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    Wagah Border Funny Incident! Must watch.

    Salam everyone, Just got this video on youtube while surfing and i thought of sharing with everyone. Hope you guys like it.
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    Venezuela breaks economic ties with israel

    Salam, Guys i think this is a news which should be a shame for the muslim leaders of the world. A non-muslim country has done something far then they have been doing( singning and condeming). I think if all muslim countries try to just put some pressure, it would be more than enough to not only...
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    Hilal-e-Pakistan -- Is is devalued ??

    All this is happening cuz the people representing pakistan are not carrying the voice of people of pakistan. They say we will take the nation with us, it looks me the opposite way round. Pakistan desperately needs marshall law, all these people playing with our country should be given capital...
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    Is Indo-Pak friendship possible?

    To me one possible solution of achieving this could be a new leadership in both countries. With current politicians, its far from even dreaming. Our current politics is so messed up (both india and pakistan), that even for cleaning it would require the struggle of 1947's.
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    Is Indo-Pak friendship possible?

    I apologize everyone for that mistake. It was not done intentionally. I have also edited that line. Again sorry to everyone and hope Allah also forgives me for that.
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    Is Indo-Pak friendship possible?

    Sorry, but we cant neglect the third largest muslim population in the world which resides in india. As far as Quran concern is there, even China is a non-muslim state, so according to you we should stand up against them. World has changed with time and this is the time of alliances. The enemies...
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    Is Indo-Pak friendship possible?

    Definately i would love to see that happening and infact every pakistani wants to see a non-us region. But important to mention that we have a US puppet government. Sadly, even india planning to send it troops to afghanistan. So shall we also kick them out. India to send troops to Afghanistan...
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    Is Indo-Pak friendship possible?

    Salam everyone, Well I know this would be the most stupid topic to be discussed at this time, when both countries are at the brink of war between them. But it is important to discuss because this is the only other solution to indo-pak problem other than war and I hope most would agree, war is...
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    Who is Zaid Zaman Hamid? Brasstacks or Yousuf Kazzab Prophecy?

    Recently in his interview zaid hamid was asked if he is willing to clear peoples doubt regarding zaid zaman hamid. He said, he avoid getting into this stuff because this is clearly propaganda to divert peoples attention from his real goal to this stuff. So guys, if we try to indulge our self...
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    Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

    Well to run pakistan we need a president with brain and power. With the current political system, and the amount of corruption and the direct US influence in it, it is not possible to run pakistan as president without certain powers.
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    Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

    salam everyone, It was nice to see a presidential list consisting of musharraf,imran,zaid etc etc. One thing is for sure, people want change. I say again, they want "change" but not a transfer from one corrupter to other. Although i voted for musharraf, but incase i was allowed to voted for...
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    Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

    Salam everyone, Well i would definately stand behind Musharraf, but only in case if he decides to change his leniant policy towards USA. In so called war against terrorism, we did not only lost lifes of our soldiers and people, but at the same time, taliban who were ready to give their lifes...
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    Pakistan army: We must 'avoid conflict' with India

    Well, thousand of troops were not shifted to avoid conflict but to give clear message we are ready
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    Time to act for future!!!!!!!!!!!

    salam everyone, I have read alot of thread here, in which alot fuss was made regarding the hype the indian media and politicians have made regarding pakistan. There is no doubt it is a well disguised plan of indians, americans and other western countries of trapping pakistan. Resently, india...
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    Bhutto isn't a GOD!!!

    salam, guys the simple reason that corrupted personality like, benazir, zardari and i would even say nawaz are famous in our country is illiteracy. The problem with our nation is, they belive on emotional speeches and take it as their fuel. If a leader puts a slogan of rotti,kapara and pani...
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    India to ink largest-ever defence deal with the US soon

    hi guys, i think instead of putting some baseless blames on each other, it would be more fruitful if we critisice other with sources and claims. As far as i know, yes its true india is emerging rapidly in southasia economically. But if we take the recent attacks into considerations, it clearly...
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    Pakistan Air Force - International Media Quotes

    Well i totally agree to you, though we have one of the best pilots in the world. But definately we need to present them some stuff to showcase their talent. But i think recently when the 2 indian fighter planes were traced with our f-16 and mirages within 15 seconds of penetration, it shows that...
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    Pakistan Air Force - International Media Quotes

    Wonderful! it really makes me feel, we dont need quantity to indians.
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    Indo-Pak War...!!!

    according to me there are 23.435678% chances of war
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    PAF takes air space control over Lahore, Rawalpindi & Islamabad

    hi guys i just heard this news of planes flying low on defence.pk but i dont see it anywhere on geo or dawn, so do u have any sources to confirm. i hope there is a military siege and :sniper: mr 10%.
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