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  1. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Xeric Part of my family is in Jamrud, actually living amongst the “beasts”. I was in Peshawar last month; feeling of insecurity is pervasive. But it is understandable, people of Swat, Khyber, Waziristan too have lived in the shadow of death; a shell here, a bomb there and a drone there. There...
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    TTP, Afghan Taliban and Al Qaeda: Three Heads of the Same Monster

    TalibanSwatter: Why don’t Iran and Taliban just shake hands and form a common cause. They have a common adversary; Iran is practically in a US pincer from two directions. On the Shia-Sunni thing, can you please tell me whether the Holy Prophet PBUH was a sunni or shia?
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    TTP, Afghan Taliban and Al Qaeda: Three Heads of the Same Monster

    Muhammad Ahsan Honestly you are wasting your time. No one around here cares for Islamic teachings. Our Generals and politicians have a single point agenda; to keep the USA in good humor. That means $$$$$. We go to some phenomenal lengths. Ever heard of Dr Afia Siddiqi? We sold our Pakistani...
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    COMMENT: Taliban vs India —Rafia Zakaria (Who is the worse enemy?)

    India needs a Pakistan that is as tame as Bhutan. Thanks to your friend Musharraf, India is now at the former status of USA, and the USA has been elevated to an Almighty status. With 1/3rd of strength busy with internal strife, we are about half way there.
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    Al-Qaeda, Afghan and Pakistan Taliban join forces?

    M-Phoenix: Strong exception to your tirade, even though some points are valid: “” So go ahead, stand for your haram National anthem and salute the Pakistani Flag, celebrate your haram Independance day, in imitation of the Kuffar”” Our independence in 1947 was...
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    Al-Qaeda, Afghan and Pakistan Taliban join forces?

    Student: Sad aftermath of life long scars on your innocence by some Nejdi salafi s.o.b. All the sympathies. Pick your kit bag and go to Bannu, that’s the easiest route to Waziristan.
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    Why Waziristan cannot be conquered

    TalibanSwatter: Probably some salafi s.o.b left life long scars on your psyche. You can unburden your heart by sharing with your brothers and sisters at this forum.
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    Why Waziristan cannot be conquered

    Developereo “” However, anyone who incites violence against, or denies equal rights to, our people must be prosecuted. Without exception”” If violence is bad, then this should apply to all State and non-State actors. Please demonstrate some moral courage by condemning...
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    Not much coverage of Waziristan

    Pakistani press and TV channels have made "sanitization" pledge with our big bosses. They have to contend with ISPR released and "Kosher" news only.
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    HAIDER “”Todays news GEO camera caught something new...USAF f18 in Waziristan operation...Good to see US are helping PAF for operation clean up...”” That’s a good development. The US should fight its own ground war too, and not use our soldiers as gun fodder.
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Xeric “”However, unlike in those years, the Army will benefit from the backing of the public and soldiers no longer feel they are fighting a war that is not theirs, says Qadir. "In earlier incursions, you had an instance where 208 soldiers surrendered to only a handful of militants...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Batmannow: It is patently comic when wannabies like yourself wanna play “Bulwarks against the Fifth Column of the Enemy”!!! In this case the “Hidden Taliban”!. You are advised to join Rehman Miliks anti-terrorist Student force and earn a medal. My point is simple. Don’t ruin the Army as...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Dear Batmannow: You seem to be terribly impressed with George Bush, and have a great sense of humor too!. “”ARE YOU WITH US? OR AGAINST US?”” My post is very much relevant. Counter Insurgency Asymmetric warfare is just too damn easy …….. The Forces actually...
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    Why Waziristan cannot be conquered

    Dear student: Is’nt that a sure way to get rid of Jehadi militant tendencies? Being loyal allies of US / NATO it is imperative that we rid our society of the basic semblance of Islam. Pakistan Army and PAF are fighting the same noble war under US / NATO directions.
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    Student Task Force to counter terrorism

    Brilliant idea ..... turn students into Police Touts and Informers! Thats the Rehman Malik mentality that he borrowed from his days in FIA, when he was busy spinning money from human smuggling rackets.
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    Gen Petraeus coming to Pak for consultation

    Dear Fundamentalist: Iqbal's Pakistan died its natural death a long time ago!. Only a part of his philosophy is alive in FATA: "Afghan baqi ... Kuhsar baqi". That too will be "conquered" in a few months.
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    How America is shifting War from Afghanistan to Pakistan

    Dear S-2: You sure got a great sense of humor! “”What happens to Afghanistan? Who knows. Can the children be saved? Likely no but, then, nobody is really saving them now and it's breaking our hearts to be helpless in the face of the Karzai clique.”” You mean to say...
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    How America is shifting War from Afghanistan to Pakistan

    Pakistan Army is showing much better performance than the Iraqi Army or the Afghan Army. Just look how much money is being spent on PA as compared to the Iraqis or Afghans. For just 3.33% of the money spent we have killed more Al-Quiada / Taliban than both the Iraqis and Afghans put...
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    Gen Petraeus coming to Pak for consultation

    The big Boss is coming! Lets show some efficiency, some performance and some victories ......
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    Counter insurgency “asymmetric” anti-terror operations destroy the conventional capabilities and initiative of the forces. Here are some excerpts of what happened in Dacca in December 1971: http://www.hinduonnet.com/nic/karan-gen-jacob.htm In CNBC’s ‘India...
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