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  1. RedBaron

    CIA/Indian/Afghan Involvement in WoT in Pakistan

    When was the last time UN prevented a war? Considering the risk that the NH1 disruption posed to Leh and Siachen garrison, GoI would not care a damn about UN or anyone else, but ask IA to go on the offensive. Links and sources, please. Mods may want us to debate this on a separate thread...
  2. RedBaron

    Map of India, 1760

    Not really...I actually subscribe to the Western view of the 1857 mutiny. It was not a nationalist movement by any measure like the US Revolution. The socio-political landscape after Brits became the dominant power in the 1800's was a hodge-podge of vested interests, combined with social...
  3. RedBaron

    Reviving strategic depth policy

    A very well-balanced article. I actually agree that Pakistan and Afghanistan are natural allies given the passage of time and the correct political environment. The last paragraph sums up the solution succintly.
  4. RedBaron

    CIA/Indian/Afghan Involvement in WoT in Pakistan

    No sir, you did not...in Kargil '99, NLI troops hiked up unoccupied ridges and started directing artillery fire onto Srinagar-Leh NH1, with the goal of disrupting the vital Indian military supply chain to Ladakh region. The aim was supposedly to choke off supplies to Siachen, softening it up...
  5. RedBaron

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    The allegations are that India is directly or indirectly funding TTP/Pak Taliban. If so, then India would be guilty of being an accomplice if not mastermind of heinous crimes like beheading soldiers/FC and killing scores of FATA/Swat elders and other civilians. The final casualty figure in...
  6. RedBaron

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    Sir, as a senior member you know as well as I do that foreign policy especially in Indo-Pak context is not a child's game. There are no sweet innocents here. This is a high-stakes game with no good and evil sides. India has learnt valuable lessons from the Kandahar hijack drama, and hence knows...
  7. RedBaron

    World Armies - India

    No, Pak members are insisting India is collaborating with TTP/Pak Taliban as per some former US intel. It's a bizarre argument, but healthy debate nevertheless...
  8. RedBaron

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    USA has such a massive presence in Afghanistan that multiple consulates are unnecessary. India wants to play a large role there due to the reasons I've described in my previous post. Consulates and embassies are official missions. Unofficial centers are anything but, and should be easy to...
  9. RedBaron

    World Armies - India

    FATMAN Sahib, I've finally found you!! :yahoo: Sir, you've been missed elsewhere in the WoT thread...we're having a fascinating debate on Indian support for Taliban, with the full complement of members: Think Tanks, firebrand Jihadists, screaming newbies, thoughtful intellectuals, quiet...
  10. RedBaron

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    Below are details on the official 5 Indian missions, can someone post details of the remaining 27 please? Embassy of India, Kabul Malalai Watt, Shahre-Nau, Kabul, Afghanistan. Telephone: 00-873-763095560 Fax: 00-873-763095561 Email: embassy@indembassy-kabul.com Web : meakabul.nic.in...
  11. RedBaron

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    Well, Holbrooke's appointment presents an excellent opportunity for GoP to present its case. The protocol followed could be roughly along the lines of the Mumbai case: - Collect and process evidence of Indian planning, support of TTP/Taliban/other-groups clearly listing names, nationalities...
  12. RedBaron

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    This is a much bandied about phrase which is not grounded in reality. Today's geopolitical landscape is much more complicated than it was in the age of the Caliphs. There is little unity even among Arab nations, let alone the entire Muslim world. Case in point: there was much reluctance among...
  13. RedBaron

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    A.M. I will admit that in the last 12 months, I sense that Kashmir Valley has seen perceptible reduction in insurgent activity and some of that may be due to new GoP leadership and PA/ISI reassessing their priorities due to FATA/NWFP events. This seems to have facilitated peaceful elections and...
  14. RedBaron

    Swat Operation II

    Here's one woman resident from Swat who is apparently neither happy nor relieved. Watch the video to gauge the actual emotions... Pakistani woman watches Taliban take over town she loves - CNN.com
  15. RedBaron

    President approves Sharia laws

    I've edited my comment - I did not mean "implementation" as in acting on the promulgation. The common thread I see among members on this forum who agree with this development is trusting that the TTP-Swat will obediently eschew violence, lay down arms and melt away. Their firebrand version...
  16. RedBaron

    President approves Sharia laws

    The solution should have been two-pronged: - GoP promulgating Sharia in Swat to appease the locals as the Swatyans preferred Sharia at least by media accounts - Continuing action against TTP to ensure the people who burnt schools, beheaded hostages, killed troops are arrested, killed or...
  17. RedBaron

    President approves Sharia laws

    I have not ignored that factor. If Sharia was a grievance in Swat, TTP has now emerged as the primary force that has helped address this grievance. TTP has shown that it has the ability to exploit local grievances to further its agenda. It capitalized on the Sharia issue in Swat, it can...
  18. RedBaron

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    What is the endgame is this angle? Americans shooting up the area, causing local discontent against GoP and fomenting an agitation for an independent Pashtunistan? And I suppose the endgame here being Afghanistan annexing FATA to create this Greater Afghanistan... So the message of the two...
  19. RedBaron

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    Had this allegation of Indian support for Taliban been true, there would have been absolutely no reluctance on the part of US gov't to confront India. - The allegation implies India supports the very people who kill American troops. Why is US gov't silent if this is true? - Also, the Afghan...
  20. RedBaron

    President approves Sharia laws

    AM, My comment about Taliban being on a roll and not stopping at Swat was motivated by the following report: Talking to a private TV channel, TTP spokesman Maulvi Omar said the Taliban would try their best for the enforcement of Islamic system in the country and FATA. Yes, Swatyans have...
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