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  1. W

    Camron's ancestors commited mass atrocities in India.

    I can't say about other indians, but to me he is just another favourabe western leader as the world stands today. I don't even know what my ancestors did in 1850.
  2. W

    British-Pakistani lost generations

    i dunno, London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia indicates that there are nearly 3 times as many people of indian origin than pakistani origin in london. that means the per capita crime rate of pakistanis is much higher.
  3. W

    British-Pakistani lost generations

    so whats the reason for higher rates of delinquency and crime. surely can't be the war on terror can it :)
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    Indo/Pak Strategic Balance to widen

    thats not going to happen. china is going to open the gap even wider for the foreseeable future. only when they hit an economic planning bottleneck somewhere will we have a chance of catching up.
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    The train carrying the BMC military trucks was derailed in Erzincan by PKK

    i guess its the same thing everywhere really, isn't it. one man's terrorist, another man's freedom fighter.
  6. W

    Indo/Pak Strategic Balance to widen

    wow, you're pretty close to the facts by sheer chance. it will take india around 100 years @ 9% p.a. to reach today's first world standards. scary. the only thing you didn't notice is that you're not going to get there even in a 100 years at 9% per annum because your population grows even...
  7. W

    Camron's ancestors commited mass atrocities in India.

    attrocities weren't only committed between nations / empires but frequently by leaders on their own subjects. political freedom for the individual and respect for human rights is a rather recent phenomenon.
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    i didn't get your point. what i am saying is that we don't have experience with either f16 or superhornet. it won't happen with F18, because f18 is built by boeing which doesn't supply fighters to pak. maybe its been discussed and agreed upon, but my impression is that superhornet is...
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    i agree to a certain extent. maybe someone who is with the air force can clarify. we won't have operating experience with any of these aircraft straight away. my hunch is still that a superior(significantly?) version of the same aircraft will become a morale advantage. the minus is that...
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    let me respond 1. i don't know the details but if the a2g ability of SH is much better then thats a plus. 2. how often do you hear of engines giving out on an f16. i don't think twin engined is a plus. if anything, the spare costs and maintenance are nightmarish. 3. sturdier? that just makes...
  11. W

    India BENEFITTED from being a British Colony.

    the biggest thing we got from them is sane political organization. the mughal or the maratha empire is not a sane way of organizing politically. the european ideas of democratic and secular nation states are immensely superior to monarchies.
  12. W

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    whats the advantage f18 has over f16?
  13. W

    The clock is ticking for USA....

    captain america, i am a fan of capitalism but it can be fragile too. the markets for goods and services are robust, but two aspects of capitalism are fragile. financial markets and labour markets. both can lead to political upheaval.
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    Would you buy Pakistan?

    awright man. i already apologized more than once. to say that 'x is gay for y' is a harmless joke in the liberal world. neway.
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    Would you buy Pakistan?

    hehe, my mistake for opening the pandora's box. i want to invest in pakistan, back to the topic plz :)
  16. W

    Would you buy Pakistan?

    hehe, dude i seriously didn't realize that 'gay' is a big deal around here. i don't want to harp about something totally oblique. lol. you can believe whatever pleases you.
  17. W

    Would you buy Pakistan?

    yeah, only after posting did i realize that gay is a serious word to use in a pakistani context. homophobia runs deep.
  18. W

    Would you buy Pakistan?

    you're right , water infra in india needs huge improvement too. mismanagement leads to frequent flood and drought. there were proposals by vajpayee to link up all rivers in a 40 billion$ project, but we've never heard about it again.
  19. W

    Would you buy Pakistan?

    china seems gay for pakistan. lol. [i hope i don't get banned for this joke]
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