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  1. S

    Einstein on palestine

    and your statement just suggested that by moving to israel jews automatically become Muslims. nice going.
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    Einstein on palestine

    here is more of Albert Einstein on Israel. Letters to the Editor New York Times December 4, 1948 TO THE EDITORS OF THE NEW YORK TIMES: Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party"...
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    Einstein on palestine

    look at who the letter is addressed to, American friends of the FIGHTERS for the freedom of israel." he blatently calls them terrorists in this letter. here is some more background on the letter. "The letter was written on 10th April after the massacre of Arabs at Deir Yassin by the...
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    lol this will not fit with the distorted version of reality our Indian fellows believe in. prepare for some delta level whining.
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    first of all, wrong person genius. its windjammer who you are trying to reply to. secondly, i have updated wiki numerous times with correct information and indians have edited the page so much that hardly anything left on that page is the truth. as i told your fellow contributors earlier...
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    HAHA Wiki, i told you guys how indians have been polluting common sense by editing the pages and then basing their view of history on the regurgitated mess they create. thank you for proving my point. :yahoo:
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    i dont know why there is even a conversation on this topic when there isnt even a shred of evidence that india did not lose the war, except for this whining.
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    so lets get this straight. you see those reports and accept they are from across the world and say oppposite of what you and your friends are trying to tell us. you accept that and yet you still cling to your fantasy? the whole world says one thing and you say another and you claim that they...
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    purport from newspapers but "originally" (purport and then origianlly? WTF?) referenced from sites, WHAT? what are you even talking about?
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    indonesian source was one of 4 i put up there. American AND British. This is the first time ive herd someone use the defence, because "i would have to pay for access, I am gonna assume they are untrue." These quotes are not a new thing, these have been litrally everywhere. and I am sorry...
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    the quotes are not from zaid hamid's page or from a blog. each quote has its source at the bottom. what you might be looking at someone's work to make a collection of some of such posts so the history isnt muddled like it is being done by Indians in this thread.
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    there was a source at the bottom of each quote, what the hell is wrong with your eyes?? and oooh yes, the Guardian (UK) and Times of London are MY propaganda. i swear to God there should be an iq test to be able to make an account on this forum. that should take care of 90% of Indian...
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    AND THE PIECE DE RESISTANCE ............ “Indian pilots are inferior to Pakistan’s pilots and Indian officers’ leadership has been generally deplorable. India is being soundly beaten by a nation which is outnumbered by a four and a half to one in population and three to...
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    MORE QUOTES: “India’s barbarity is mounting in fury as the Indian army and Air Force, severely mauled, are showing signs of demoralisation. The huge losses suffered by the Indian Armed Forces during the last 12 days of fighting could not be kept from the Indian public and in...
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    FOUND IT ... !!! “For the PAF, the 1965 war was as climatic as the Israeli victory over the Arabs in 1967. A further similarity was that Indian air power had an approximately 5:1 numerical superiority at the start of the conflict. Unlike the Middle East conflict, the Pakistani air...
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    but even indians dont even believe that. this is just some new rethoric cooked up in the past few years. An American general was quoted as saying that the Pakistani airforce's superiority over the Indian airforce was similar to the Arab Israeli conflict. I have put that quote on...
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    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    i dont like these kind of articles. they suggest that there is some evidence that has to be proven or disproven. we all know about that war and there have never been any questions about who won. we dont even need to debate the results because there is no debate. Pakistan won and that was that.
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    Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

    dont forget they did very nearly wipe out the natives and took over their country. just like the aussies have. maybe if the natives had the same weaponry they wouldnt have seen their families killed, their culture wiped out and their country being overtaken.
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    EU Plans To Sell Eurofighter (Typhoon) To Pakistan Through Turkey

    the reason Euroturds are even mentioning selling the typhoon to Pakistan is because they are running after the F35, almost all of them. so the lower technology becomes available to us if they can get the money and/or the natural resources. the world remains still hideously unfair and this...
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    Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

    aaaaah yes we dont want to "DISPLEASE" europeans and americans since they are our overlords and get to dictate to US and to the lower world what technology is one fit to recieve. we would like to beg forgiveness for our dicretions against the almighty white men for WE (the non whites) do not...
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