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  1. j20blackdragon

    China to past UK, France by 2020

    I can give some solutions, but remember it's just my personal opinion. I could be right or wrong. China will clear the first island chain with missile and air strikes. Ships are not needed at all because the distances are not that great. The J-16, J-20, H-6K, H-20, UCAVs, DF-21D, and CJ-10 can...
  2. j20blackdragon

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    We can see the DAS window and EOTS very clearly now. Looks like the F-35 just got trolled.
  3. j20blackdragon

    China to past UK, France by 2020

    HGV attack against the US mainland will require a few things: 1. Global Beidou-2 coverage -- not available yet. 2. ICBM launch against the US mainland -- not exactly a good idea. 3. Reconnaissance satellites or some other offboard sensor to provide targeting information for the HGV. The US...
  4. j20blackdragon

    China to past UK, France by 2020

    Central Asia is for petroleum and natural gas. Southeast Asia is for the Strait of Malacca. The PLA can take both. Nobody allows people to do anything in this world. You have to take it.
  5. j20blackdragon

    China to past UK, France by 2020

    Let me reiterate again. I am not against a buildup for the PLAN. I would LOVE to see more Chinese carrier battle groups if we can afford it. However, simply building more ships is not a magical panacea for our problems. 1. We need to do something about the Strait of Malacca. 2. We need to...
  6. j20blackdragon

    China to past UK, France by 2020

    The US has the luxury of building these expensive white elephant ships like the Zumwalt-class and Ford-class because of their unique geographical position. The US is surrounded by two large oceans and friendly nations like Canada and Mexico. Moreover, there is currently no nation on the planet...
  7. j20blackdragon

    China to past UK, France by 2020

    No offense, but any suggestion that China somehow needs to conduct an amphibious assault on Japan and the Philippines is absurd. Both countries are island nations with no natural resources. Only an idiot would want to invade them. The US decided to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki precisely so they...
  8. j20blackdragon

    China to past UK, France by 2020

    China's transportation capabilities are not as bad as you think it is. Here are two facts to consider: 1. China is situated in the world's largest continental landmass called Eurasia. 2. China currently has the world's largest auto industry. 2012 Statistics | OICA Now let's think about...
  9. j20blackdragon

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    Why not? Are soldiers unable to sit inside passenger cars? What's the big difference between a SUV and a US Army Humvee?
  10. j20blackdragon

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    This isn't 1979 anymore. The Chinese auto industry produced over 19 million vehicles in 2012. List of countries by motor vehicle production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Driving the entire army into Southeast Asia would be the easiest thing in the world.
  11. j20blackdragon

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    With enough helicopters, the PLA could island-hop across a huge chunk of Indonesia from Peninsular Malaysia if it wanted to. But you're right. If merchant vessels wanted to take the long way around Australia, they can certainly do that. Nevertheless, China would have much to gain from having a...
  12. j20blackdragon

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    A Chinese invasion of Southeast Asia is less about Vietnam and more about bypassing the Strait of Malacca and gaining a coastline along the Indian Ocean. For example, why do you think we built this pipeline through Myanmar? We did it to bypass the Strait of Malacca. Now imagine a PLA...
  13. j20blackdragon

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    There's no need to have a logical conversation with Viets because their IQ is about the same as Indians. :lol:
  14. j20blackdragon

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    Hans M. Kristensen didn't get confused. He might be playing stupid, but he's not confused. As a 'talking head' within the US arms-control community, it's his job to diminish the capabilities of virtually all states with nuclear weapons in order to pursue his own agenda. So according to the...
  15. j20blackdragon

    New Type 57 Frigate in the works

    Military vessels come from the same shipyards, and are made from the same steel and aluminum as merchant ships.
  16. j20blackdragon

    New Type 57 Frigate in the works

    On the contrary, China's naval buildup is actually excruciatingly slow relative to the size of the nation's shipbuilding industry. It's somewhat frustrating from the perspective of military buffs like myself because I know China can do so much better. Did you guys know the US built over 100...
  17. j20blackdragon

    China’s Huge 3D Printers, Soon Able to Print Automobile Sized Metal Objects

    It's not just 3D printing. China is currently the world's largest producer, importer, and consumer of machine tools. In other words, China dominates the entire global machine tools industry. Full report here: http://www.gardnerweb.com/cdn/cms/uploadedFiles/2013wmtocs_SURVEY.pdf But of course...
  18. j20blackdragon

    Giant 3D Printer

    It's not just 3D printing. China is currently the world's largest producer, importer, and consumer of machine tools. In other words, China dominates the entire global machine tools industry. Full report here: http://www.gardnerweb.com/cdn/cms/uploadedFiles/2013wmtocs_SURVEY.pdf But of course...
  19. j20blackdragon

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    I want to talk logistics again because I want to reiterate just how easy it is for China to invade Southeast Asia. Three maps. First, do you see any major geographical features that would prevent the PLA from simply driving the entire army into Southeast Asia? I sure don't. In fact, the...
  20. j20blackdragon

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    That may have been true 60+ years ago. However, today China is the epicenter for global economic growth and wealth creation. Japan has now experienced two lost decades and has an aging and declining population. What has Japan done recently that would be considered impressive? I stand by my...
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