KARACHI: After failing seven times at the World Muay Thai Championship, Pakistan’s Arbash Khan was finally able to taste the sweetness of success as he beat Thai champion Kim Nom in the final of the professional 45-kg event. Arbash’s performance was convincing enough for the eight judges...
  8. Dance

    Taliban threaten to bomb mobile phone shops

    Pakistan definitely has more than a "few" cinemas. Hopefully police will take notice of this and stop it
  9. Dance

    The problem with Pakistani liberals

    I do, which is why I'm not a fan of the so called Pakistani liberals. A beginner’s guide to Pakistani liberal politics – The Express Tribune Blog
  10. Dance

    The problem with Pakistani liberals

    Well said. Lol Muse I didn't expect you to a mullah act-make judgements about other people with out knowing anything about them. I dont understand how pointing out that Pakistani liberals are hypocrites equates me to "despising" Liberals?
  11. Dance

    The problem with Pakistani liberals

    Can you point out where I said we should embrace Arab culture? And no it is not the same thing as Pakistani culture and no we shouldn't embrace Arab, Indian, American or whatever culture. What difference is there between what you're saying and what the mullahs are trying to do.Pakistani people...
  12. Dance

    Salman Rushdie named in al-Qaida's 'most-wanted list of Islam critics

    Can't deny that Fatwa boosted his carrer because he got all that attention. Otherwise his mediocre writing would probably have gotten him nowhere.
  13. Dance

    The problem with Pakistani liberals

    I'm not saying that should censor their thought or not go on twitter. But its very hard to miss the fact that the liberals in Pakistan interpret liberalism as being the same as being westernized. I'm all for pushing liberalism: people should be able to practice religion freely, speak out...
  14. Dance

    The problem with Pakistani liberals

    The problem with Pakistani liberals is that they are not liberals in the true sense. A liberal, according to the dictionary, is favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil...
  15. Dance

    Salman Rushdie named in al-Qaida's 'most-wanted list of Islam critics

    I once had to go to a lecture of his, and he's extremely boring and overrated. That fatwa really helped his carrer.
  16. Dance

    Pakistan admits past mistakes in Afghanistan

    Well said, they even tried invading us before in the 50's or 60's. All these events were before Mujhideen support. With Afghanistan's antics in the past, how could Pakistan NOT have adopted an agressive attitude towards it? Lesson: No one should ever take Pakistan lightly or underestimate it
  17. Dance

    Pakistan admits past mistakes in Afghanistan

    Pakistan made mistakes in the past, but its not one sided. A lot of Pakistan's polices towards Afghanistan stem from Afghanistan's hostile and agressive attitude which began in 1947. If you didnt try to claim our territory, then maybe Pakistan wouldn't have interfered in Afghanistan
  18. Dance

    Ethiopian woman chosen as "Miss Israel"

    Indian caste councils praise families that carry out 'honour killings' - Telegraph Sati (practice) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia India Has Killed 10 Million Girls in 20 Years - ABC News all these things have nothing to do with Islam. They are cultural practices in India
  19. Dance

    Ethiopian woman chosen as "Miss Israel"

    Islam actually gives a lot of rights to women. Just because backward cultural practices (many of your Indian cultural practices included) are horrible to women doesn't mean they are Islamic.
  20. Dance

    Modi and the 2002 massacre

    So that was him. I was wondering why his name sounded so familiar
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