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  1. Dance

    Blast outside Indian Embassy in Kabul

    This happened in front of the UN building so why is india's name in the title?
  2. Dance

    Woolwich attack suspect identified as Michael Adebolajo

    Lol I think the French are worse then the British in terms of unfriendliness. Last time I went, there I could see why people they are known for being rude. Americans, in my opinion, are probably the most friendliest in the west.
  3. Dance

    Woolwich attack suspect identified as Michael Adebolajo

    Not just the British, Europeans in general seem to suffer from this "ailment" lol
  4. Dance

    Woolwich attack suspect identified as Michael Adebolajo

    I dont know, I've been to UK before and everyone just seemed tense. Americans are pretty friendly people, so I guess I am just used to that.
  5. Dance

    Woolwich attack suspect identified as Michael Adebolajo

    The UK seems like such an unpleasant place to live. The "local population" is racist and unfriendly (look at the reaction of EDL after this event) and the "immigrant population" has issues with radicalization (this attack shows that)
  6. Dance

    Russia delivers 12 Mi-17 helicopters to Afghan armed forces

    http://www.defence.pk/forums/afghanistan-defence/251500-iranian-forces-open-fire-afghans-dozens-killed-injured.html Why don't you take care of this first?
  7. Dance

    ‘Huge power tariff hike aims at sabotaging PML-N popularity’

    What do they mean by "sabotaging their popularity" They don't need anyone to sabotage their popularity, it's already low
  8. Dance

    why do indians

    Yeah I mean I would react the same way if an Iranian or afghan said that we're the same people. People from that region are always going to share more in common with each other than with others
  9. Dance

    why do indians

    Maybe, but the Indians I've met are okay though. Its just weird when the try to say that Pakistanis and Indians are the same people. Well to be fair, internet Indians tend to be annoying.
  10. Dance

    why do indians

    Its the opposite where I live. When Indians find out you're Pakistani, suddenly we become "one people" and then they say a monologue about how Pakistanis and Indians are the same etc etc. Anyways the Indians I've met are pretty friendly
  11. Dance

    Pakistanis one of the most racially tolerant countries in the world

    Here is a perfect example of what is known as sour grapes.
  12. Dance

    Iranian forces open fire on Afghans, dozens killed or injured

    Why aren't the afghans on this forum commenting on this? Or do they only see Pakistan in everything?
  13. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Theres was a huge blast in Quetta, 60 people injured. Apparently it was an attack on the IG's house!
  14. Dance

    Judicial Commission inquiry and findings

    Redo elections in Punjab!
  15. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    I've heard so many people say that shrek/ganja is not our leader. One thing if for sure, majority of the youth do not support Nawaz!
  16. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    https://twitter.com/Hira_Ahmed/status/333649965186433025/photo/1/large Here's a pic of the protest
  17. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Looks like Nawaz already has problems building up on his plate
  18. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    This just shows what kind of government we're going to get. I heard PML-N workers were harassing PTI protesters in Punjab too
  19. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Good. I hope it becomes a mass movement
  20. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Are people protesting against the elections? If they are then I hope it spreads to all over Pakistan!
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