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  1. E

    Tibetans can seek Indian citizenship: Lobsang Sangay

    It is your son of india. To us, it is simply just a bastard.
  2. E

    China's meager aid to the Philippines could dent its image

    We do not give a damn to what those China-haters think.
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    Tibetans can seek Indian citizenship: Lobsang Sangay

    Take all of them. We will really appreciate that. BTW, don't forget that son of india, that bastard lama. :rofl:
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    China's meager aid to the Philippines could dent its image

    goodwill to ph??? I will pass. We are very good to our friends. However, we will not be that nice to our enemies.
  5. E

    China-Vietnam: more carrot, less stick

    What a joke. In 1950, kim begged China and Russia to save his axx. U.S. was not invading China, what did China beg Russia for??? Both countries coordinated the effort with China providing army while Russia providing equipment. As for U.S. and China normalization, you seem to be another stupid...
  6. E

    The Context, Conduct and Consequences of an American Naval Blockade of China

    korea doesn't have important location??? You must be joking. U.S. withdrew from vn during the late 60s but U.S. never considers withdrawing from s.k. despite protects both from U.S. inside and s.k. as well. How many times do you see U.S. worked so hard, went so far to lead a so-called U.N...
  7. E

    Chinese delegate to Melbourne charged with rape of student: Anger in China

    2007 or 2013, it won't matter much. No country's crime rate, no matter it is rape or other type of crimes, will change dramatically. If there is a 20% to 30% increase or decrease, that would have been dramatic already. a merely 20k rape cases per year in india??? such number won't make any...
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    EF English Proficiency Index 2013 -3rd ed

    Just from my personal experience dealing with jap students both in China and overseas.
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    The Context, Conduct and Consequences of an American Naval Blockade of China

    If it is impossible in today's world, it will be impossible in the future as well with the fast development of Chinese military power.
  10. E

    World's most powerful typhoon hits Philippines

    ph has tons of people working overseas and also made a lot of money using his english speaking population to do business with U.S. and other countries. I thought its per-capital income level is higher than China as well. Where does ph government spend all of those money???
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