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  1. MirBadshah

    China's stance during Indo-Pak wars

    As I said China and Pakistan are both peace loving nations and do not have any expansion plans, they have always stood with each other and have watched each others intrests. Now, it is not a compulsion for soverign nations to necessarily have same openion on each and every issue, more...
  2. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    Who gives a damn to what these morons in any such parliment talk? You have simply avioded my above question and brought in that article which have no impact, there are UN resolutions as well, plz post these too, my questions above still need an answer.
  3. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    Almost everything which is required for a sustainable development, a stong industrial production base (it takes decades), a transpartent system based on clear goals and ............most of all. A bloody clean up of society, remember both US and China have gone through the process of that...
  4. MirBadshah

    Career in the ISI

    I am not sure but I do not think ISI recurits directly, they prefer to take guys from services. You can visit ISI website for details.
  5. MirBadshah

    Pakistan Successfully Testfires Cruise Missiles

    He have clarified that he dont want to insult any body, so plz take it lightly, a batter thing would be to warn him, just a suggation.
  6. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    You are sitting in lap of CIA for decades, you are blaming CIA for funding, how much sense do it make? You mean its insurgents for who you need 700,000 or so troops? Then tell me for what 80,000 Kashmiri's have been killed if it was insurgents sent by ISI? For havens sake, dont kae fun...
  7. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    Su 47, Dont distort facts in your favour. Chinese development is because of a strict system based on communist party's reforms which helped them built institution. They have spent 50 years in building their production base and infrastructure under communist regime, which have now...
  8. MirBadshah

    China's stance during Indo-Pak wars

    No reasonable person would rely on wiki on serious discussion.
  9. MirBadshah

    China's stance during Indo-Pak wars

    Pakistan and China, both countries wants peace in region and working togather against any sort of threat to peace in region. the friendship between two countries is somthing to be proud of, we have always stood with each other. Pakistan wants good relations with all naghbours but...
  10. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    Dont make this thread a "call centre" plz. Try to learn something more then rather being a "spell check" tool.
  11. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    Malay, One one side you are telling me that I am not "Qualified" to talk about India, this is extremely "racist", "rude" and intolrent behaviour, on otherside you are asking me to reply. I would be happy to reply you and I stand by my post, I would support it with facts from unbaised...
  12. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    How old you are exectly? These are forums kid, every one is free to expres their openion, you can not decide who is qualified and whao is not. Your posts are just like a politicain making a spech, always with no substance and no facts, simply delision. You dont like some ones openion just...
  13. MirBadshah

    Pakistan Successfully Testfires Cruise Missiles

    Dont ask "source" for every thing, there are always surprises, this is a living world. I can confirm the name of next baby, its going to be "TIPU", timing depends on international political enviornment.
  14. MirBadshah

    India to overtake United States by 2050: Report

    I think this thread started a bit late here, on Indian forums, they are strictly disowning this statement as it have created a lots of embaressment. GS wanted to get the permission to operate in India and they got it, these predictions are always figure work of some "Babu's" sitting in NY and...
  15. MirBadshah

    Afghan refugees vow to stay put

    Who issue is too damn politicised internationaly, the clear picture would come after next few months. If USA want to pull out, we would need these Afghans to be home to have a batter control over Afghan politics.
  16. MirBadshah

    Taliban in Islamabad

    He is part of the dirty game of politics, otherwise a government servent and that too how powerful he might can not do such a daram in heart of Islamabad. Bugti and Bhindranwala are two examples of these morons who were seriously a threat for state authority. This moron would ultimately...
  17. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    Webmaster, I agree with you, we would not need to spend that huge amounts if we do not have enemy next door, the root cause is not hidden from anyone, that is kashmir. If, and thats a big IF, India honestly thinks that his people deserv this money, they can resolve the issue, it them who...
  18. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    Well to be honest, I think this forum already have an entertainer, your posts on these few threads lack any relevacy or substance, these are merely salogans of some politician. I mean you want me to post you the reports from Assian Developmet Bank and World bank to assure you that people of...
  19. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    You may be right, but I look at it in different angle. Internal security is something which gurantees safe borders, not arms, SU is an example, with tons of arms it collapsed. India have also a lot of internal unrest, neighbouring China and Pakistan have reduced the poverty level to...
  20. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    Over the past five years, India has imported arms and defense gear worth $12.9 billion, compared with $7.8 billion in 1998 through 2001, said defense analyst Mahindra Singh, a retired Indian Army brigadier. In 2005, India’s defense imports totaled $5.4 billion, topping Saudi...
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