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  1. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    He's just as bad. This man was already a failed Prime minster. Why do we keep elected failures over and over again
  2. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    This is a man who brought Pakistan on the verge of bankruptcy, is a protegee of Zia ul Haq, aligns himself with sectarian terrorist parties, and dabbles in family politics. Need I say more?
  3. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    If Nawaz wins, the only loser in this election is Pakistan.
  4. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    The media is so stupid. They're all showing different things. Geo is acting as is Nawaz already won, while Dawn is showing the opposite
  5. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    PML has 4 confirmed seats in national assembly, PTI has 3
  6. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    PTI won Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
  7. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    So disappointed in Punjab, apparently they like voting for failed leaders over and over again
  8. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    PML-N goons started shooting PTI people in Pindi
  9. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    I hope so too. Unfortunately it looks like people of Punjab are not ready for a positive change
  10. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    I have a bad feeling Punjab will let Pakistan down by voting PML-N People of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on the other hand are very sensible people
  11. Dance

    PML-N's white tiger dies

    Shame. The way animals are treated in Pakistan is horrible. Animals are living things too, treat them with respect
  12. Dance

    Imran Khan about genocide in Bangladesh, 1971

    So what? Whether you die by a bomb or die due to whatever it is that people are getting killed in your country for, its the same in the end.
  13. Dance

    Imran Khan about genocide in Bangladesh, 1971

    Enjoy the anarchy thats going on in your country! 27 killed in Bangladesh clashes over anti-blasphemy law
  14. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Both of things are not reliable. These people have a tendency to over exaggerate and not tell the truth: Terminal X: Pakistan military strongly denies 'fabricated' news from Afghanistan on border skirmishes
  15. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    This is only according to one random online poster. Unless there's concrete evidence that this actually happened, we can consider it to be fake.
  16. Dance

    Poll: What does, Bangladesh think of Pakistan in 2013 ?

    Does it really matter? Most Bangaldeshi's I know are still hung up on 1971 and don't like Pakistan. Most Pakistanis dont care about Bangladesh. They're both irrelevant to each other.
  17. Dance

    Pakistan election: the 4m votes no one wants

    I still think Ahmedis should vote in this election. Their votes will still help bring about a change. It might be a small one for now but it'll be a step close to bringing a greater change for the future.
  18. Dance

    Have arabs gone stupid or what?

    Technically you can argue the same thing about Pakistan. One can say that Pakistan was more stable, prosperous, etc durring Musharraf's time and then people threw him out and brought in a government that has brought Pakistan almost to the state of collapse
  19. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Afghans will never change. Even after living in Pakistan illegally for decades they still will complain and whine about Pakistan. The only way they'll change is if they start by getting rid of their racist and superiority (who knows why they even feel superior) mindset
  20. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Then they should stop pointing fingers at Punjabis! in afghanistan there was a civil war between the tajiks/uzbecks/ hazara's and the pashtuns not punjabis and Pashtuns. No its the truth. You went to war with the tajiks and uzbeks
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