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  1. MirBadshah

    Record of the conflict between the Government and Dawn

    I dont want to go in to leanthy debate of weather he is a dictator or not, we can keep it for some other time, I have my own opinion about that, but he is blessing for Pakistan. Mistakes every one makes and he made as well, but he is doing too much for country that he needs to be appriciated.
  2. MirBadshah

    Empire with No Clothes

    What they paid is another story, if some one had a look on the website of the CEO of this company (I dont remember his name), there were thousands and thousand messages on website "India is taking over the world". I am still unable to understand that how one is taking over the world in a bad...
  3. MirBadshah

    Record of the conflict between the Government and Dawn

    No Adux, Musharaf is a claver man, a commondo and an excillent general. Media is his life line. If he kills media, he would get killed by it, he was able to stay in power because of free media, that provided public an exhaust. He himself walked in TV's office and got live interviews...
  4. MirBadshah

    Record of the conflict between the Government and Dawn

    The bill was signed by President 2/3 days back, it have become the law, now the Media regulatory authority is doing their home work to implement it, TV chanel is also not set in one day, so things would be moving togather. But the good thing is that now there is no restriction.
  5. MirBadshah

    Greater attention needed for gender equality to reach MDGs by 2015: IMF, WB

    There is a famous quote these days, a parlimentarian from government part have demanded government to bring a "Men Protection Bill" if the gender equality agenda of Musharaf countinues. These days you would seel a this salogan on back of every bus and truck in Pakistan. Apart from that...
  6. MirBadshah

    Record of the conflict between the Government and Dawn

    I appriciate it, your concern for Pakistan is always regarded, we do not feel ashamed as we know we are a developing country and have to fight with lots of hurdles to succeed, if we make it a matter of prestige and do not discuss, we can not succeed. Today Pakistans media is equally free as...
  7. MirBadshah

    Lighting up Pakistan —Robert M Hathaway

    Thanks, just my few cens, that is all I know, may be some other Pakistani brother can shed further light on details of future plan.
  8. MirBadshah

    Record of the conflict between the Government and Dawn

    It was realy a shame for government and Musharaf took too long to realise it, 2/3 days back he have signed the "Cross Media Chanels Bill" , but damage is already done. As now it have become a law, so dawn would be at liberty to set up their radio/Tv channels. The quota story was a pressure...
  9. MirBadshah

    Lighting up Pakistan —Robert M Hathaway

    A good article indeed. The comming years are going to be really difficult for Pakistan in energy requirement. It can be a potential threat for economic growth by the time new dams are completed and nuclear plants are oprational, that would be a time taking process, for short term it is realy...
  10. MirBadshah

    World Bank Group Releases "Doing Business" Report In South Asia 2007

    Sorry, it was World Bank actually.
  11. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    got stuck in something, would come back to you soon, I got the latest facts.
  12. MirBadshah

    Myanmar ditches India for China in gas deal

    We also have some ministers in Pakistan like India, less you listen them that batter, there are some good website on energy, you can google these, indipendent international sources are always reliable.
  13. MirBadshah

    World Bank Group Releases "Doing Business" Report In South Asia 2007

    it is also available on www.wb.org They publish these reports every year. We are sad that Pakistan is on 74 th, Prime Minister wants to be in top ten, he have ordered reforms and working on it, hopefully we can get batter soon. But India is on 134.......... a long way to go.
  14. MirBadshah

    Myanmar ditches India for China in gas deal

    It is not a flawed logic my genius, it is fact, do you know how much is per capita energy consumption in India? With higher per capita consumption compared to many countries in world, India needs more then 15% of world resources. While it have mere 1% of world's natural resources...
  15. MirBadshah

    First Time After 1950s: Wheat Export To India To Restart This Week, India is reported

    They tried to built but farmers started protests, 16 were killed before the plan was scraped, last month...................lol
  16. MirBadshah

    Empire with No Clothes

    That was simply a comparison, the basic these is that a profitable company buying a less profitable company and that too with borrowed money. In a country where costs of production is higher, labour laws are tough and regulations can not be avioded.............and at the same time he is true...
  17. MirBadshah

    First Time After 1950s: Wheat Export To India To Restart This Week, India is reported

    First Time After 1950s: Wheat Export To India To Restart This Week, India is reportedly facing acute shortage of wheat KARACHI (April 11 2007): After a long gap of almost half a century, Pakistan will be exporting wheat to India from this week. The Indian traders have approached Pakistan's...
  18. MirBadshah

    World Bank Group Releases "Doing Business" Report In South Asia 2007

    World Bank Group Releases "Doing Business" Report In South Asia 2007 (RTTNews) - A new regional report released Tuesday by the World Bank and its private sector arm, IFC, titled "Doing Business in South Asia 2007" reveals that conducting business has became easier in India and Pakistan in...
  19. MirBadshah

    Empire with No Clothes

    Empire with No Clothes: Lessons for India from America If you are thinking the United States and George W. Bush you are right too, but I am thinking of something closer to my home in India, which may not be that dissimilar. The felling of Saddam Hussein's statue in central Baghdad and...
  20. MirBadshah

    Pakistan will not allow the Chinese Navy to block US trade goods

    Although Pak China enjoy good relations and help each other in every situation, but both countries are peace loving and China as well do not have any offensive plans. Gawader is purely a commercial project and China can benifit from it a lot.
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