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  1. Al-Otaibi

    Oil shale in Jordan

    Great news to hear so. Another good thing to add, the oil shale recovery technologies are taking an exponential rate in development. Meaning in the near future, these unconventional resources will be recoverable at even higher rates. Congrats Jordan and see you soon enshallah one of the...
  2. Al-Otaibi

    Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies

    To not mix issues here, we love Pakistan and we consider it more brotherly and friendly than many Arab countries. Our relationship with Pakistan is unshakable and unbreakable.
  3. Al-Otaibi

    Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies

    Either you have a short memory loss problem or your account is being used by two people. Go back to your comment and learn what I’m referring to.
  4. Al-Otaibi

    Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies

    We taught it to your grandfathers 1400 years ago. So don't worry, we still have it.
  5. Al-Otaibi

    Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies

    We taught it to your gradfathers 1400 years ago. So don't worry, we still have it.
  6. Al-Otaibi

    Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies

    Let's not give cloths and gestures more weight than internal and foreign policies affecting people lives. So what if he buys a better jacket with $ 20. Will that make Iran go bankrupt? What actually affect people lives is not a president's simple look or cheap talks and gestures to fool his...
  7. Al-Otaibi

    Bahrain-Saudi Arabia union ‘meant to save US Navy base’

    The talks didn't fail. It was a very strong and promising start for a bright future for these countries. In fact, just breaking the barrier to publically plan the union of these countries is enough backbone to support this union and it did give the green lights to groups in these countries to...
  8. Al-Otaibi

    Study: Arabia origin of humanity

    This was proven more than 1,400 years ago by our prophet Peace be upon him when he mentioned the story of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve, the parents of humanity, met at "Arafat", the place near Makah where "Haj" pilgrims go to as part of their Haj, "Arafah" mountain. Arafat in Arabic refers to...
  9. Al-Otaibi

    Saudi and Bahrain expected to seek union: minister

    This integration is not a new idea in the GCC countries. They started it in the 1981 as a long term project with establishing a unified military in the GCC country to defend all the countries against any foreign threat. However, it didn't progress well due to wars in the region and other...
  10. Al-Otaibi

    Battle of Yarmouk

    Arabs did change history either people here like it not. They have enough history to be proud of to the end of times...The people who are denying this fact are living in denial. It is enough pride for them having carried the message of Islam on their shoulders and lightening the world with...
  11. Al-Otaibi

    Saudi Arabian Typhoons to get capability boost+ ToT

    Great news, This will boost the technology transfer to KSA and set a new higher level for air force spare parts manufacturing and potentially airplane building independence.
  12. Al-Otaibi

    KSA industrial defense : Project Simoom

    Way to go KSA...This is how you get in track. It is always better to start from where people are and not to go back to old weapons and modify them with small incremental "assumed" benefits and call that invention and military industry modernization. This is another strong step forward for KSA...
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