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  1. B

    Taliban gets Chinese weapons

    I agree...the guns made in those markets are far better than the one's made by China. I have a friend here who hails from that area and has used those guns. "Because these guns are made with hand they are far better than the Chinese one and these can be very easily repaired.Chinese guns...
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    India beefs up defence along China-India border

    Do they host Pakistani flags in Aski Chin? Hey that is Kashmir too.
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    USA Buys Russia’s Su-27 Jets From Ukraine to Find Out Why F-15 Is So Bad

    Yawn!!! Prove them wrong....! A SU 27 has a higher ceiling limit than a F 15. End of case
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    Message From Zaid Hamid to All Pakistanis accross the Globe

    Coolyo, I have tried to show you numerous number of times that Zahid Hamid is a nut job..... you do not seem to recognize....I have given you ample number of proof.. You Pakistani friends agree with me.... You are not Zaid Hamid himself are you ?
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    Indian Army News & Discussions

    They all start as jawans in the Army.... I don't know the pakistani equivalent... They raise to the rank of captain.major ....and that too if they show exceptional bravery in battle field. (Awards such as param veer chakra and stuff)
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    NDTV’s Kargil memoirs (mostly neutral)

    Not that I am adding too much to the thread but ... Here is why Sachen is so important to Pakistanis Indians and the Chinese. 10 years of Kargil war | Tejaswy Try this if the above link is not working http://linkbee.com/BH8IN Found this on twitter and this on has to be my...
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    India fueling insurgency in Baluchistan

    Dear Mods, This issue has been discussed to death and i think that it was agreed upon that no more threads will be posted on this topic without any proof. No proof has been show in this thread and hence forth please close this thead Regards BSF
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    You might want to use normal fonts the next time you post...we are not blind you know. As a matter of fact it is a good point that you make. Really worth thinking about. They might have a chosen contender this time (let me say Mig 35) and they might want to test it in combat with other...
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    India fueling insurgency in Baluchistan

    See dear,There is a very simple way to shut us all up. Just give the damn evidence and shut us up. But you won't give the evidence.You know why? Because you do not have any evidence. Its just a dream
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    US installing radiation detectors at Pakistani ports

    The US does not trust in Pakistani regime any more after what AQ Khan did. Some called him the EBAY of Nuclear weapons So why take a chance.!
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    China requires censoring all computers

    See you must understand the difference the infringement of IPR, Violation of copyright and stealing. The code is stolen by People Republic of China and is being used. I hope you see the difference. ;)
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    RAW agent arrested

    Well if you cannot show evidence then why don't you stop balbbing about it If you could then you would When did this happen ? Links?
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    Baluchistan included in Indo-Pak joint statement.

    Share it with the world then .... Why limit the proof to itself.? Give it to the media...like India did with 26/11 Empty bowl make more noise. If you could have...You would have.
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    Ward off espionage :India to design a home-grown microprocessor

    I some how get the feeling the chips we currently use ... Intel AMD etc are not secure and can be exploited in event of a war...May be they can act as a torjan horse in event of a when ever needed. This is why GOI is making its own chips to be installed and used so that it is safe from exploits...
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    Half of Russian air-to-air missiles with IAF have homing, ageing problems

    CAG stands for Comptroller Audit General. He is entrusted to audit the Books of all Indian companies including all branches of the Indian Military. Where ever he finds faults or feels corruption is involved he records it and tables his finding to the Parliament. His records are usually...
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    Ward off espionage :India to design a home-grown microprocessor

    Blocking a DDoS is not complicated esp if it comes from China. All you need to do is put a filter to all the Chinese IP address. The trouble is when you are hacked and some one places a worm in your network infrastructure, for example in the processor or the NIC. And I think this is where the...
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    Ward off espionage :India to design a home-grown microprocessor

    I am not a hacker but i will give you my limited knowledge on DDOS So what happens that the server is so busy completing the requests of fake nature that it denies you (the legitimate user) access to the data you seek. Of course you need a a big bot net to launch a DDoS of that scale,which...
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    Ward off espionage :India to design a home-grown microprocessor

    Now what i am made to believe is that the Chinese attacks starts with a Denial of Distribution service. (DDOS) So how exactly is this chip to stop a DDOS ?
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