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  1. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    The so-called Internal Security operations are a sure way to destroy the professionalism and morale of the forces. Waziristan is Pakistani territory; and the bad guys are mostly Pakistani citizens. Lets see what was once the reaction of Israeli Air Force pilots on such operations on an area...
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    Why Waziristan cannot be conquered

    Developereo: “” The problem is the jihadi indoctrination in Pakistan and we must remove it from our people's minds. Whatever grievance or complaints people have, they must be handled within the law.”” You are so right!. Actually Islam needs a bit of restructuring. This...
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    On different wavelengths — Ayesha Siddiqa

    Dear S-2: “”There is no convenient option to testify before civil leaders-at least not elsewhere. It is law, often predictable by both schedule and need, and entails the full subordination of your military to a HIGHER power.”” You are Absolutely right! Army must subscribe to a democratically...
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    Terrorist Casualty Count

    Guys, is this some kind of Video game?
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    All-Green: “”These terrorists are making us stronger...our Army and Air force are getting crucial battle experience...”” You call this battle hardening? Pulverizing a few Kalashnikov wielding wild eyed crazies without any real defense does not make you a better soldier...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    courageneverdies “” I dont think that the burden of IDPs of Waziristan will be of that magnitude which we had seen of Malakand Div. because people have already been displacing from Waziristan because of the news that the op might be launched at any time. Plus the bombing of PAF also...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Dear Taimikhan: That was excellent and highly informative post. Very well researched!!. My key concern is here: “”If you remember in 2001 crises, the whole army was nearly mobilized in 2 weeks time, even the far flung formations of Quetta & Peshawar reached the...
  8. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    I guess Pak Army will capture South Waziristan in 3-4 days. Makin is a rather easy objective; Probably 3000-4000 bad guys will get killed. But it will take lots of resources to hold on to it .... It will end up being a worse festering wound than Swat is.
  9. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Dear Truth Seeker: We feel proud of you drawing the attention of Senator James Webb to this forum. It is important that the US leadership and general masses take deeper interest in Pakistan affairs and familiarize themselves with non-Government opinions. This forum per se does not represent a...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    AliFarooq: China has no interest or incentive to protect our rear end while we are wasting 1/3rd of our military strength waging America's war on our own soil against our "misguided" citizens.
  11. J

    Why Waziristan cannot be conquered

    Bill Longley AliFarooq Just consider a few factors:  Whereas the people of FATA would love to have the normal Pakistani laws and constitution; the change must make a substantial difference to their lives.  Pakistani bureaucracy is used to “Ruling” its people...
  12. J

    Pak Taliban chief threatens India

    All-Green: Karzai cannot agree to fence the border; because Afghan constitution does not recognize the Durand line as a legitimate international border. This is what Afghans think of the “border”: http://www.afghanistans.com/Information/History/Durandline.htm The Durand Line was...
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    Why Waziristan cannot be conquered

    How will the "victory" in South Waziristan look like? What is the definition of conquest there? Pak Army will sure capture major population centers in about 3-4 days. probably kill 3000-4000 "bad guys" in the bargain. What then? 1. Control the area through curfews a la Swat? 2. Assign 2...
  14. J

    Is it right to attack South Waziristan now?

    S-2: “” So, whatever this war was in your minds back in November of 2001, it has certainly morphed into a far more virulent infection since then. Sorta a swine flu pandemic gone berserk... So God love ya'. I hope you get it together quickly as the military fight in the Islamic...
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    Is it right to attack South Waziristan now?

    Abu Zolfiqar: So you mean to say that the Shia Turi tribesmen of Kurram are great patriots and the Sunni Mehsud’s are “terrorists”? Why on earth are you bringing the Shia-Sunni fasad to this forum?
  16. J

    Is it right to attack South Waziristan now?

    S-2: “”Should the afghan taliban win, their partners-in-mayhem-A.Q. will surely attempt to attack the west.”” These above shows what your true colors are!. Your government has apparently succeeded in trapping Pakistan into taking ownership of your dirty war of...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    fatman17 Not a hint buddy! Our Army just racks in victories wherever it goes. Never ending series of Conquests.
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Dear Taimikhan Whereas you are right on the mark in respect of infantry fighting formations in a division; “”Brigade = 3units = 800*3= 2400 approx One Div = 3 Brigades = 3*2400 = 7200 approx”” Your description of TO&E of a division is obviously flawed. During active operations...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Dear fatman17: Anything in the ITAR list is "classified". And the list is pretty long.
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Decisive assault on South Waziristan has begun! Pak Fauj Zinda Bad Fateh-e-Waziristan Zida Bad Fateh-e-Swat Zida Bad Fateh-e-Bajaur Zida Bad Fateh-e-Mohmand Zida Bad Fateh-e-Khyber Zida Bad Fateh-e-Lal Masjid Zida Bad
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