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  1. black tiger

    UK MoD purchases additional Rockwell Collins FireStorm™ systems for close air support

    Hi, Is it similat to sagem's JIM LR system. Thank you.
  2. black tiger

    No tit-for-tat policy if India conducts N-test: Pakistan

    Is he serious!! there is no way the GOP or the army can avoid tit for tat tests as the public would be baying for it, not conducting test's will only lead to increased tension and probably a change in government. And i think we can expect a thermo nuclear device to be tested by pakistan if...
  3. black tiger

    Designing and a modern assault rifle how would you do it?

    Hi, In future we will see fast moving engagements ie.mobile warfare, one moment you will be over plains or open terrain where u need long barrel for range and as the battle progresses in no time you will find your self in builtup areas where u need shorter barrel to facilitate CQB. So in my...
  4. black tiger

    Mikoyan Mig-35, Russia

    Hi, It's a cool aircraft, about the engine it uses rd-33 while jf-17 uses rd-93 a version made for single engined fighter's.:cheers:
  5. black tiger

    Pak has M-109 A5 self-propelled artillery guns ??

    Hi, Has this been confirmed(buying tiger helicopters) as it was mentioned previously that it might take sometime for the french to supply the same, as their own army is yet to receive it's entire order, moreover appart from some rumors during french minister's visit there was nothing concrete...
  6. black tiger

    Heckler - Koch HK MP7A1 Submachine gun

    Cool gun, but what about it's stopping power??
  7. black tiger

    Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

    Hi, Reading above post's gives me an imprrssion that some of you feel that in a confrontation between an SSN & an SSK(note SSBN's are stragergic weapons they prefer to lurk far from enemy vessels ready to launch once the go ahead is given, their torpedoes are for defence only, no SSBN captain...
  8. black tiger

    "Pakistan's industry joins international competition for new NATO-standard rifle"

    Hi, We have been hearing about a possible cange to 5.56mm for sometime now, but has anything concrete has been decided??. I think a decision should be taken at the earliest as G-3 is not suited fot CQ combat and your army is seeing a lot of it. Thanks in advance.
  9. black tiger

    CENTCOM chief Petraeus in Pak, to discuss weapons delivery

    Hi, You can include M-4 carbines and 40 mm grenade launchers as most troops in swat were carrying mp5's and AK's. Probably NVG's, regarding kevlar body armor i think it is supplied by some pakistani companies, but may ask for ceramic inserts, those were imported. Next would be precision guided...
  10. black tiger

    Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

    Hi, In the present scenario it will be better for pakistan to improve its land based deterent ie. Induct shaheen or add a new long range missile, plus acquire good ASW capability via indution of OHP's p3c's and ultimately U_214. This would be more practical, cost effective and can restore...
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