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  1. Samlee

    Chinese company hands over Allai Khwar power project to WAPDA

    Thank You China:pakistan::china:
  2. Samlee

    PDF Color Scheme

    I Repeat With Insistence This Change Is Totally Uncalled For.This Was Supposed To Be Pakistan Defence Forum.What Pakistaniat Is Left Without The Green Background I Know and Love.The Whole Layout Is Completely Childish.I Cannot Make Out Where One Post Ends and Another One Begins
  3. Samlee

    PDF Color Scheme

    I Do Not Like It One Bit Please Revert Back At Once.Have The PDF Admin Gone Mad
  4. Samlee

    Efforts being made to bring improvement in railway: Saad Rafiq

    Right Now Japan Is The Opportunity of A Lifetime For Pakistan.After 2 Decades of Slow Growth Japan Under Shinzo Abe Is Looking To Once Again Revive It's Economy.A Part Of This Economy Is To Export Japanese Infrastructure Expertise and Technology.It Looks To Triple Infrastructure by FY 2020.As...
  5. Samlee

    As China offers funds to Iran, India set to fast-track Chabahar pact

    Israel plans big boost for spy satellites TEL AVIV, Israel, May 13 (UPI) -- Israel has disclosed that a large, but unspecified, chunk of the funding for its upcoming multiyear defense plan will go to launching spy satellites to provide round-the-clock real-time surveillance of Iran and...
  6. Samlee

    The largest island in Pakistan: Astola Island

    Can We Do Mega Projects Like The Ones Proposed In Bundal Island Offshore Karachi Here.If They Can Attract Massive Development(Remember Diamond Bar Island City) Then Astola Being Offshore Super Strategic Gwadar Can Attract Much More i.e If Environmentalists and Local Nationalists Don't Raise Hell...
  7. Samlee

    Hashwani returns to build hotels, exploit resources

    Don't Be Negative.How Is It Exploiting When At A Difficult Time In Pakistan's Economic History,He Wishes To Invest In Different Projects and Create Employment Opportunities
  8. Samlee

    Pakistan to set up 2 new coastal power projects

    Instead of Gadani They Should Have Just Revived The Old Keti Bandar Project of The Second Tenure of BB First Because Feasabilities Have Already Been Done On It.It Will Take Many Months to Complete All The Technical Details On This Greenfield Project
  9. Samlee

    Japanese delegation declares Pakistan ‘fit for business’

    Hope They Do Invest In The Coming Days Esp. Take Advantage of The Sino Pak Economic Corridor
  10. Samlee

    Pakistani Music

    What Do You Mean Real Pakistani He Is Very Much Pakistani It Is On This Fact That The Indian Authorities Tried To Kick Him Out Of The Country. On The Topic The Best Music Is The One Being Sung These Days Is For The Different TV Dramas: This Is Just Starters I Will Post More
  11. Samlee

    PM desires enhanced Pakistan-Japan trade

    Right Now Japan Is The Opportunity of A Lifetime For Pakistan.After 2 Decades of Slow Growth Japan Under Shinzo Abe Is Looking To Once Again Revive It's Economy.A Part Of This Economy Is To Export Japanese Infrastructure Expertise and Technology.It Looks To Triple Infrastructure by FY 2020.As...
  12. Samlee

    Pakistan to privatise 31 entities to meet IMF bailout clause

    Hasn't It Already Opened Up?I Mean What About Mundra,and As For FDI, PSA and DP World Are Investing in Container Terminals Right??????????
  13. Samlee

    Pakistan to privatise 31 entities to meet IMF bailout clause

    For All I Have Said In Favor of Privatisation,I Am Worried About How Nawaz &Co Privatise State Entities.When MCB Was Being Privatised, Benazir Rejected An Offer of Rs60 Billion But Nawaz Gave It To Mian Mansha For Rs.19 Billion Which Was The Third Highest Bid Rejecting The Highest Bid Of Tawakal...
  14. Samlee

    Pakistan to privatise 31 entities to meet IMF bailout clause

    I said Karachi magno metro It Was Started During Nazim Karachi Mustafa Kamal With The Help of a swiss Company Google It For Yourself
  15. Samlee

    Pakistan to privatise 31 entities to meet IMF bailout clause

    Shaukat Aziz Was Successful In Creating A Business Friendly Environment.This Is Why People Wanted To Do Business.We Have Already Had An Excellent Experience With Deregulating Telecoms.Under The MTDF We Were Going To Extend This Policy and Development Our Infrastructure Under PPP mode.What...
  16. Samlee

    Pakistan to privatise 31 entities to meet IMF bailout clause

    Oh God Not You Again,Anyway I Have Never Denied It But When You Run Down My Country Don't Expect Me To Show Any Respect To Your Fancy Chrome and Glass Airports.If A Reasonable Indian Talked With Me May Be I Would Have respected His Claim But The Arrogance You Had Shown Was Uncalled For.I...
  17. Samlee

    Pakistan to privatise 31 entities to meet IMF bailout clause

    OK Dear Before You Get Another Bout of Fabian Socialism That Our So Called Kaiser Bengali Type Economists Feed Into Your Head Through The Media.Let Me Clarify Some Things First. There Are Multiple Modes of Privatisation. Privatisation Does Not Just Mean That You Sell Off State Assets to The...
  18. Samlee

    China looks to Indian success story in fight to save its mangroves

    Is There Any Way To Get The Best of Both World's.I Mean Both Development and Environment.We Have Already Sacrificed Many Mega Projects Just To Protect These e.g Kalabagh Dam,Karachi Waterfront and Bundal Island Just To Name A Few
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